Hussein A. Appendix A. Flashcards
A2. Basic assumptions?
- Freedom of choice.
- Perfect information
- Competition
- Mobility of resources
- Ownership
A3. Demand Curve?
Max price costumers WTP for a given quantity of X. WTP will decline as Quantity of X avaliable to market increases. = consistent with Law of Demand.
A3. Net Social Surplus for Producer?
Qe - cost is minimized + Cons. diff of WTP/Actual Pays = Surplus is maximized.
A3. Net Surplus?
Composed of Consumer & Producer’s surpluses. = both is maximized. (Ideal market system)
A3. Pareto Optimality?
Move in any direction can’t be made without making one member in Society worse of. (C or P)
A3. Invisible Hand?
Economic efficiency - net benefit of P/C taken together is maximized. Any deviations from E - associated to reduction, not gain, in Net Benefits.
A4. MPB - Marginal private benefit?
Consumer: Prise measure their WTP for last unit of E output.
A4. MPC - Marginal private cost?
Producer: producing last unit of output vs measure the minimum price they are Willing to Accept, in offering last unit.
A4. MPB?
Marginal private benefit.
A4. MPC?
Marginal private cost - P.
A4. Pe = MPB = MPC ?
No difference between private/social coat and benefits/costs.
A5. Riccardian Scarcity?
A steady increase in rent & real cost, as quality of X decline.
A7. Invisible Hand Theory?
Ind. working in their self-intrest and will promote welfare of the whole of Society.
A7. Measures of resource Scarcity?
- Price information + demand & supply.
- Ownership rights + Demand & Supply = MSB o MSC.
A7. Market price?
Measure of value society attach to a product. (P=MSB)
A7. Market Equilibrium price?
Measure of social cost, of using basic resources (labor, capital,land) to produce X. [Pe = MSC]
Market Price - Pe?
'’true’’ measure of resource scarcity, no diff between social value & what people are WTP & social opportunity cost of resource used to produce X ??