Human Resources Flashcards
Topic 1
Role of human resource management
Topic 2
Key influences
Topic 3
Processes of human resources management
Topic 4
Strategies in human resource management
Topic 5
Effectiveness of human resource management
Role of human resource management
Strategic role of human resources
Interdependence with other key business functions
- human resource functions
- using contractors- domestic, global
Key influences
Stakeholders- employers, employees, employer associations, unions, government organisations, society
Legal- the current legal framework
- the employment contract- common law (rights and obligations of employers and employees), minimum employment standards, minimum wage rates, awards, enterprise agreements, other employment contracts
- work health and safety and workers compensation
- antidiscrimination and equal employment opportunity
Social- changing work patterns, living standards
Ethics and corporate social responsibility
Processes of human resource management
Strategies in human resource management
Leadership style
Job design- general or specific tasks
Recruitment- internal or external, general or specific skills
Training and development- current or future skills
Performance management- developmental or administrative
Rewards- monetary and non-monetary, individual or group, performance pay
Global- costs, skills, supply
Workplace disputes
- resolution- negotiation, mediation, grievance procedures, involvement of courts and tribunals
Effectiveness of human resource management
- corporate culture
- benchmarking key variables
- changes in staff turnover
- absenteeism
- accidents
- levels of disputation
- worker satisfaction