Hurlimann Flashcards
Key Notation Hurlimann
pi is the proportion of tot ultimate claims from origin period i expected to be paid in development period n-i+1 (loss ratio payout factor or loss ratio lag-factor)
qi is the proportion of total ultimate claims from origin period i which remain unpaid in development period n-i+1 (loss ratio reserve factor)
UiBC=Ui(0) is the burning cost of total ultimate claims (a priori)
Uicoll=Ui(1) is the collective total ultimate claims (BF)
UiInd=Ui(infinity) is the individual total ultimate claims (CL)
RiWN is the Neuhaus loss ratio claims reserve
mk= expected loss ratio in development period k
n= number of origin periods
Vi=premium belonging to origin period i
Sik paid claims from origion period i as of k years of development. (incremental)
Cik are cumulative paid claims from origin period i as of k years of development
Total ultimate claims from origin period i
Σk=1-n Sik
Cumulative paid claims
Cik = Σj=1-k (Sij)
i-th period claims reserve
Ri=Σk=n-i+2 to n (Sik)
Total claims reserve
R=Σi=2 to n (Ri)
Expected Loss Ratio
Expected Value of the Burning Cost
- Similar to prior estimate U0
- E[UiBC]=Vi*Σk=1 to n(mk)
- Summing up all the incremental loss ratios (mk) gives an overall expected loss ratio
- Multiplying by Vi gives an expected loss for each origin period
Loss Ratio Payout Factor
- Represents the percent of losses merged to date for each origin period
- pi=Σk=1 to n-i+1(mk) / Σk=1 to n(mk)
Individual Total Ultimate Claims
- Obtained by grossing up the latest cumulative paid claims for an origin period
- Considered “individual” since it depends on the individual latest claims experience of an origin period
- SImilar to estimate of the Chain-ladder estimate
- Uiind = Ci,n-i+1 / pi
Collective Loss Ratio Claims Reserve
- Obtained by using the burning cost of total ultimate claims
- Considered “collective” since it depends on the portfolio claims experience of all origin periods
- Ricoll = qi * UiBC
Individual Loss Ratio Claims Reserve
- Riind = Uiind - Ci,n-i+1
- Riind = Uiind * qi
- Riind = qi / pi * Ci,n-i+1
Collective Total Ultimate Claims
- This estimate is similar to the BF method
- Uicoll = Ricoll + Ci, n-i+1
- An advantage of the collective loss ratio reserve over the BF reserve is that different actuaries always come to the same results provided they use the same premiums
Credible Loss Ratio Claims Reserve
- Individual ignores burning cost and collective ignores paid claims
- Mixture of individual and collective loss ratio reserves
- RiC = Zi * Riind + (1-Zi) * Ricoll
Benktander Loss Ratio Claims Reserve
- Obtained by setting Zi = ZiGB = pi
- RiGB = pi * Riind + qi * Ricoll
Optimal Credibility Weights
- Zi* = (pi)/(pi + ti)
- ti* = sqroot(pi)
- Unless told otherwise, assume ti is as above
- ti*= sqroot(pi) <= 1, Zi*<= .5
- Estimate appeals as it yields smallest credibility weights for the individual loss reserves, which places more emphasis on the collective loss reserves
Means Squared Error for Credible Loss Ratio Reserve
- mse(RiC) = E[αi2(Ui)] * [Zi2/pi +1/qi + (1-Zi)2/ti] * qi2
- Mean squared error for collective is Zi=0
- Mean squared error for individual is Zi=1