Hydrogeology Flashcards
What is a discharge area?
An area where subsurface water is discharged to land, bodies of water, or the atmosphere.
What is epithermal?
Shallow hydrothermal
What is hydrothermal?
Term used for all hot water in the subsurface, whether or not it is of magmatic origin. Refers to hot water, action of hot water or the products of hot water.
What is effective porosity? (ne)
The percentage of the total volume of a soil or rock that consists of space for water to flow through
What is Storativity? (S)
volume of water drained or added to an aquifer due to change in
head, S= Ss*b+Sy
What is Specific Storage? (Ss)
sponginess of an aquifer, coefficient which quantifies its ability to suck up and retain water
What is Specific Yield? (Sy)
Measure of how easily particles will let water go, water lost to gravity drainage (not held in pore space)
light non aqueous phase liquid - floats on top
dense non-aqueous phase liquid - sinks to bottom
What is drawdown?
Vertical head drop over a distance from pumping well
What is transmissivity?
The rate at which water is transmitted through a unit width of an aquifer, solved for by T= bk (b is thickness and k is hydraulic conductivity)
What is the Ghyben-Herzberg principle?
Describes saltwater interaction with feshwater -
for every meter of fresh water in an unconfined aquifer above sea level, there will be forty meters of fresh water in the aquifer below sea level.
What is a slug test?
Field test where a set volume of water is added or removed from an aquifer to measure how the drawdown responds over time. Used to estimate hydraulic conductivity.
What is well efficiency?
Change is drawdown over total drawdown, observed-theoretical / observed
What is the vadose zone?
Area below the ground surface and above the water table