what is one thing you have to manually turn on in the info page?
foveal threshold
what is the instructions for foveal threshold?
can you see the lights in the shape of a diamond?
Look at the centre of the diamond, click the button if you see the light in the
We will start now [click START FOVEA THRESHOLD]
what is the instructions for gaze initialization?
Now look at the orange/ yellow light, and try to hold your blink for ~10 seconds.
We will start now [click START GAZE INITIALISATION].
what are the instructions for the final test?
“Keep looking at the orange/ yellow light, click the button if you see lights flashing anywhere in
the bowl”
“You can blink normally. If you need to pause the test and rest, press and hold the button.”
“If you are ready, we will start the test now [click START TEST].”