Human phys y2 s1 Flashcards
What are IPS cells and what are they used for?
Induced pluripotent stem cells that can be used to form cell types and test if a drug has adverse effects
Order of heart layers?
Pericardium -> epicardium -> myocardium -> endocardium
What is epicardium?
Squamous epithelium with a layer of collagen and elastin that forms a loose layer of connective tissue for blood vessel and fat support
What is myocardium?
Thick layer of muscle made up of cardiomyocytes joined by intercalated discs and there are bundles of them with a central nuclei found with connective tissue between them
Contains many capillaries
What does the thickness of myocardium depend on?
Health and disease
What is endocardium?
Layer of flattened endothelial cells supported by fibrous and elastic connective tissue that form the heart chambers’ lining
Which side of the heart is deoxygenated?
Right atrium and ventricle (left side)
Is vena cava for oxygenated or deoxygenated?
Deoxygenated (brings blood in, pulmonary arteries take it to lungs)
Right AV valve?
How does oxygenated blood enter and leave heart?
Enters via pulmonary veins, leaves via aorta and associated arteries
Left AV valve?
What are the two types of cardiomyocytes?
- Pacemaker/autorhythmic (1%) - in sinoatrial node and generate action potentials spontaneously and depolarise nearby cells via gap junctions in intercalated discs
- Contractile cells - the nearby cells that are depolarised and contract
6 steps of the cardiac cycle?
- Action potential from pacemaker cells reaches contractile cells via gap junctions
- Atrial excitation (contraction) occurs as depolarisation spreads through atrial walls
- Electrical impulse reaches AV node (in right posterior of interatrial septum) via internodal pathways
- AV node causes 0.09 second delay the atria can eject all the blood before ventricular contraction
- Bundle of His (conducting-system fibres) guide impulse to interventricular septum – fibres then divide right and left
- Branches lead to purkinje fibres - conduct action potential through myocytes of ventricles = ventricular excitation = blood exits valves
What is atrial systole?
Atrial myocytes contract and blood is forced into ventricles
What is atrial diastole?
Atrial myocytes relax
What is ventricular systole?
Ventricular myocytes contract and blood is forced into the aorta and pulmonary artery
What is ventricular diastole?
Ventricular myocytes relax
Do pacemaker cells have a set resting potential?
7 steps of pacemaker cells’ constantly changing resting potential?
- Membrane potential starts at -60mV
- FUNNY channels open when membrane potential is less than -40mV and allow SLOW influx of Na+ to slowly depolarise
- FUNNY channels close just below -40mV (threshold)
- Ca channels open, Ca2+ enters cell = rapid depolarisation
- Peak of depolarisation = K channels open and Ca channels close and K+ leaves the cell
- Repolarisation (normal levels return)
- Process repeats
9 step process of electrical impulse from pacemaker cells entering contractile cardiomyocytes and what follows?
(-90mV resting, -70mV threshold)
- Na+ and Ca2+ move through gap junctions from adjacent cells (voltage rises to threshold)
- FAST Na+ channels open and Na+ influx occurs to depolarise
- -40mV = SLOW Ca2+ channels open = steady Ca2+ influx
- Na+ channels close on approach to action potential peak
- Voltage gated K+ channels open = early repolarising phase
- K+ efflux is balanced by Ca2+ influx to keep membrane potential stable for 200ms (plateau phase) – more calcium is obtained from SR for contraction
- Ca2+ channels slowly close and K+ efflux dominates and repolarisation occurs
- Ca2+ actively transported to sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Process repeats
3 steps of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling that converts an action potential into a contraction?
- Excitation:
- Ca2+ influx during plateau phase as dihydropyridine receptors (voltage-gated Ca2+ channels) open in contractile cardiomyocytes – this Ca2+ induces release of Ca2+ through ryanodine receptor channels from the SR
- Contraction:
- Ca2+ ions bind to troponin C which is attached to muscle filaments as part of a regulatory complex – causes conformational changes in troponin complex = actin exposure so it can bind myosin-ATPase = ratcheting movement (contraction)
- Relaxation:
- Ca2+ unbinds at the end of the plateau phase, pumped back into SR for storage, muscle relaxes as troponin complex resumes normal position
What are the parts of an ECG?
P wave = atrial contraction
PR interval = conduction through the AV node
QRS complex = ventricular depolarisation and contraction
ST segment = interval between ventricular depolarisation and repolarisation
T wave = repolarisation of ventricles
How does the parasympathetic nervous system affect heart rate?
Controls homeostasis and body at rest (responsible for rest and digest) and decreases heart rate and causes bradycardia (<60bpm)
How does the sympathetic nervous system affect heart rate?
Controls body’s response to perceived threat and causes fight or flight, increases heart rate and causes tachycardia (>100bpm)
Why does 90% of the oxygenated blood a foetus recieves from the placenta bypass the lungs?
Hard work to get blood into lungs as alveoli contain low o2 amniotic fluid that makes them constrict (hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction)
What is the umbilical cord for?
Links foetus and placenta, has two umbilical arteries: one for oxygenated blood, other for deoxygenated blood and waste
Process of oxygenated blood reaching a foetus’ body?
