Hypertensive Pregnancy Disorders Flashcards
Patients at risk of developing preeclampsia
- Hx of preeclampsia
- Antiphospholipid syndrome
- DM
- Hypertension
Hydralazine, labetalol, methylfopa and nifedipine can..
all be used during pregnancy.
As for HTN in pregnancy,
Initial antepartum evaluation,
Hospitalization & delivery,
Outpatient monitoring
are Management options
…for Gestational HTN
and Preeclampsia withOUT severe features.
__ is indicated for Severe HTN in pregnancy (Systolic 160, diastolic 110 and up)
Antihypertensive drug therapy
As for HTN in pregnancy, Hospitalization and delivery if:
37 wks and more,
suspected placental abruption,
34 wks and more plus..
- Labor or ROM
- weight <5th percentile
- Oligohydramnios
- abnormal test results
Immediate delivery after stabilization
Delivery 24- 48 hours after corticosteroids and stabilization
(are management options for)..
Preeclampsia with severe features
HTN in pregnancy.
Delivery is indicated for GA 34 weeks and older Or Less than 34 weeks with maternal/fetal instability if..
Preeclampsia with Severe features
HTN in pregnancy.
Expectant management, indicated at < 34 weeks gestation?
- Maternal and fetal monitoring (ICU)
- MgSO4 prophylaxis
- Oral antihypertensives, Corticosteroids,
Diuretics (for pulmonary edema)
Preeclampsia prophylaxis is Low dose ASA PO from 12-14 weeks.
At risk patients..
- Previous preeclampsia
- Chronic HTN
- DM