Humanitarianism As A Cause For The Abolition Of The Slave Trade Flashcards
What was the enlightenment?
Period of time between 1650-1800, where Britain were open to more rational ideas
How did the government increase growth in humanitarian ideologies?
The growth of free trade and industrialisation saw increased mistreatment of workers in factories, promoting humanitarian beliefs
Why did the Quakers push humanitarian views against slavery?
Quakers believed God existed inside every human, including slaves, and to harm anyone would be to harm God
What did the Quakers help to identify?
Issues that were generally ignored due to economic prosperity
What was the Quakers religion based off, and why was it a cause for abolition?
Everyone is equal before God - Brits no better than slaves
What did the Quakers do in 1783?
At their London Yearly Meeting, proposed a petition against slavery signed by 273
What was the result of the Quaker petition in 1783?
A 23 person committee was set up to actively campaign for slave rights
What did the Quakers do in 1784 to spread their humanitarian views against slavery?
Distributed 100,000 copies of a pamphlet against slavery - gave to MPs and royals as well as the public to spread idea around people in power
What other issue with slavery did the Quakers identify in Britain in 1785?
In 1785 there were still 100,000 black servants in London
What was evangelical Christians main ideology?
Believed everyone had to turn away from sin to reach heaven (believed slavery was sinful)
Who were 2 main leading individuals for the abolition of slavery who were evangelical Christians?
Thomas Clarkson, Granville Sharp and William Wilberforce
What was the main argument of evangelical Christians role in the abolition for slavery?
Key individuals were evangelical Christians
What what key society was set up in 1787, and who did it consist of?
Society for effecting the abolition of the slave trade, made up of strong reformers + religious backgrounds (Quakers/Evangelists)
What did the SFETAOTST do to promote their beliefs?
Created constant pressure and raised public awareness
What is an example of the strengths of this society and the pressure it created?
In 1796, a bill was almost passed for the abolition of the slave trade (even during economic sugar boom)
What was the Zong Ship Case 1783?
An example to show the mistreatment of slaves onboard ships
Why did the society suffer from great opposition during the 1780s/1790s?
24% of economy relied on slavery, opposition from West India Lobby who had many links with MPs including the Mayor of London
How did the society promote their movement for abolition in the 1780/90s?
Educational campaigns, pamphlets and propaganda
What kind of imagery did the society use to increase public humanitarian attitudes to slavery?
Imagery - ‘Am I not man or brother’, drawing of the slave ship Brookes
What is an example of a petition raised by the society in 1787?
In Manchester, 10,000 out of a population of 50,000 signed petition supporting abolition of slavery
How many petitions did the society propose in 1792?
519 petitions
How was the society able to gain support?
Humanitarian argument is always relevant - economic climate had no impact
What can the society be seen as a trigger cause for?
The creation of more critics of slavery, thrust it more into the public opinion
Why can the society and humanitarian work not be seen as a cause for the abolition of slavery?
Major time gap between society’s work and actual abolition of slavery - around 20 years