Hydrosphere Flashcards
What are aquifers?
Geologic layers that contain water
What do aquifers consist of?
Aquifers may consist of porous layers of sand or gravel
or of cracked or porous rock.
What are coagulants?
Wastewater coagulation is the chemical water treatment process used to remove solids from water
What are artesian wells or springs?
Pressure in the aquifer
can make a well flow freely at the surface.
What keeps water within a confined aquifer?
Impervious rock layers (aquicludes).
When does a cone of depression occur?
When a well is pumped at a faster rate than the water flowing in the aquifer. Water table then draws into a come shape (temporary)
What is the Water table?
water table, upper level of an underground surface in which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water.
What are recharge zones?
Areas where surface water filters into an aquifer are recharge zones
How long does a water molecule reside in the atmosphere?
An individual water molecule resides in the
atmosphere for about a week, on average.
What is specific heat?
What is Subsidence?
The gradual sinking of the ground surface
What can be considered pollution?
Any physical, biological, or chemical change in water quality that adversely affects living organisms or makes water unsuitable for desired uses can be considered pollution.
How is water quality usually described ?(pathogens)
It is usually described in
terms of concentrations of coliform bacteria
Biological Oxygen Demand
The amount of oxygen dissolved in water is a good indicator of water quality and of the kinds of life it will support.
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
the amount of dissolved oxygen consumed by aquatic microorganisms
What measurement is Turbidity
Nephlometric Turbidity Unit