Humanistic psychology Flashcards
Outline humanistic psychology
- Proposes free will
- Contrasted psychodynamic and behaviourist approach
- Proposes has innate need to self actualise (full potential)
- E.g. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (psychological, safety, love/belonging, esteem and self actualisation - in this order)
- Proposes each person unique
- E.g. focused on how incongruence between perceived self and ideal self leads to negative feelings of self worth (overcome by unconditional positive regard)
Outline one limitation of humanistic psychology
- Proposes free will
- Humans choose how to behave
- Limitation because science relies on determinism to establish cause and effect (decreasing scientific status)
- Skinner argued free will is an illusion
- Brain scanning studies found brain activity related to whether to press a button with left or right hand occurs up to 10 seconds before participants report being consciously aware
- Limitation because participants may not be aware of underlying deterministic causes for their behaviour
- Questions credibility
Outline final limitation of humanistic psychology
- Received opposing evidence
- Humans show tendency to be pessimistic and self destructive
- Limitation because contradicts Maslow’s proposal that every person is focused on personal growth due to innate need to reach full potential
- Questions appropriateness
Outline the strength of humanistic psychology
- Led to practical applications
- Claims that psychological problems are result of conditions of worth so made therapy (counselling therapy) to reduce conditions of worth
- Does this by providing unconditional positive regard in non-judgemental and supportive environment
- Strength because effective for many psychological disorders like depression
- Adds credibility