Humanistic Nursing Theory Flashcards
Who created humanistic nursing theory?
Josephine Paterson and Loretta Zderad
What are the humanistic nursing theory’s main components?
Patient and nurse
Perceived as an individual and each situation as unique.
What metaparadigm states that open energy filled which have a special life experiences.
What metaphardigm states that humanistic nursing theory believe that a patient can grow in a healthy and creative way?
Defined as the person who the patient calls and receives help from.
What is the goal of the nurse in nursing?
Help others with their unique health care needs.
Nursing education should be formed in ___ and a nurse’s training should focus as much on the ability to relate to and interact with patient and scientific and medical backgrounds.
A responsible searching and transaction relationship whose meaningfulness demands conceptualization founded on a nurse existential awareness of self and of others.
Implies the valuing of some human potential beyond the narrow concept of health taken as absence of disease.
Nursing as human response
A resource that a patient can use to help realize their own potential.
Valued as necessary for survival and often proposed as a goal for nursing.
What are the three ways to describe nursing?
Health restoring
Health sustaining
Health promoting
Nurses engage in health teaching and health supervision.
Seen as the time and space where the events are happening and nursing experience takes place.
It represents the place where the service is delivered or the community of world.
It is another component of space but more personalized because it belongs to the patient or nurse and is highly subjective.
Revolves around everyone being their own unique person and how the nurse should understand that no person or experience is the same which should be respected and reflected in the care provided to the patient.
Humanistic nursing theory
What are the two models of the theory?
Existentialism and phenomenology
A person is responsible for his own development through his own will.
A research method that focuses on studying human experiences, particularly how individuals perceive and communicate their lived experiences.
What are the phases of humanistic nursing theory?
1st Phase: The preparation of the nurse for coming to know the other.
2nd Phase: The nurse knowing the other intuitively.
3rd Phase: The nurse knowing the other scientifically.
4th Phase: The nurse complimentarily synthesizing known others.
5th Phase: The succession with the nurse from the many to the paradoxical one.
The nurse should recognize that he and the patient may have different viewpoints but it is important to accept new ideas and to try and understand them.
1st Phase: The preparation of the nurse for coming to know the other.
The nurse and patient should talk to one another so that they can understand each other better and help the nursing process to develop.
2nd Phase: The nurse knowing the other intuitively.
The nurse looks over the information given to him and tries to recognize any similar patterns or themes in regards to what he already knows.
3rd Phase: The nurse knowing the other scientifically.
The nurse should see himself as a source of knowledge that continues to grow and develop the nursing community based on his own experiences.
4th Phase: The nurse complimentarily synthesizing known others.
The nurse reflect on all of the information given to him by the patient and make a plan that is inclusive of both parties experiences which makes the nurse and patient come together as one.
5th Phase: The succession with the nurse from the many to the paradoxical one.