Human Rights Flashcards
Why should we all have dignity
We r made in gods image
Golden rule
What did pope Frances say about dignity
Dignity is priceless
Name an example of social injustice
8.4 million people are slaves
People sell children for £34
500,000 are forced to make coco
Name a quote for social injustice
“Love thy neighbour”
What is amnesty International
They work round the world to protect everyone who’s basic human rights have been taken away
When was amnesty International invented
How do amnesty raise awareness
Write letters to governments
Education programs
What’s agape love
Unconditional love
Name an example of agape love
The crucifixion
name a quote of agape love
“There is neither a slave nor free, male or female, for u are all one in gods eye”
-god don’t care who u r cuz u are all perfect
Name 5 facts about Christian AID
Works with 60 countries
They work to fight against injustice
Trying to stop poverty
They don’t want people to Chang there religion
They spread the gospel
There following Jesus teachings
Name 5 facts about Oscar Romario
He’s an arch bishop
He spoke open oppression issues
He was assassinated in 1980
In his town people where really rich or really poor
He didn’t care about the poor at first until his friend got shot
Name a quote from Oscar Romero
“It’s not gods will for some to have non and others to have everything”
Name 3 facts about Martin Luther King
He’s a baptist minister
Influenced by Jesus teachings on love
Jesus turned the other cheek
He thought for civil rights
Name a quote from Martin Luther King
“Darkness will not bring out darkness only light will, hate will not bring out hate only love will”
-love everyone
What is discrimination
Treating people differently cuz they belong to a certain group
What is Prodjuced
Judging someone in a negative way before you get to know them
What do Christian’s believe about wealth
There’s nothing wrong with being rich but you must give to charity
What’s wrong, is spending it on bad things
Wealth couldn’t lead to greed
What did Jesus teach about wealth
Sheep and goat
Lazarus and the rich man
How should u spend ur money
Tithe = giving 10% of your yearly money to charity
Cafod = is a Catholic charity and works with the poor
Name a quote about wealth
“You can not serve god and money”
What’s Jews attitudes about wealth
Don’t be greedy
We should help each-other
All positions belong to god
Give to charity (Maimonides)
What’s Maimonides
Giving to the poor anonymously
What’s censorship
Being restricted doing things
Give an example of censorship
Drawing gods
Writing offensive things
Knocking on someone’s door
Give an example of free speech
People can gain knowledge from it
Who decides what’s offensive
Name a quote about Christian AID
“It’s easier to fit a camel through an eye of a needle than a rich man enter the gates of heaven”