What condition may occur in this example:
A bodybuilder performed strenuous exercise and used up its stored carbohydrates. As a result, fats are used up as a source of energy.
What condition may occur in this example:
A diabetic patient undergoing hemodialysis due to a damaged kidneys.
What is the principle of Heller Ring’s test?
Protein Denaturation
What is the purpose of Benedict’s Test?
Test for reducing sugars
A normal urine has sodium and magnesium
TRUE, these are cations
Urea is a product of the deamination of monosaccharides
FALSE, It’s a product of ammonium and carbon dioxide
Nitroprusside test is positive to all ketone bodies.
FALSE, Positive to all ketone in urine
A urine sample that will be positive in Gmelin’s Test should also be positive with Heller ring’s test.
FALSE, Gmelin’s test, is a test for Bile pigments (can detect bilirubinuria) while Heller ring’s test is a test for protein (can detect proteinuria)
A urine sample that is positive in Biuret Test should also be positive with Heller ring’s test.
TRUE, since both are test for proteins.
What normal constituent of urine is produced from deamination? Write answer in one word, all in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Starch is a branched polymer.
When salivary amylase is added to a starch sample and showed a purple-black coloration with iodine test, this means that:
the Amylopectin reacted to the iodine
What is the purpose of glycogen in the body?
Storage of glucose