Hypertension Flashcards
Increased blood pressure
associated with a progressive increase in the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease
Risk however rises exponentially and not linear with pressure
Antihypertensive drugs
Agents affecting adrenergic function
Direct Arterial Vasodilators
Hydralazine-HTN, HF, oral long term
Minoxidil- K (atp) channel opener, HTN HF oral
Diazoxide- K channel openner, HTN emergencies, IV rapid
Counter regulatory Responses: potent reductions in perfusion activate baroreceptor reflex to increase sympathetic outflow, tachyphylaxis can cause loss of antihypertensive effect, relex release of renin
direct Arterial vasodilators Adverse effects
Sodium/water retention, tachycardia angina, minixidil can cause hair growth (hypertrichosis)
Calcium channel blockers
Nifedipine, Nicardipine, Amlodipine: dihydropyridines
Verapamil: Phenylalkylamine
Diltazem: benzothiazipine
MOA: arterial circulation (dominant), Vascular smooth muscle selectivity- dihydropyridines greater ratio vascular versus cardiac effects, Nimodipine cerebral vascular selective
USE: HTN/Angina/Vasopasm
Toxicity: bradycardia, aV block, flushing dizziness, nausea,constipation (verapamil), peripheral edema
Anithypertensive actions for calcium channel blockers
Dihydropyridines- Baroreceptor mediated reflex tachycardia due to potent vasodilating effects, do not alter conduction thru atrioventricular node
Non-dihydropyridines: decrease HR, slow atrioventricular nodal conduction
MOA: NO donors
Arterial and venous circulation
HTN emergencies- rapid reduction arterial pressure
Admin- IV, rapid offset after discontinuing, short duration
Toxicity: HTN, cyanide accumulation
Sympathetics nervous system
- Heart (increased contractility, HR) Beta 1 receptor
- Arterioles (vasoconstriction in the skin and viscera via alpha, vasodilatio in sk muscle/liver via Beta2)
- Lungs (bronchodilation) beta 2
- Kidney (increased renin) alpha 1 and beta 1
alpha 1 and alpha 2 blockers
Phenoxybenzamine and Phentolamine
Inhibit arterial vascular smooth muscle alpha1 receptors and venous smooth muscle a2 receptors –> vasodilation and blood pressure lowering
Inhibit sympathetic nerve ending a2 receptors leading to increased NE release
Increased NE release results in increased B 1 receptor mediated renin release
a 1 blockers
prazozin, terazosin, doxazosin
Small increase in heart rate- lack a2 venodilation
Does not block a2 , NE can inhibit its own release
Do not stimulate renin release
a1-blockers 1st dose Effect: orthostatic hypotension, transient dizziness, faintness, palpatation , reflex tachy, 1st dose at bedtime to minimize effect
Beta blockers receptors and adverse effects
Propranolol B1 and B2
Labetalol B1 B2 and a1
Metropolol, Atenolo B1
B1 receptors: heart kidney, stimulation increases HR, contractility, renin release
B2 receptors: Lungs, liver, pancreas, arteriolar smooth muscle
Stimulation causes bronchodilation and vasodilation, mediate insulin secretion and glycogenolysis
side effects of beta blockers
Glucose intolerance, masked hypoglycemia (B2)
bradycardia, dizziness (B1/B2)
Bronchospasm (B2)
Increased TGs and decreased HDL (B2)
CNS Depression, fatigue, sleep disturbances (B1/B2)
Reduced Cardiac output, exacerbation of heart failure (B1)
Impotence (B1/B2)
Exercise intolerance (B1/B2)
cardioselective B blockers: metropolol, atenolol
Greater affinity for B1 than B2 receptors. Inhibit B1 receptors at low to moderate dose, higher doses block B2 receptors
Safer in pts w/ bronchospastic disease, peripheral arterial disease, diabetes (exacerbate bronchospastic disease when selectivity lost at high doses, dose where selectivity lost varies from pt to pt )
Preferred B blockers for HTN
beter in younger kids, BP is more dependent on cardiac output in young adults
Central a 2 agonists
clonidine, guanabenz, amethyldopa
Stimulate a2 adrenergic receptors in brain (reduces sympathetic outflow from the brains vasomotor center) increases vagal tone
Adverse effects: Na and water retention, abrupt discontinuation can cause rebound HTN, depression, orthostatic hypotension and dizziness
Clonidine: anticholinergic side effects
Neural and ganglionic blockers
Gunnethidine, Reserpine
SE: brady cardia and decreased CO, Na and water retention, diarrhea, sedation (reserpine), depression (reserpine), gastric acid secretion
USed with diuretic to avoid fluid retention