Hypertension CIS Flashcards
65 y/o F brought to ED for increasing confusion. Has been complaining of a terrible headache and blurred vision for last 2 days. Ran out of meds 2 weeks ago because insurance ran out. PMH: HTN and tachyarrhythmia Meds: metoprolol, 50 mg 2x/day NKDA 97.F, BP 200/120, P 100/min Loud S4 Lungs: bi-basilar rales Electrocardiogram consistent with left ventricular hypertrophy
Which would be best immediate action? A. Administer lorazepam B. Obtain serum creatinine level C. Observe pt in quiet room D. Perform lumbar puncture E. Administer intravenous nitroprusside
A. Administer lorazepam: would further cloud sensorium, suppress respirations
B. Obtain serum creatinine level: will not protect from target organ damage and would be included in initial bloodwork
C. Observe pt in quiet room: high BP with symptoms needs acute invertevention
D. Perform lumbar puncture: BP of 200/120 poses great danger, no sign of infection, and no h/o falls or worst headache of my life
E. Administer intravenous nitroprusside quick onset, easily titratable to avoid too quickly lowering her BP, generally well tolerated
Describe hypertensive urgency vs emergency
Systolic BP>180 or diastolic BP>130 and NO evidence of end organ damage
May occur at any BP but involves damage to at least one organ system
What are signs of target organ involvement in HTN?
CV: MI, angina, aortic dissection, aneurysmal dilation of large vessels, LVH, CHF
Renal: hematuria, proteinuria, AKI (ARF)
CNS: cerebral edema, altered mental status, bleed, stroke, TIA
Ophthalmologic: retinal hemorrhages or exudates, papilledema, AV nicking
28 y/o F is pregnant in first trimester and has just been diagnosed with hypertension with no secondary established. Her hypertension has not responded to diet, exercise, and stress reduction.
As a first line therapy, which would you recommend? A. Thiazide diuretic B. Magnesium sulfate C. Enalapril D. Diltiazem E. Methyldopa
A. Thiazide diuretic: decreasing circulating volume is contraindicated in pregnancy due to decreased perfusion of placenta and fetus
B. Magnesium sulfate: no signs of preeclampsia
C. Enalapril: pregnancy category D: absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy. Teratogenic in 1st trimester
D. Diltiazem: pregnancy category C. Risk to fetus
E. Methyldopa: pregnancy category B, alpha agonist
19 y/o F otherwise healthy, comes to clinic for routine health check. Complains of episodic headaches as well as occasional palpitations. Blood pressure check reveals pressure of 190/110.
PE: abdominal bruit heard over upper right and left abdominal quadrants. Because pt has previously had normal BP as a teenager and has no family history of HTN, extensive search for secondary causes of HTN is undertaken.
Magnetic resonance demonstrates a string of beads bilaterally.
Which of the following should be used with utmost vigilance in this pt? A. Amlodipine B. Clonidine C. Hydrochlorothiazide D. Metoprolol E. Fosinopril
E. Fosinopril
Age group likely to have sex and get pregnant. ACEIs avoided in childbearing population
ACEIs small risk of induction of kidney failure. They dilate vascular surrounding kidneys. Efferent arterioles dilated. Narrowing of afferent arterioles in pt plus ACEIs could lead to decreased blood flow and thus kidney failure.
Compare/contrast atherosclerosis with fibromuscular dysplasia
Atherosclerosis >50 y/o Male 33% bilaterally Progressive +++ Responsive to angioplasty + Associated risks (tobacco, lipids, diabetes) +++
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Describe renovascular hypertension associated with renal artery stenosis
- Stenosis is a progressive obstructive disease
- Stenosis rate of 1.5% per month
- If untreated, can lead to total occlusion
- Causes of stenosis & HTN are atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia
Describe the different types of fibromuscular dysplasia
Medial fibromuscular dysplasia
- most common. 85% of all stenosis
- 9/1 F to M, ages 25-45
- can be seen in carotids and iliac arteries
- 70% bilateral
- may appear as solitary mid and distal stenotic lesions or multiple constrictions with intervening aneruysmal dilations
Perifibromuscular dysplasia
- 10-25%
- usually mid-distal portion of renal artery
Intimal fibromuscular dysplasia
- 5%
- M=F
- infants and young adults more frequent
What are the types of renal arterial stenosis (RAS)?
