hydrology and fluvial geomorphology Flashcards
aeration zone
the upper zone of a permeable rock, above the water table, in which rock pore spaces are partly filled with water, partly with air.
annual hydrograph
graph showing average river flows over the year (river regime).
a relatively impermeable rock layer which excludes water. any geological formation that absorbs and holds water but does not transmit it at a sufficient rate to supply springs, wells, etc.
literally “water-bearing” rock (economically important); a rock layer which stores water and allows it to pass freely through; e.g. limestone (permeable via its joints) and chalk (porous).
artesian basin
a structural basin (usually a syncline) of sedimentary rocks contained between aquicludes, which allows water to flow through the rock. If it meets the ground surface water flows up under hydrostatic pressure, e.g. the London Basin in which water falls on the Chilterns and North Downs, flows laterally through the porous chalk, and emerges at the surface in central London in artesian wells.
bankfull discharge
the condition when a river is full up to the top of its banks; any further increase in discharge will lead to flooding (overbank stage).
the flow of water through saturated permeable, or porous, rocks deep underground towards (into) a river, under the influence of gravity
an intermittent or seasonal stream, usually found in chalk areas, the length of which varies according to the height of the water table.
the point at which two rivers meet.
the volume of water flowing in a river channel, measured in “cumecs” (cubic metres per second).
drainage basin
the main area unit in hydrology; an area outlined by its watershed and which is drained by a river and its tributaries, e.g. the Thames basin: the area drained by the River Thames and its tributaries.
drainage density
a measure of the texture of a drainage system, expressed as the ratio of the total length of all stream channels within a drainage basin to the total area of the basin. DD = L/A km/km2.
ephemeral stream
a temporary stream, often seasonal in nature, which flows only after torrential rainfall or when exceptionally high groundwater conditions occur.
the physical process by which a liquid is changed into a gas by molecular transfer; e.g. water to water vapour.
the combined loss of moisture from the earth’s surface by means of direct evaporation (physical process) and transpiration (biological process) from the soil and vegetation.
falling limb
the declining curve on a hydrograph. The shape of this curve reflects both the catchment area water stores and the shape and relief of the drainage basin.
flood hydrograph
a graph showing the response of river flow to a single rainfall event.
water which occupies pores, joints and other cavities in rocks.
graphical representation of the discharge (volume of water) in a river, plotted against time. A unit hydrograph shows the variation of discharge (y-axis) against time (x-axis) following a single rainfall event.
hydrological cycle
the cycle of water through the earth-ocean-atmosphere system.
one of the three components of the earth’s natural system, the others being the atmosphere and the lithosphere; it includes the oceans, ice-caps, lakes, rivers and lesser stores of water/ ice.
soils or rocks which will not allow water to pass through them. This may be because they are impervious or because they are non-porous.
rocks or soils which will not allow water to pass through them because they lack joints or cracks.
the process by which water on the surface moves into the soil store.