Human Rights Flashcards
Define the term censorship
The practise of suppressing and limiting access to materials considered obscene, offensive or a threat to security. People maybe be restricted in their speech by censorship laws.
Define the term discrimination
Acts of treating groups of people, or individuals differently, based on prejudice.
Define Extremism
Believing in or supporting ideas that are very far from what most people would consider correct or reasonable
Define the term human rights
The basic entitlements of all human beings, afforded to them simply because they are human. E.g that all people should receive an education
Define the term personal conviction
Something a person strongly feels or believes in
Define the term Prejudice
Pre-judging: judging people to be inferior/superior without cause
Define the term relative poverty
A standard of poverty measured in relation to the standards of society in which a person lives in, for example, living on less than the x percent of average UK income
Define Absolute poverty
An acute state of deprivation in which a person cannot access the most basic human needs
Define the term social justice
Promoting a fair society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity. Ensuring everyone has equal access to provisions, equal opportunities and rights
Give one argument FOR and AGAINST freedom for religious expression
-people have a right to freedom of speech (declaration of human rights)
-Equality - everyone has the right to express believes
-this could go to far - extremism
Give an example of religious expression
Jehovah’s witnesses evangelising by knocking on peoples doors and preaching there religion
What are christian beliefs about racial prejudice?
Prejudice is wrong
- Parable of the women at the well
-Parable of the good samaritan - ‘Love thy neighbour’
- Agape- selfless love taught by jesus
- Equality- everyone is created by God
What was Martin Luther Kings personal conviction and how was he influenced by Christianity?
MLK was a christian. His personal conviction was that all people, regardless of race, should have equal opportunities and rights
State some christian teachings on equality
- “there is no Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in christ Jesus”
-Genesis “so god created mankind in his own image
How does Martin Luther Kings personal conviction conflict with the law of the country?
His personal conviction conflicted the Jim crow laws which involved the segregation of people based on race