Human Sexuality Flashcards
The influence of wording in public poll: Should Woman with children be able to work outside the home?
Women with young children should be able to work outside the home
(80% Agree)
Women should stay home if they have young **preschool* children
(70 %agree)
*** wording can strongly influence your results!
Grievance Hoax
create bogus academic papers and submit them to academic journals in the areas of cultural, queer, race, gender, fat, and sexuality studies.
Does watching violence on TV lead to real life violence?
Confounding variable present: are violent children more likely to watch violent programming?
SCENARIO: Two young, nice – looking students are seen having drinks with a professor.
(A)Two young, nice – looking students are seen having drinks with a professor. resulting in (B) Receiving A+ in their course
- We generally assume they are female students
- We assume sexual relations occur – (the average person)
What is the point?
Quickly and automatically our unconsciouses thoughts / (SCHEMATA plural for schema) – (what we think of thing ) come up
Operational definition
Defined by Doc Amitay
Precision / simply to say how you are measuring/ defining something.
Psychologists have a bad habit of observing and collecting data and drawing their own inferences to seem like fact
Name the 3 Types of thinking
skeptical, critical, open minded
How is Black and White thinking defined?
Christina Hoff Summers
Factual Feminist
-150,000 women die from anorexia each year
She went through all coroner reports,
Could only find 90 reports stating anorexia was the cause of death
“Mans holocaust on women”
Very rarely is anorexia the cause of death, other complications occur such as heart failure, etc.
ISSUE: Misleading number in itself.
Good for pointing out number
Bad for using misleading facts
What is the #1 cause of birth defects according to …?
The March of dime study claims that domestic abuse is the #1 cause of birth defects.
ISSUE: Mistranslation ***?
Nancy KD Lemon
Domestic Violence Law:
Between 20-35 % of women seeking medical care in emerg in America are there because of domestic violence.
Stats difference
Claim 1% vs 20-35%
Stat is only reported, We don’t know how many areunreported
Christina Hoff Summers was misleading, bad science.
Nancy provided stats supporting her claim
“due to injuries, violent injuries”
She claimed, all visits . 40 million each year.
What is the Rate of sexual harassment in high school and University?
The reason: overly loose definitions.
By adding items like “fag, “dyke” adds to the 75% harassed.
Bad definition.
How many women are raped in their lifetime?
misleading fact.
Until 1982 men could no legally be raped in Canada – (wives by their husbands)
Men could not be included in stat.
Title 9
Good intention.
Title 9 was passed by the Obama admin, intended to give victims a better voice for justice.
Trump got rid of it.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos unveiled a highly anticipated overhaul of the rules governing campus sexual assault, reducing the liability of colleges and universities for investigating sexual misconduct claims and bolstering the due process rights of defendants, including the right to cross-examine their accusers.
David Lisak
Lisak’s research has been used to implement draconian campus sexual assault policies based on the belief that accused students are likely to be violent predators. With this many problems surrounding Lisak’s research, it’s time to rethink the extreme response to claims of a campus rape epidemic.
EXAM, bad.
He pretended/encouraged he did the research himself.
Did not conduct research
Lied and pretended
Poorly done
Used as evidence for rape culture on campus
Reasonable Person Process
A phrase frequently used in tort and Criminal Law to denote a hypothetical person in society who exercises average care, skill, and judgment in conduct and who serves as a comparative standard for determining liability.
UBC Sexual Harassment Policy
At UBC it says it doesn’t matter what the person what meant, if the other person took it as offense.
If recipient feels offended its valid.
No more then a 5 second gaze..
Gian Gomeshi
Witnesses lied on the stand, there testimonial wasn’t credible
Rape allegations, we don’t know (40% vs 5%)
Sado masochism,
Sexual sadist is a psychological disorder, implied that Gian is a sexual sadist.
Masochists don’t ask to be punched in the face unless they are disturbed.
Claims Filtered through scandal.
Robin Camp
Judge in Alberta?
“Why couldn’t you have kept your knees together”? as solution to being raped.
The transcript makes it extremely clear, asking about the mechanics of being raped in a sink basin.
N.S Judge Taxi driver sexually assaulting women in back seat of the car
Al-wari Leheman
11 minute window.
