HUNT TEST Flashcards
All On
Expression used by Whipper in to tell the huntsmen that all hounds are present.
Account For
To kill or mark a fox to ground.
At Fault
Hound’s are at fault when they lose the scent during the hunt.
A hound who speaks when he is not on the line of a fox., misleading the huntsmen and other hounds.
A “blind” ditch is one covered by summer growth. The country is blind in the Autumn.
Blowing Away
The exciting call on the horn blown by the huntsman when hounds hunt away from a covert.
Blowing Out
A longer less exuberant note blown by the huntsman to call hounds out of a covert where there is no fox. (Blank Covert).
A fox with no or little tail.
Bolt, to
To drive a fox from an earth or a drain with the use of a terrier.
Brood Bitch
A female fox hound used for breeding.
A fox’s tail.
An extra days hunting over and above the normal fixtures.
A high hedge, the horse has to jump through the top half
The money collected by the hunt secretary from non-members of the hunt.
Carry the Horn
To be a huntsman.
The hounds cast themselves to recover the scent of the fox at a check. The huntsman casts his hounds to help them do this.
Hounds check when they lose the scent of the fox. When hound’s check they have to cast.
To kill a fox before it has time to run.
Clean Ground
Land which is free of foil or other distracting smells for the hounds.
Cold line
An old scent.
Cold Scenting Country
A country which does not carry a scent readily.
Hounds are always counted in couples. Couples are also the collars linked with metal swivels used in the training of young hounds coupled with old hounds in exercise.
(Pronounced Cover). An area of woodland or gorse which may hold a fox.
The noise made by hounds when they are hunting.
A young fox.
Cub hunting
Autumn hunting before the main season starts.
A fence that has a ditch both sides.
The huntsman “Doubles his horn” when he blows a series of quick staccato notes on his horn when he needs the hounds in a hurry.
Hounds are given to another pack and are said to be “Drafted.
The old scent left by a fox when it returns home after a nights hunting.
Drag hunting
The sport of following hounds over a prearranged line of fences. The hounds hunt an artificially laid scent. The sport is popular in areas that are too restricted by roads or towns to allow proper hunting.
Hound’s are “Drawing” when they are looking for a fox. The huntsman will “Draw” a hound from the pack when he calls one hound individually.
The fox’s underground home.
A young hound is”entered” when it starts hunting for the first time.
A hound “feathers” when he is following a faint line. He waves his stern and keeps his nose to the ground but does not speak.
The mounted followers of the hunt, excluding the Masters and Hunt staff.
Field Master
Either the master himself or someone he appoints to be in charge of the mounted followers.
Field Money
Collected from all the followers at the meet to pay for fence repair.
Fly fence
A fence which can be taken at a gallop compared to a bank.
Any smell which tends to obliterate the scent of the fox to the hounds.
The sum of money that the master receives from the hunt committee to help cover the cost of running the hunt.
The hairs on the back of a hounds neck which stand up when they are angry.
To head a fox is to turn him back from the direction in which he is heading.
Heel Line
When hounds run “Heel” or “Heel way” they hunt the line of the fox in the opposite direction to which it is travelling.
Hit the line,to
A hound “Hits the line” when he finds the scent after a check.
Hold up,to
To surround a covert in order to prevent foxes from leaving it.
(Pronounced Holler) The shout or yell given by someone to inform the huntsman that they have seen the fox.
Hound Jog
The very slow trot used for taking hounds on exercise.
Kennel Huntsman
A professional hunt servant who looks after the management of the kennels when the hounds are hunted by an amateur . A professional huntsman is his own kennel huntsman.
To “Lay a hedge”is a skilled job, splitting the main growth of the hedge with a “Hook”and “Laying” it over in a pattern to make a stock proof fence which is still growing.
To “Lark” is to jump fences unnecessarily when hounds are not hunting.
A huntsman”Lifts” hounds when he calls them to him and takes them to another place where he thinks the fox has gone.
The scent trail of the hunted fox,
Making the pack
Counting the hounds.
Hounds bay at the mouth of a earth or a drain to “Mark” or indicate that there is a fox inside.
A fox’s head.
Mixed Pack
A pack of dog-hounds and bitches.
A term for the cry of hounds when they are hunting a fox.
A hound who does not speak to the line of a fox “Runs mute”. It is a serious fault in a hound.
When hounds smell the scent of the fox, they “Open” or give tongue.
Opening meet
The first meet of the season traditionally around November 1st.
To over-ride hounds is to ride amongst them when they are trying to hunt.
Own the line,to
A hound “Owns the line” when it speaks to the line of fox.
A fox’s foot
A point is the furthest distance in a straight line covered during the hunt.
To rate a hound is to tell him off for some misdemeanour.
A pathway or route cut through woodland.
A ringing fox is one which does not run straight.
A foxhound “Riots” when he hunts an animal other than a fox, such as a deer or a hare.
The smell given off by a hunted animal.
A hound that cuts corners instead of following the exact line of the fox.
To give tongue or to bay.
Stale line
An old scent.
Stallion hound
A male foxhound used for breeding purposes.
A hounds tail.
Stub breed
Foxes bred above ground rather than in a earth.
Hounds following the main body of the pack when they are hunting.
A call to say that a fox has been viewed.
Tally-ho Back
(Pronounced Bike) Means that the fox has gone back into the covert.
Tally-ho Over
Means that he has crossed a ride in the covert.
Throwing Tongue
Hounds throw their tongues when they speak in the line of the fox.
A hound who has not started hunting.
A female fox.
To walk a foxhound is to rear it in your own home.
Un-weaned Puppies
The huntsman’s assistant in the field.