Hyperlipidimia Flashcards
Progression of events in Classic Angina
- High Cholesterol - no symptoms
- Stable Angina - symptoms w/ exertion
- Unstable Angina - symptoms increase in frequency and occur at rest
- Acute MI - complete occlussion
* Acute HF/Congestive HF/Cardiac Arrhythmias
Classic angina is the consequence of _______…
Atherosclerotic plaque formation in the coronary arteries
What does an atherosclerotic plaque consist of?
- Cholesterol deposits and cell components
2. Platelets (white thrombi) and fibrin “Cap”
What drugs are used to prevent atherosclerosis in coronary arteries?
- Cholesterol-Reducing Drugs
- Antiplatelet drugs
What diseases is high cholesterol associated w/?
- Coronary Heart Disease - #1 killer of americans
* High triglyceride levels also increase the risk of CHD - Stroke
Lipoprotein anatomy
Core of nonpolar lipids
Surrounded by protein and polar phospholipids
Carry Cholesterol
Good to bad lipoproteins
HDL = good
VLDL and LDL = bad
Normal Lipids Metabolism (6 steps)
- Chylomicrons
- Lipoprotein lipase
- VLDL + triglycerides in liver to Circulation
- Lipoprotein lipase = IDL -> Liver or LDL
- LDL delivers cholesterol to cells by binding to LDL Receptor
- HDL is synthesized by liver
Hypertryglyceridemia has increased _____ and some risk for ____ and _____.
- Pancreatitis
Hypercholesterolemias have increased _____ and high risk for _____.
2. CHD
Primary Hyperlipidemias - how are they determined and what are they a result of?
- Genetically Determined
2. Hyperlipoproteinemias
Type IIa hypercholesterolemia - what is it?
Defect in LDL receptors prevents LDL transfer into liver and extrahepatic cells resulting in increased blood cholesterol available to affect the arteries
What are seconary hyperlipidiemias?
Secondary to other conditions, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, increased estrogen… etc…
What is the most common form of hyperlipidia? What are the factors?
- Genetic
- Lifestyle
- Diet
2 Basic strategies of treating hyperlipidimia
- Decrease amount of lipid entering blood
2. Improve clearance of lipids from the blood
How to decrease amount of lipid entering blood? (3)
- Low fat, low calorie diets (1st line of defense)
- Drugs that reduce lipoprotein Synthesis
- Drugs that reduce dietary cholesterol absorption
How to improve the clearance of lipid from the blood (3)
- For VLDL - involves the enzyme lipoprotein lipase
- For LDL- involves LDL receptors: the less cholesterol in the liver, the more LDL receeptors will be synthesized
- More LDL Receptors = More effecient removal of LDL from the blood
What drugs are used to treat hypertriglyceridemia? (2)
- Niacin
2. Fibric Acid Derivatives
What drugs are used to treat hypercholesolemia? (5)
- Bile-acid binding sequestrants
- Statins
- Ezetimibe
- Niacin
- Combo therapy
What is the primary carrier of triglycerides?