HY ILD Flashcards
idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPS)
- respiratory bronchiolitis interstitial lung disease
- desquamative interstitial pneumonia
- Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
FEV1/FVC may be incr (improved tethering of airways)
Decreased FEV1, FVC, TLC and DLC (dec compliance, inc WOB)
Sarcoidosis mechanism
-immunologic response to unknown antigen –> CD4 alveolitis –> granulomas
Sarcoidosis key findings
- hilar/mediastinal adenopathy
- Non-necrotizing, well circumscribed granulomas (bronchovascular bundles and alveolar septae
- elevated ACE
- responds to steroids, immunosuppressants
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (wegeners)
- involves upper airways, kidney, lung
- granulomatous vasculitis
- multiple pulmonary nodules –> hemoptysis
- c-ANCA positive
- necrotizing granulomas
- elastin stain for remnants of vessels
- tx: responds to steroids, immunosuppressants
Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP)
- can be idiopathic or secondary to pneumonia etc.
- plugs of fibroblastic tissue within bronchioles to alveoli (plug individual airways)
- fever, weight loss
- tx: good prognosis w/ steroids
acute interstitial pneumonia
- diffuse alveolar damage w/ hyaline membranes
- clinical syndrome/histologic changes of ARDS, but no known cause of ARDS found
- ground glass opacities
- high mortality
Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia (DIP)
- smoker’s disease
- MILD fibrosis
- alveoli filled w/ all MACROPHAGES (light brown)
- tx: smoking cessation/steroids
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
- when UIP can’t be attributed to a known disease
- SMOKING, GERD, age, men
- poor prognosis, median survival 3 years post-dx
- subpleural, lower lobes
- UIP histo pattern (honeycombing, lesions have “temporal/spacial” heterogeneity, reticular infiltrates)
clinical findings
- ship builders
- decades after heavy exposure
- lower lobes
- other manifestations: pleural plaques, effusions, mesothelioma
- honeycombing
- ferruginous bodies
- PFTs: restrictive pattern w/ dec DLCO
asbestosis mechanism
(ineffective phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages. Alv macs release cytokines that lead to fibroblast proliferation)
Asbestos Berylliosis Coal Workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP) Silicosis Talcosis Hard metal
- aerospace industry
- like pulmonary sarcoid (non-caveating granulomas)
- responsive to steroids
- upper lobes
- inc risk of CA and cor pulmonale
coal workers pneumoconiosis
- clinically similar to silicosis, coal dust causes alv macs to release cytokines and oxidants → inflammation
- affects upper lobes
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
predominant cell
lymphocyte is predominant cell (CD8+)
direct tissue injury
- Silo fillers lung (NO2)
- metal fume fever
- byssinosis
occupational asthma requirements
- no previous hx of asthma
- worsening peak flow during work week, initially better on weekends and vacations (though this peak flow pattern can also be seen in work-exacerbated asthma
reactive airways dysfunction syndrome – asthma-like with airways hyper-reactivity that can occur in response to fumes (household cleaning agents)
-often responds to steroids
- asymptomatic, dyspnea, non-productive cough
- upper lobes
- inc risk for TB (ineffective phagocytosis)
Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- when restricted to lung –> TOBACCO
- stellate lesions, birbeck granules (tennis rackets), eosinophils
- positive for S100