- One stenosis
- 2 kidneys (unilateral renal arterial stenosis) - Two stenoses
- 2 kidneys (bilateral renal artery stenosis) - One stenosis
- 1 kidney (unilateral stenosis in solitary kidney)
Compare the 3 types of RAS
- decreased intravascular volume
- more renin mediated (increased) than others
- BP usually falls with ACEIs
Bilateral or one kidney
- increased intravascular volume
- renin mediation is more varied
- ACE response unpredictable and may worsen HTN
Describe diagnosis of renovascular hypertension
- Renal ultrasound with arterial dopplers
- Captopril test (reactive rise in renin and large fall in BP after administration)
- Digital subtraction angiography
- MRI: angiography
- Arteriography
- Renal vein renin ration (ratio of 1.5 or greater)
Describe treatment of renovascular hypertension
- Aimed at BP control and preservation of renal function
- Medical rx: antihypertensive meds
- Unilateral stenosis: ACEI unpredictable, may worsen
- Bilateral stenosis or unilateral with 1 kidney: may see renal dysfunction caused by ACEI
- Poor response to 3 or more agents points way to nonpharmacologic interventions, eg stenting
- Surgical treatment grafting
What are contraindications to ACEIs?
- Bilateral renal artery stenosis
- Unilateral renal artery stenosis with solitary kidney
- Pregnancy
- Known angioneurotic edema with prior ACE administration
- Relative contraindication: ACE-induced cough
What can cause secondary hypertension?
Sleep apnea Drug-induced causes Chronic kidney disease Primary aldosteronism Renovascular disease Steroid therapy or Cushing's syndrome Pheochromocytoma Coarctation of aorta Thyroid disease Parathyroid disease
72 y/o M presents to ED suffering from palpitations and headache. At time of arrival, he is found to have a BP of 210/120 mm HG, proteinuria confirmed by dipstick, and his funduscopic.
PMH: long-standing essential hypertension
- What do you expect on his funduscopic?
- Pt states that his systolic BP has never been greater than 175. He normally takes hypertensive meds but ran out and missed last night’s dose.
Which, if abruptly stopped, is most likely to cause this pt’s symptoms?
A. Atenolol
B. Clonidine
C. Felodipine
D. Hydrochlorothiazide
E. Lisinopril
- Arteriorvenous nicking (long standing history of HTN)
Papilledema (hypertensive emergency) - Clonidine
Possibly hypertension urgency.
Alpha2 agonist
Decreases sympathetic outflow
48 y/o M presents to clinic for a return visit and has a history of adult-onset diabetes. On previous visits, a great deal of time has been spent working with pt to bring his diabetes and cardiac risk factors under control. Although blood glucose levels are better controlled and his lipids are near target, his BP remains elevated. The pt has been watching his diet and exercising for last 6 months but still has a BP of 148/92 on today’s visit.
Which is most appropriate, first medication to start for this pt’s HTN?
- Acetazolamide
- Clonidine
- Felodipine
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Lisinopril
- Metoprolol
- Sprionolactone
- Terazosin
- Triamterene
- None, continued diet and exercise
- Acetazolamide: glaucoma, acute mountain sickness
- Clonidine: risky
- Felodipine: CCB
- Hydrochlorothiazide: affects glucose regulation
* 5. Lisinopril* Good choice for diabetics with HTN and proteinuria
- Reduces pressure on glomerulus because of efferent dilation - Metoprolol: not as good as lisinopril
- Sprionolactone: Not as efficacious as thiazides
- Not as much sodium at DCT
- Reduces morbidity/mortality in HF - Terazosin: alpha-blocker, effective in HTN with BPH
- Triamterene: Like spironolactone
- Potassium-sparing diuretics
- Not as efficacious - None, continued diet and exercise
What are primary causes of kidney failure?
Diabetes 43.8% High BP 26.8% Glomerulonephritis 7.6% Cystic diseases 2.3% Urologic diseases 2% Other 17.5%
62 y/o F presents to office to follow up on elevated BP at her annual exam 2 weeks ago. PMH negative, PSH hysterectomy for fibroids. No meds, NKDA, labs normal, ophtho normal.
Which does JNC8 recommend for management for this pt's HTN? A. 110/50 B. 120/60 C. 130/70 D. 140/80 E. 150/90
E. 150/90
Describe 8th Joint National Committee and management of HBP in adults: Grades A and B
Grade A: In general population over 60 y/o, initiate treatment to achieve goal of 150/90
Grade B: in over 18 y/o with CKD, initial or add-on therapy should include ACEI or ARB