Hydrogen Flashcards
Hyfrogen is the _____ and _______ element in the universe and condtitutes _______ og the universe
Lightes most abundant 90%
Where is hydrogen found in the free state
Found in minute traces of the earths crust atmosphere and in volcanic gases
Occurs in the interior if the sun which mainlu consists hydrogen which is converted into enerfy
Where is hydrogen found in the combined state
Water - about 1/9 is hydrogen
Organic compounds like protein
Plants and animal tissues are made up of hydrogen
Process of electrolytic method
Electric current is passed through distilled water acidified with a few drops of dil. H2SO4
Why is acid added to distilled water in the electrolytes methods m
Distilled water does not conduct electricity due to the absence of free ions. The acid helps to disassociate the water into free ions which then conducts electricity
What are elctrodes and name the types
They allow electric current to enter or leave the electrolyte. They are two in nume.
- Anode - electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery;
- Cathode - electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery
Current enters the electrolyte - through the βanodeβ & leaves through the β cathod
The process of decomposition of a chemical
compound [electrolyte]
in the fused (molten] or solution state - by passage of an electric current
resulting in the dissociation of the chemical compound - into ions
resulting in the dissociation of the chemical compound - into ions /- which are discharged as neutral atoms - at the respective electrodes.
What is the procedure if hydrogen preparation
Granulated zinc - is commercial zinc obtained from molten zind
It may contain traces of impurities, which have a slight catalysing effect on the reaction.
Traces of copper lI] sulphate added to the reaction medium - also enhances the speed of the reaction]
β’ Dilute hydrochloric acid - is added through the thistle Funnel βBβ
- The preferred acia in the above preparation is - dil. HCl or dil. H2504*
- Dilute nitric acid is not used since - being a strong oxidizing agent, it would oxidise the hydrogen formed - to water.
β’ The reaction between zinc & dilute hydrochloric acid results in formation of - hydrogen gas.
How is hydrogen collected in this case
. The hydrogen gas formed above is collected by - downward displacement of water.
Reason: Hydrogen - is very slightly soluble in water.