Had her underwear in his hands, in between the seats
She was unconscious in the back seats
Clearly intoxicated, she peed her pants
Not much grey area, judge acquitted him
Its being retried, petition to see past behaviors
Didn’t give consent.
“Halifax judge finds cab driver not guilty of sexual assault, says ‘a drunk can consent”
Clearly a drunk individual cannot consent to sex
“The Supreme Court of Canada has been very clear that a woman cannot consent to sex if she’s incapacitated, whether due to alcohol or otherwise, and that has been an important holding in our law,”
“The law in Canada is that only yes means yes. That’s our standard of consent … It must be affirmative and ongoing consent.”
Domestic Violence (DV)- from Stats Can
- % of woman assaulting males 40-50
- Rates of DV
- 80-90% depending on questioning method ,What is considered domestic violence?
- Male vs female 50/50
- Gay/Lesbians re.DV in past 5 years
- Lesbian/Bisexual 20.8% MISLEADING, don’t know the sex
- Heterosexual 6.1%
- Worse off than heterosexuals
- Stats can shows woman in a lesbian relationship are more likely to report DV then hetero sexual relationship, implying that woman are more violent…
- Immigrants vs non immigrants re, Dv in last 5 years
- Immigrants < non – immigrants
- Immigrants 4.9%
- Non- immigrnats 6.8%
- Cannot trust number, woman may feel threatened to report
- There is NO DOUBT woman are more likely to be the victims of the most serious violence.
- Woman 3 and half times more likely in Canada to hit, kick, bite,punch etc
- How many men and woman did not report violence
- And no male shelters
- 4% of men and women say they are with a partner that abuses them
40 (ISH) % ALMOST HALF had been victims of domestic violence or witnessed it
It was specifically choking, punching, hitting with weapon, actual violence, youth in the home.
Posed the same for general population
Has also experienced the same kind of violence.
What stops people from cheating ?
Mark, Janssen, ROBIN MILHAUSEN (arch nemesis)
Ex. Who is more likely to cheat in hetero relationship,
less anxious males vs anxious males ?
States personal feelings vs consequences
People with High(er) anxiety about their sexual performance.
Get media coverage
Rarely replicated
She didnt ask them a simple question WHY THEY MIGHT BE CHEATING?
She gave possible answers, but
didnt follow up
never asked questions.
Took the biggest weakness and tried to make that into a positive.
WHY is the most important question,
takes a lot of time to ask why.
WOMAN aren’t being compassionate enough
WHO is more rational on average
MEN OR WOMAN- equally irrational, we manifest it differently both genders,
People with autism think rationally
Cougars and the “Third Variable Problem”
Valerie Gibson
She coined the term cougar
Ashley Madison
Study on do cougars die younger ?
Took demographic Dutch demographic data, shows woman with younger men died younger then men who were the same age or older.
Could the research suggest being with a younger man violate social norms and thus suffer from social sanctions.
Research on social support claims to
Protects you from stress and further medical disease
Could it be Type A personality? “The independant Cougar” personailties are associated with later coronary heart disease.
Anger and hostility of type A could lead to a heart attack
Cougars do die younger.
False Child Abuse Claims
In most cases where a woman accuses her father of sexually assaulting a child the
Vast majority of mothers the entice child to make a false claim.
They are known to have personality disorders
Or mental disorders
Stephen Gallaway
UBC author/ professor that had affair with student older than him.
Mandy harp perpetrator of false allegations accused him of sexual assault.
He lost his job and reputation but after a retrial wasn’t found guilty.
He admitted to having a consensual affair.
His reputation and career was ruined.
Drunken flirting
Operational definition comes into play
Low inter rater reliability.
We can’t assume the motivation and intention of actions.
How can we measure flirting?
Operational Definition
What are you measuring? how are you measuring it?
Definition, what is sex?
- Penile and vaginal data was not at 100%
- 20% of men and woman claim that anal sex isn’t sex.
PROBLEM…POORLY WORDED QUESTION: important topic, bad execution. Thinking personal experience and not publicly. Hard to generalize.
Thus making a distinction that we cannot assume what sex is, has to be more specific.
Follow up study…BYERS STUDY:
phone and computer contact produced different results
Phrasing the average Canadian, separating the self from the question
What makes a monogamous relationship successful?
