Hunger and Food Security (Quiz 4) Flashcards
What are Added Fats?
fats added to a food product during processing or preparation
What are Added Sugars?
sugars aded to a food product during processing or preparation
What is Agriculture?
the production of food and goods through farming
What is Agriculture surplus?
agricultural goods that exceed the needs of the society for which they were produced
What is Calorie?
measures energy
What is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)?
a sales model in which consumers buy directly from regional farmers
What is Culturally Appropriate Food?
food that is compatible with the traditions, values, beliefs, taste preferences and ingredients associated with particular culture or region
What is Diabetes?
a metabolic disease of characterization by abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood
What are Dietary Nutrients?
Materials obtained through food that are used by the body for energy, growth and maintenance
What is Emergency food?
food offered through food bank, food pantries, soup kitchens or other sources for food people seeking food who would otherwise not get enough to eat or not eat well
What is Equity?
justice, fairness or freedom from bias
What is Farm Bill?
a federal law that influences, to a large degree, what and how food is grown in the U.S.
What is Federal Poverty Level?
The minimum amount of income, as determined by the U.S. Government, that a family needs for
food, clothing, transportation, shelter and other necessities.
What is Food Policy Council?
organizations that study a region’s food system, then make recommendations on how to improve it
What is Food Security?
Consistent and dependable access to adequate, safe and nutritious food for active and healthy life
What is Food System?
“field to plate”
What is hunger?
the discomfort, weakness, illness or pain caused by a lack of food
What is Local food?
food that was produced within roughly 100-250 miles of where consumer lives or food that is sold directly from a farmer to a consumer or nearby retailer
What is National School Lunch Program?
a federally assisted meal program operating in public schools, nonprofit private schools and certain child care institutions
What is nutrient- dense?
containing a large amount of certain key dietary nutrients- typically protein, fiber and a range of essential vitamins and minerals- relative to the amount of calories
What is nutrient- poor?
containing large amount of calories relative to the amount of protein, vitamins and certain other key dietary nutrients
What is Obesity?
weighing more than what is generally considered healthy for a given height. have higher WEIGHT TO WEIGHT ratio
What is Overweight?
having higher body fat percentage
What refined grains?
grains that have been processed to remove the bran and germ, which contain important dietary nutrients like B vitamins, iron and fiber
What are regional foods?
food that was produced within the same region as where the consumer lives
What is Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)?
a federally funded program hat provides financial assistance for food purchasing to US households below a certain income level
What is Sustainable?
able to maintained in the longterm
What is Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)?
a federally funded program that provides supplemental food, health care referrals and nutrition counseling for pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children under five