Hyperbolic Functions Flashcards
Define sinhx, coshx and tanhx.
Define cosechx, sechx and cothx.
Sketch y=sinhx
Sketch y=coshx
Hyperbolic identities rule.
(Using osborn’s rule)
Hyperbolic identities are identical to trig identities but every time sin^2x appears, put a negative in front and turn into hyperbolic.
Write hyperbolic identities for these trig identities.
Write double angle hyperbolic identities for these trig identities.
Differentiate y=sinhx
Differentiate y=coshx
Differentiate y=cosh3x
Differentiate y=sinhxcoshx
Differentiate y=tanhx
Integrate sinh5x .dx
Integrate xcosh2x. dx
Hyperbolic inverse of y=sinhx
Log form of y=arsinhx
Solve coshx=4
Hyperbolic inverse of y=coshx
Log form of y=arcoshx
Hyperbolic inverse y=tanhx
Log form of y=artanhx
Solve sinhx=6
Solve tanhx=1/2
Solve coshx=10
Differentiate y=arsinhx
Differentiate y=arcoshx
Differentiate y=artanhx
Sketch y=arsinhx
Sketch y=arcoshx