Hydrologic Cycle and Rivers Flashcards
Hydrologic Cycle
Is the cycle of water that enters on land and returns back to the atmosphere
Hydrologic Cycle
- Evaporation ( lake, rivers)
- Condensation (Clouds)
- Percipitation (rain, snow, sleet)
- Ground water (aquifer, rivers, traspiration– water vapor)
Drainage Basins
area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outletThis is what feeds river systemsDrainage basins are separated by divides
What is an example of a drainage basin?
Mississippi River Drainage Basin System (outlet to the Gulf of Mexico) 40% of US water flow
The Great Lakes Watershed
33 million ppl
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY)
How does water flow thorough topography lows?
What is watershed?
The area of landwhere all the waterthat is under it ordrains off goes into the same place
RIVERS- flow
Drainage basins, watersheds, rivers
River Flows
Laminer Flow (Slow)
Turbulent Flow (Fast)
How is the flow of velocity controlled?
Gradient = slope
* Channel size, shape,roughness
* Discharge = headwater amount
What is steam erosion
Increase discharge (amount of water)= higher velocity - turbulence = more sediment transportaiton
Sediments in order - Erosion
Gravel (large), sand, silt, clay (Small)
Sediment Sorting
Stream slows down (delta/mouth)
* Largest sediment depositsfirst
* Smallest sediment settles last* Particle size decreases away from shore
Conglomerate Rocks
Sand and gravel
Sandstone rocks
slit and clay
What are 3 areas of a river
Erosion, Transportation, Deposition
Type of river areas
Erosion - headwaters
Transportation – trunk of stream
Deposition – mouth
What is erosion and deposition
Erosion - movement of sediments (wind, water)
Deposition - sediments are deposited or dropped off at a different location
Rivers- Headwaters (TOP)
- erosion happens here
- steeper slopes= faster water flow and higher energy
- more energy to transport sediment
Rivers - zone of transportation (MIDDLE)
- stream’s profile
- balance b/w erosion and deposition
- transportation happens
- intermediate speeds give more energy to mode sediment but not erode NEW sediment
ex. yellow stone
- zone of deposition
- river reaches ocean, lake (outlet)
- less energy, deposition occurs (large sediment first)
wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water (oceans, lakes)
Alluvial channels
bedrock channels
alluvial channels
Zone of transportation and deposition
* River flowing through unconsolidated sediment
* Meandering channels
* Braided channels
alluvial - meandering channel
- cut banks - high erosion (out)
- point bars - course deposition (in)
alluvial raided rivers
sand and gravel
variable dicharge
wide and shallow
RIVER V VALLYS- deepening
Valley deepening
Eroding along the base
* V-Shaped valleys
* Continues until base level is reached
Once near base level
* Erosion along sides
* Meandering rivers*
Creates a floodplain
* Erodes down until reachesbase level