Humid/dehumidification Flashcards
is a unit operation in which water is transferred from the liquid phase to the gas phase of a mixture of air and water vapor.
Humidification therefore serves two purposes:
cooling of liquid water and increasing the humidity of the air.
is the reverse process of humidification, that is, the transfer of water vapor is from the gas phase to the liquid phase.
the function of which is to cool a gas-vapor mixture below its dew point temperature to condense out some of the vapor content
It is a practical form of humidification equipment used only for small scale operations. The liquid is sprayed as mist through the gas stream; and mass and heat transfers occur.
Spray chamber
It is used for large-scale cooling of water
Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower is often made up of
wood although aluminum, steel, brick, and concrete construction have been used
It is used to dehumidify air or to remove a single component from a noncondensable gas
Packed Tower
is the measure of water content in humid air
actual mass of H2O vapor present in the air-water vapor mixture
Absolute Humidity
is the ratio of the partial pressure of H2O vapor in air to saturation pressure (otherwise known as vapor pressure) of H2O in the same temperature
Relative Humidity
it is also known as the percent of saturation humidity (𝑌∗)
Relative Humidity
is the ratio of absolute humidity to the saturation humidity
Percent Humidity
- is the ratio of volume of air to mass of dry air
- it is used as conversion factor (CF) in determining the volumetric and mass flow rates of air
- it represents the volume of dry air (DA) plus the volume of the vapor it contains
Humid Volume
represents the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g or 1lb plus whatever vapor it may contain by 1°C or 1°F
Humid Heat
- represents the enthalpy of DA and H2O(V)
Total enthalpy
Temperature of air measured by the ordinary thermometer.
- is a tmospheric temperature.
- indicator of heat content
- actual or given temperature of air
Dry bulb temperature
Temperature of air also measured by the ordinary thermometer but the only difference is that the bulb of the thermometer is covered by the wet cloth. When the air comes in contact with the wet cloth it absorbs some moisture and gives up some heat, due to which the temperature of the air reduces.
- Indirectly indicates the moisture content present in the air.
- It is affected by the RH of the air.
Wet Bulb Temperature
- The temperature to which a vapor-gas mixture must be cooled at constant humidity to become completely saturated.
- The temperature at which vapor begins to condense when the gas phase is cooled at P = k.
- Temperature at which PPvapor is equal to the VP of the liquid at gas temperature.
Dew Point Temperature
the temperature at which the vapor gas mixture would reach if it were saturated through an adiabatic process
Adiabatic Saturation Temperature
the ratio of heat transfer coefficient to the product of mass transfer coefficient and humid heat
Psychrometric ratio
Use in the determination of properties of gas vapor mixture.
- Refers mainly to the systematized knowledge of the properties of air and water but its broader meaning includes the principles which govern the properties and behavior of mixtures of the so-called “fixed” gases with condensable vapors.
- formally known as Psychrometric chart
- convenient diagram showing the vapor mixture
Humidity chart
is the measure of the amount of vapor in the gas.
is the measure of the vapor in the gas to the maximum amount of vapor that the gas can hold.
Relative Saturation
– Simplest unit operations where both heat and mass transfer occur simultaneously
Humidification and Dehumidification
Humidification and Dehumidification - Two components and two phases:
Liquid phase (H2O)
Gas phase (non-condensable air)
RH is affected by
𝑇𝑑𝑏 (size of the glass) and H (amount of water present)
A liquid at its bubble point =
saturated liquid
A liquid below to bubble point =
subcooled liquid
A vapor at its dew point =
saturated vapor