Hymenolepsis nana (Hymenolepsis spp.) Flashcards
Meaning of Hymen
Meaning of Lepis
Smallest Cestode
Hymenolepsis nana
Most common cestode of man
Hymenolepsis nana
Common Name
Dwarf Tapeworm
Smalle intestine
Intermediate Host
Direct: N/A
o Rice/Flour Beetles (Tribolium and Tenebrio spp.)
o Dog Flea (Ctenophalides canis)
o Human flea (Pulex irritans)
o Rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopsis)
o German cockroach (Blatella germanica)
Final Host of Hymenolepsis nana
Larval stage of Hymenolepsis spp.
Cysticercoid larva
Infective Stage
Direct: Embryonated ova
Indirect: Cysticercoid larva
Mode of Transmission
Ingestion of embryonated ova/cysticercoid larva
Scolex (Adult)
With 4 cuplike suckers
With retractable armed rostellum (single row of 20 - 30 & shaped hooklets)
Strobila (Adult)
200 segments/proglottids
Gravid Proglottids (Adult)
Sac-like (Saccular) filled with eggs
Craspedote – slightly overlaps
Length (Adult)
1-4 cm
Hooklets (Ova)
3 pairs (Hexacanth embryo)
Polar Thickening (Ova)
Present (2 polar)
Polar Filament (Ova)
4-8 polar filaments