What makes a polyamorous relationship successful?
- Clear parameters
2. Never enough rules
Historically a lot of straight men do this…
instead of breaking up with a female they…
They treat their partner like shit hoping that they will break up with them.
They feel she’s empowered that the female gets to break up with them.
Tries harder to keep the male
They don’t want to be the bad guy
Resentments and relationships.
The partner that wanted to attend his university graduate trip to a strip club.
if you are deprived of something you really want to do, learn to live with resentment or break up.
What predicts why people cheat?
- They can get away with it
2. Opportunity
What prevents cheating?
- Brainwashing/ religion
- Empathetic people
- If parents cheated
Polyamorous view on polygmany
We have an infinite resource for love, as well as partners.
The most common excepted form of mating on a cultural society level is polygamy, disguised as monogamy .
“You can’t say gay males are far more likely to be effeminate then straight guys.”
If we know certain correlations exist, ie. sexual orientation and behavior, we shouldn’t deny them just to be politically correct.
Side note. Lots of gay men are very negative towards effeminate gay men.
What Dr. Amitay’s belief on sexual orientation?
“Dr.Amitay believes that sexual orientation is biological in most cases.”
refer to Ray Blanchard
Is BDSM/ Paraphilia like a sexual orientation?
It can only be claimed as a pathology if it is performed sadistically (a sexual sadist)- harming people against their will.
Should you tell your partner if you cheat on them?
1 predictor of whether someone left a long-term partner was not that they cheated, could be simply that there is knowledge that there is somebody out there for them.
When someone one tells me* (Dr. Amitay) they are thinking of cheating on their partner.
Do you think you can live with the guilt?
Can you keep it a secret?
When they say no- I advise them to break up with your partner or stop thinking about the other person( you want to cheat with).
This causes you to drift from your current partner.
Midlife crisis – near death sparks need for life force energy. Sexual relations easiest way spark this.
*** A selfish person tells there partner they’ve cheated when there is no way to tell. GUILT is motivation.
Ken Zucker
conversion therapy at CAMH… NO OTHER therapy at that time. In the end all we want is a child that is happy with who they are. Boys can only play with by toys, reverse.. parents to force their kids to only do gender forming things.
Was fired from CAMH- refer to Jesse Signal
What was acceptable:
Watchful waiting ages 5/6.
Social warning age 10.
Therapy aged 14, be wary if previously has shown no signs of seeking another identity.
Gender dysphoria- severe discomfort. Mental disorder.
Evil part: “activist” convinces people simply asking WHY is now conversion therapy.
Cross-sex hormones sterilize you for life.
NOW the Only acceptable form of therapy, gender affirmative therapy.
If you don’t affirm gender, defined as abuse.
Social Contagion
type of social influence. It refers to the propensity for certain behavior exhibited by one person to be copied by others.
Pro-Anorexia websites
Stranger danger- children being abducted on mass.
ROGD: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria
.03% of Trans
recent studies claim “2%”
The opposite of jealousy, genuine happiness for other people having pleasure. (polyamorous)
an instrument for recording and measuring variation in the volume of a part of the body, especially as caused by changes in blood pressure.
Measure the blood flow.
Helpful for checking arousal for cues that would point to sexual deviation while using photo imagery.
Ie. Pedophile and pictures on young children.
Not 100% accurate
STUDY: Julia Heiman (1977)
- Had males & females listen to erotic tapes and fantasize
- Rated arousal & plethysmograph
- Men and woman were equally aroused.
- Woman are more aroused visually to all types of porn.
- SELF REPORT METHOD- males were honest, pretty accurate
- MALES: Rating =strain gauge
- FEMALES: Ratings NOT= photocell
- 50% of physically aroused woman did not report it
She hypothesized that woman isn’t shy. That woman are often not aware of sexual arousal. - The average 25-year-old man, it is easier to keep it down when he is aroused or to keep it up
Bisexuality Does Not Exist - J Michael Bailey (2005)
- He never said that!
- Methodology: plythesmograph
3 groups – gay(38), straight (30), bisexual(33) - materials?
- man on man (gay) porn
- woman on woman ( straight) is it the male?
