____ is an intangible asset or quality not listed on a company’s balance sheet. It can be classified as the economic value of a worker’s experience & skills
Human capital
Article 45
The education or training process where it involves, in addition to general education, the study of technologies & related sciences & acquisition of practical skills relating to occupations in various sectors of economic life
TVET (Technical-Vocational Education & Training)
Art. 45
Comprises of elementary, secondary, and teritiary
Formal education
Art. 45
Includes education opportunities, even outside school premises, that facilitate achievement of specific learning objectives for particular clienteles, especially the out-of-school youths or adult illiterates who cannot avail of formal education. Ex. TVET
Non-formal education
Art. 45
Government agency tasked to manage and supervise technical education and skills development
Art. 45
The following are the special workers under the Labor Code:
- Apprentices
- Learners
- Handicapped
Art. 58
Means practical training on the job supplemented by related theoretical instruction
Art. 58
Means any trade, form of employment/occupation which requires more than three months of practical training on the job supplemented by related theoretical instruction
Apprenticeable occupation
Art. 58
A worker who is covered by a written apprenticeship agreement with an individual employer or recognized entities
Art. 58
An employment contract wherein the employer binds himself to train the apprentice and the apprentice in turn accepts the terms of training
Aprrentice agreement
Art. 59
Qualifications of apprentice:
- at least 14 y/o
- Posess vocational aptitude & capacity for appropriate tests
- Possess the ability to comprehend and follow oral & written instructions
Learners may be employed when no experienced workers are available to prevent curtailment of employment opportunities and the employment does not create unfair competition
Article 74
Learners are persons hired as trainees in semi-skilled & other industrial occupations which are non-apprenticeable & which may be learned through practical training on the job in relatively short period of time which shall not exceed 3 months
Article 73
Handicapped workers are those whose earning capacity is impaired by age or physical/mental defieciency or injury
Article 78
Art. 79
Equal opportunity for employment should be given to PWDs
RA 7277
Art. 79
A setting in which people with disabilities receive services & training to develop work-related skills & behaviors
Sheltered employment
Art. 79
PWDs shall be eligible as apprentices or learners, provided, that their handicap is not as much as to effectively impede the performance of job operations
Eligible as apprentices & learners