Hypertension Flashcards
What is a high BP in clinic?
> 140/90
What should be offered if BP>140/90 in clinic?
Ambulatory BP Monitoring or Home BP monitoring (ABPM/HBPM)
What if ABPM is 135/85 or more?
Stage 1 hypertension Treat if < 80 years and any of: Target organ damage Established CVS disease Renal disease Diabetes 10 year CVS risk is high 20%
What if ABPM is 150/95 or more?
Treat all patients
What if ABPM < 135/85
Not hypertensive
Why is ABPM/HBPM required?
White-coat hypertension - elevated clinic pressure but normal ABPM as patients BP may rise in clinical settings.
ABPM/HBPM confirm diagnosis of HTN
What is stage 1 hypertension?
Clinic BP 140/90 or more
ABPM subsequently 135/85 or more
What is stage 2 hypertension?
Clinic BP 160/100 or more
ABPM subsequently 150/95 or more
What is severe hypertension?
Clinic BP systolic 180 or more OR clinic diastole 110 or more
What should be considered if clinic BP os equal or over 180/110
Severe hypertension
Consider immediate treatement
Consider referral if signs of papilloedema or retinal haemorrhages
Refer if pheochromocytoma suspected - postural hypotension, headache, palpitation, pallor and diaphoresis (sweating)
HOW does ambulatory BP monitoring work?
At least 2 measurements per hour during person’s usual waking hours
Use average of at least 14 measurements
How does HBPM work?
2 consecutive measurements taken, 1 min apart
BP recorded twice daily - morning and evening
Ideally fo 7 days
How should you confirm diagnosis of hyeprtension
If first reading is 140/90 or more
Take second reading
Use lower reading to determine further management.
Measure blood pressure in both arms - if difference is more than 20, repeat. If this remains use the higher reading.
Consider causes of unequal BP - supravalvular aortic stenosis
What are causes of hypertension?
Primary (Essential) idiopathic 95%
intrinsic- glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, adult polycystic kidneys, polyarteritis nods, systemic sclerosis, renovascular disease
Endocrine: Primary hyperaldosteronism Phaeochromocytoma Cushing's Conn's Congenital adrenal hyeprplasia Acromegaly Hyperparathyroidism
Other: Coarctation Pregnancy NSAIDs Glucocorticoids COCP Cocaine Amphetamines
What are signs and symptoms of high BP?
Usually asymptomatic unless very high (>200/130), then:
visual disturbances