- both man on man, woman on woman , excpected to be equally aroused
- no bisexual men aroused to both films: (75% to gay film 25% to straight film)
- 1/3 of all men were not aroused to anything
- results of bi sexuality based on 22 ppl: at the time of the study this was the largest sample of bi sexual men to have their arousal measured.
- subsequent studies have smaller numbers
- normal for 1/3 to not get aroused, enviroment.
*Bailey got attacked and collaborated to recreate study.
KINSEY said its not gay or straight ; sexual orientation is a spectrum
- Would there be a difference between 0-1
- Only looking at men, research already shows that woman get aroused to everything
- If really straight, you wouldn’t have a romantic partner
- MORE REFINED on how they defined groups
- Homo sexual- past year KINSEY scores
- CERNEY AND JANSSEN (2011) Bisexual film and bisexual men were more aroused then gay or straight men
- Used 13 bisexual people
People claim Bailey is for“ gay eugenics”
He posed a moral and ethical dilemma…
Why can woman abort children with down syndrome etc but not gay if their is a gene?
Your sense of being male or female matches your biological sex.
Assigned female at birth or assigned male at birth
Using the word assigned
Makes the child believe that maybe randomly assigned to a gender that can change.
This can affect their psyche
Call them biological or natal male.
J Michael Bailey continued…
J Michael Bailey was head of University research dept, he lost his position. Trans claimed that he wrote about them without their consent. He was cleared because he wasn’t doing research. He was writing a book.
if not presenting lies, you have every right to publish what you want.
its legal to publish whatever you want as long as that info isn’t false.
*he wrote letters for trans, he stated that he didn’t have a clinical license, but he knew more about trans. he wrote letter pro transition.
Language Dictates Thought
Ray Blanchard - Taxonomy of Trans people.
Used correct term transsexual.
In the DSM (gender disphoria: was called the gender identity disorder clinic, they changed it in 2013.)
the offensive term was disorder.
dysphoria means extreme discomfort with something, to the point that it causes you distress.
the stress, is the most important criteria to classify a disorder.
the world health org,who now proposing…. it is no longer a mental health issue.
do we have science or clinical experience to prove that no.
to think that your body is wrong… can’t be classified as disorder????
icd 11 is now proposing to elminate gender dysphoria .
researchers are bias
trans activist after surgery.
1- short term follow up, nothing has changed.
2- get them from clinics that they went to. follow ups are only with people still returning to the clinic. they are happy selctive sample.
Trans Actiivst Claim That Only 2% Ever Regret Transitioning…
Some studies say up to 4%
based on bad methodology.
Bath spa university
James Caspain (has a masters degree) - gay man ( knows about discrimination)
Worked with trans people.
Was going to do a study on people who regret trans surgery. Retransitioners , not enough people. De- Transitioners.
Wanted to broaden scope, to Desisters.
University said the social media backlash would be too great.
Trans community would go after them.
Denied Study
James Cantor
– another gay man. (sexology AAP, came out with statement, what is no longer a viable way of therapy…. conversion and watchful waiting. the only acceptable therapy is affirmative therapy.
wrote a peace to tear apart affirmative therapy.
the studies that they sight in support of affirmative therapy had no evidence that watchful waiting was bad.
and that hormone therapy is safe.
when policy papers come out, how many thousands(trick for exam) of people are involved in making each decision? committees where they have a few people deciding. everyone follows suit.
Jesse Signal
False claim that a patient of Dr.Zucker had him take of his shirt, and said “my you are a harry little vermon”
He was fired unethically withut a proper investigation.
Published results and wasn’t even true.
“Rainbow crew” shut down clinic.
Top researcher in the world for trans wasn’t safe from trans activist.
Jesse Signal was abel to prove his innocence doing simple research all the way from New york city.
Homo Sexuals Transsexuals Vs. Autogynephellic/Autoandrophilic Transexuals
Males Transitioning to Females
- Homo Sexuals Transsexuals
- They look like girls, you would never be able to decipher that they were males.
- A. not have male expectations
- B. have the love of a male (straight)
- Born in the right body
- VS
- Autogynephellic/Autoandrophilic Transexuals
- Most severe target location errors
- Fantasy or fetish imagining yourself with different genitalia.
- Always transition early in life
James Kantor
Argues that argues that Autogynephilia is a problem with mirror neurons get reversed – instead of being attracted to genitalia, wanting that genitalia.