Hydrology Flashcards
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the combined processes by which water moves from the earth’s surface into the atmosphere
Transpiration is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers
the downward movement of water through soil layers due to gravity and capillary forces
interflow (subsurface runoff)
relatively rapid flow toward the stream channel that occurs below the surface. It occurs more rapidly than baseflow, but typically more slowly than surface runoff.
relatively rapid flow toward the stream channel that occurs below the surface. It occurs more rapidly than baseflow, but typically more slowly than surface runoff through evaporation
ground water recharge
a hydrologic process, where water moves downward from surface water to groundwater. Recharge is the primary method through which water enters an aquifer.
base flow
the portion of the streamflow that is sustained between precipitation events, fed to streams by delayed pathways
vadose zone (unsaturated zone)
zone that extends from the top of the ground surface to the water table.
-includes the soil, intermediate and capillary zones
phreatic zone
(zone of saturation) The soil or rock zone below the level of the water-table, where all voids are saturated.
intermediate zone
zone that separates the saturated phreatic zone from soil water
lies above the capillary fringe and consists of water in
the form of thin films adhering to the pore lining. This water is free to drain
downward under the forces of gravity.
interstitial water
subterranean water in the pores of rocks, soils, and bottom sediments of oceans, seas, and lakes
What is Vt?
the total volume of water in both solids (Vs) and voids (Vv). Only voids are able to hold both air and water.
degree of saturation
ratio of the water volume to the void volume expressed as a percentage (Vs/Vv X 100)
degree of saturation less than 100%
indicates that air occupies some of the voids
moisture content
the volume of water divided by the total volume (Vw/VT X100) expressed as a percent