Hyperthermia/Hypothermia/Fever Flashcards
Left untreated, heat exhaustion will lead to ____ ____, which is often deadly
heat stroke
Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke?
- Moist and clammy skin, dilated pupils, normal/subnormal temperature
- Dry hot skin, constricted pupils, very high body temperature
(Heat Exhaustion) 1. Moist and clammy skin, dilated pupils, normal/subnormal temperature
(Heat Stroke) 2. Dry hot skin, constricted pupils, very high body temperature
Heat stroke is defined as a core body temperature usually _____ºF with associated _____ dysfunction in the setting of a large environmental heat load that (can/cannot) be dissipated
> 104 F
What are the two types of heat stroke?
Exertional and Nonexertional (“Classic” heat stroke)
What are 2 examples of nonexertional heat stroke causes?
Underlying chronic medical conditions that impair thermoregulation
Unable to leave a hot environment/correct it
What are some examples of underlying chronic medical conditions that impair thermoregulation?
CVD, neuro/psych disorders, obesity, anhidrosis, physical disability, extremes of age, use of drugs/meds (i.e. ETOH, cocaine, anticholinergics, diuretics)
Exertional heat stroke generally occurs in (old/young) (unhealthy/healthy) individuals
young healthy (who exercise heavily in hot, humid weather)
Sx of heat stroke include…
…weakness, lethargy, N, dizziness
Why might you hear crackles on PE of a pt who is experiencing heat stroke?
Due to noncardiogenic pulmonary edema
Mortality of heat stroke is up to ~___%
up to ~63%
Risk factors that increase mortality related to heat stroke include…
Higher degree of temperature elevation
Increased time to initiation of cooling measures
Higher number of organ systems affected
Presence of anuria, coma, or CV failure
In a pt with heat stroke, hypotension or volume depletion is tx w/ ______
IV boluses of isotonic crystalloid (normal saline)
T/F Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation are often necessary for pts with heat stroke
What type of cooling methods are best tolerated for the treatment of classic heat stroke?
Evaporative cooling methods (i.e. moistened skin with fans across patient)
What can you Rx to patients w/ heat stroke who are shivering? Why is it important to control shivering in heat stroke pts?
Control shivering prn with benzodiazepines
Shivering can raise the body’s temperature
T/F Utilizing malignant hyperthermia pharmacologic therapy (i.e. dantrolene) and alcohol sponge baths in pts with heat stroke are effective methods of tx
False, they should not be used!