Hunger games 13-19 vocab Flashcards
Define quell
suppress or crush completely
Define circuitous
deviating from a straight course
Define abate
become less in amount or intensity
Define stupor
marginal consciousness
Define potency
capacity to produce strong physiological or chemical effects
Define bravado
a swaggering show of courage
Define precariously
in a manner affording no ease or reassurance
Define manifest
reveal its presence or make an appearance
Define noxious
injurious to physical or mental health
Define contend
come to terms with
Define tentatively
in a hesitant manner
Define Anoint
administer an oil or ointment to
Define wispy
thin and weak
Define evasion
physically escaping from something
Define ordeal
a severe experience
Define copse
dense growth of trees,shrubs,and/or bushes
Define ashen
pale from illness or emotion
Define domineering
tending to rule in a cruel manner
Define wily
marked by skill in deception
Define dexterity
adroitness in using the hands
Define meticulous
marked by extreme care in treatment of details
Define acrid
strong and sharp,as a taste or smell
Define doggedly
with obstinate determination
Define understatement
something said in a restrained way ironic contrast
Define decadent
relating to indulgent in something pleasurable
Define amiss
in a imperfect or faulty way
Define fretful
habitually complaining
Define impotence
the quality of lacking strength of power
Define despondency
feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless
Define lethargy
weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
Define consolidate
bring together into a single whole or system
Define inducement
a positive motivational influence
Define pariah
person who is rejected from home
Define unprecedented
having no earlier occurrence
Define scrupulously
with extreme conscientiousness
Define ruse
a deceptive maneuver
Define peruse
consider with attention
Define levity
lack of seriousness
Define caliber
degree of worth
Define squeamish
disgusted by unpleasant things