Human Reproduction Flashcards
Secretions of which male accessory gland helps in the lubrication of penis
Bulbourethral gland
Secretions of male accessory glands constitute of the seminal plasma which is rich in
Fructose, Calcium and certain enzymes
Seminal fluid from seminal vesicle constitute ___ percent of semen
30 percent of semen comes from the secretions of which gland ?
Prostate gland (prostatic fluid)
After some time of ejaculation, semen liquifies due to an enzyme. Name the enzyme and the gland that secretes it.
Enzyme- Profibrino
Gland- Prostate gland
Size of testis in cm
Length 4-5 cm
Width 2-3 cm
4 distinct characteristics of Human reproduction
- Sexually reproducing
- Viviparous
- Sexual dimorphism
- Unisexual
Which coating of testis covers it all around
Tunica albuginea
The human male ejaculates ___ sperms during a coitus
200- 300 million
For normal fertility __ percent of sperms must have normal shape and size and at least __ percent should show vigorous motility
60, 40
Duct formed by the fusion of duct seminal vesicle and vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Gland found in female reproductive tract
Bartholin gland
If mammary ducts are blocked in breasts, then milk will not be able to move from
Mammary tubule to mammary ampulla
The funnel shaped part of fallopian, tube closer to the ovary is called
Capacitation takes place in the
Female reproductive tract- vagina
Capacitation refers to the change in sperm before/after fertilization
Before fertilization
Decapitation occurs in the
Why is the sperm decapitated
To conserve energy of sperm
A ____ mammary gland is a characteristic of ALL _________ [Ncert]
Functional, female mammals
Cells of ___ in breasts secrete milk
Milk is stored in the ___ of alveoli
Cavities (Lumen)
Alveoli open into the mammary ____
Several mammary ducts join to form _____
A mammary ampulla
Mammary ampulla is connected to the_____ through which milk is sucked out
Lactiferous duct
Milk produced in the initial few days of lactation is known as
Colostrum contains
Antibodies essential for devolopment of resistance in new born babies
Part of the human sperm which is called as energy chamber of sperm is?
Middle piece
Process of formation of a mature female gamete
Sterility is caused due to the deficiency of
Vitamin E
Vitamin required for healthy gametes
Vitamin A
Gonadotropins are secreted by
Anterior pituitary gland
Gonadotropins releasing hormone GnRH is secreted by
After fertilization secondary oocyte forms
Ovum /ootid (n) and 2nd polar body (n) (degenerates)
Maturation phase in oogenesis starts from ____ and continues till ______
Before birth, reproductive stage
First maturation division in oogenesis
Meiosis 1 (primary oocyte to secondary oocyte)
End products of meiosis 2 in oogenesis
Ootid/ ovum and 2nd polar body
Primary sex organs in femals is present in
Abdominal cavity
Primary oocyte is arrested at which stage at the time of birth
Meiosis 1, prophase - diplotene stage
Ploidy of- Oogonia Primary oocyte Secondary oocyte Ovum/ootid Polar body
2n 2n n n n
When is Oogenesis initiated ?
Embryonic devolopment stage
In the fetal life how many oogonia (gamete mother cells) are formed within each fetal ovary
Couple of million
For 10 ovum how many polar bodies are formed?
20 polar bodies
Each secondary spermatocyte after second meiotic division produces
2 haploid spermatids
Lack of mensuration is an indication of
Poor health
Elastic fibres that help in descent of testis
Lining of the wall of scrotum and inguinal canal
Cremaster muscle
Function of cremaster muscle
Elevates the testis towards the body at the time of cold.
Involuntary smooth muscle that regulates temperature of scrotal sac
Dartos muscle
Temperature for spermatogenesis
2- 2.5 °C below normal body temperature i.e 34°C
Spermatic cord consists of
Vas deferens, gonadal blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves
Transformation of spermatid to sperm
Hormone which maintains corpus luteum during pregnancy
HCG -Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone
HCG is initially secreted by ___ and later by ___
Trophoblast, placents
Surgical removal of uterus
At the time of puberty how many primary follicles are left in each ovary?
60, 000 to 80, 000
Which event induces the completion of meiotic division of secondary oocyte?
Syngamy- contact of sperm with egg
Hormone responsible for LH surge
Fertilization can only occur if the ovum and sperms are transported ____ to the ____ region
Simultaneously, Ampullary
Intermixing of chromosomes
Plasmogamy is
The fusion of cytoplasm
Primary egg membrane is secreted by
If for a woman puberty starts at 12 yrs and attains menopause at 50 yrs. How many ova does she produce in a lifetime?
456 ova
Absence of menstrual cycle
Risk period
10th to 17th day
Sperm penetrates corona radiata with the help of enzyme-
Sperm penetrates zona pellucida with the enzyme-
Zona lysin/ acrosin
Intermingling of chromosomes is known as
All the parts of the sperm dissolves in the cytoplasm of ovum except
Nucleus and Proximal centriole
What is Cleavage?
Rapid and repeated mitotic divisions
What is Cleavage?
Rapid and repeated mitotic divisions
Newly formed cells in cleavage are called
In Cleavage, Interphase is ___. Only __ phase is present
Short, s-phase
Karyoplasmic index in cleavage ____
Karyoplasmic index in mitosis ____
Remains constant
Cleavge starts in which part of the fallopian tube
Cleavage stops at which stage
At the end of/ after gastrula stage
Implantation other than the uterus site is
Ectopic pregnancy
What prevents ectopic pregnancy
Zona pellucida
3 characteristics of blastomere
- Sticky
- Cohering
- Protruding
16 blastomere stage
Morula name comes from
Morula is found in?
Isthmus of oviduct
How many blastomeres are there in blastocyst stage
16-32 blastomere
Fertilising membrane prevent
Blastocyst stage is found in
At which stage does the embryo get implanted
Blastocyst stage (16-32 blastomere)
Implantation starts after ___ of fertilization
7 days
Implantation is completed on the ___ of fertilization
Which type of implantation do we see in humans
Interstitial type of implantation
Which part of uterus does implantation take place