Oxygenated blood from placenta –> umbilical vein –> inferior vena cava –> right atrium –> left atrium (via foramen ovale) –> left ventricle (via mitral valve) –> aorta –> blood to body
Process of deoxygenated blood leaving foetus?
Blood enters foetal heart via superior vena cava –> partially mixes with oxygenated blood from placenta –> right ventricle (tricuspid valve) –> mostly bypasses lungs –> ductus arteriosus –> descending placenta aorta
What is the foramen ovale?
One-way valve that links right and left foetal atria and opens when the pressure is greater in the right atrium as the lungs are not functional (pressure in pulmonary > systematic circulation)
What is the ductus arteriosus?
Links pulmonary artery with aorta, allows deoxygenated blood to enter descending aorta and leave via umblilical arteries
What happens to a baby’s circulations when it is born?
The formamen ovale closes and the baby takes its first breath, clearing the alveoli fluid, reducing pulmonary pressure and increasing systemic blood pressure AND the foramen ovale fuses closed to form the septum
How long does the closure of the ductus arteriosus take?
- There is an initial constriction due to increase in arterial pO2, a drop in circulating prostaglandins and a drop in ductus blood pressure which causes smooth muscle cell death due to hypoxia (scar forms)
- Functional closure is 18-24 hours after birth
- Full anatomical occlusion is over days or weeks
What is a symptom of a congenital heart defect and how can they be identified?
Cyanosis (blue tinge of skin due to low O2)
Risk factors for congenital heart defects?
Genetic conditions, maternal type I diabetes, foetal alcohol syndrom, rubella, flu, some medications, organic solvent exposure
- What are septal defects?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
A hole between atria or ventricles that causes blood mixing which increases the pressure of the blood entering the lungs = pulmonary hypertension
Symptoms = breathlessness, tiredness when feeding, poor weight gain, heart murmur, chest infections and high blood pressure
Treated via keyhole surgery
- What is patent ductus arteriosus?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
Ductus arteriosus remains open after birth which keeps aorta and pulmonary artery connected (abnormal blood flow) which causes pulmonary hypertension and strain on the heart and increases risk of lung and heart infection/damage
Symptoms = breathlessness, heart murmur, sweating, rapid heart rate, poor feeding/weight gain
Treated with prostaglandin inhibitors to stimulate closure OR surgical closure
- What is coarctation of the aorta?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
Part of aorta not forming correctly normally near the ductus arteriosus where the arteries branch to take blood to head and arms (further narrowing can occur at birth when ductus arteriosus closes
Symptoms are dizziness, fainting, breathlessness, sweating, pounding headache, chest pain and nosebleeds due to high blood pressure in upper body
Treatments = removing narrowed section and reconnecting OR inserting catheter into aorta to widen with a balloon OR high blood pressure can be controlled through lifestyle
- What is pulmonary valve stenosis?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
- Narrower than normal so less blood reaches lungs from right ventricle so ventricle works harder = right ventricular hypertrophy (wall thickening)
Heart murmur, tiredness, breathlessness, fainting, chest pains, cyanosis
Balloon valvuloplasty = thin tube with balloon inserted in groin which is threaded to narrowed heart valve and balloon inflates to stretch valve open
OR surgery
- What is mitral valve stenosis?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
- Mitral valve (between left ventricle and atrium) is narrowed which reduces blood flow and blood collects in left atrium and back flow into lungs occurs = heart weakening
Tiredness, breathlessness, fatigue, irregular heartbeats, heart murmur, dizziness, chest pain, coughing up blood
Balloon valvuloplasty OR open-heart surgery to replace/repair
- What is transposition of the great arteries?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
Pulmonary and aortic valves and their respective arteries have swapped positions so the pulmonary artery is on the right and the aorta on the left which means oxygenated blood goes to the lungs and low oxygen blood is in circulation
Cyanosis, pounding heart, weak pulse, breathlessness, poor feeding
Surgical switching of vessels in first month of birth OR prostaglandin injection so the ductus arteriosus doesn’t close and blood mixes
- What is tetralogy of fallot?
- Symptoms?
- Treatment?
Four problems:
1. Ventricular septal defect
2. Pulmonary stenosis
3. Right ventricular hypertrophy
4. Overriding aorta (enlarged aortic valve, blood received from both ventricles)
Cyanosis (can occur in tet spells when baby cries or feeds), endocarditis (increased risk of heart infection), irregular heart rhythm, dizziness, fainting, seizures, delayed growth
Treatment must be surgery soon after birth whereby pulmonary valve is widened/replaced, passage to pulmonary artery widened, VSD patched and repaired
What are two examples of acquired heart diseases?
Atherosclerosis and aneurysms
What is atherosclerosis?
Thickening of artery walls with fat and cellular matter that restricts blood flow and eventually causes rupture and even occlusion that prevents blood flow = hypoxia
3 layers of arterial wall?
- Intima = lines blood vessel lumen, made of endothelial cells and connective tissue
- Media = smooth muscle, matrix proteins, provides strength and elasticity and allows expansion
- Adventitial layer = outer layer, fibrous connective tissue
6 steps of atherosclerosis development?
- Normal artery has a large open lumen
- Fatty streak develops during childhood (reversible) but does not protrude lumen
- This can develop into stable plaque that protrudes and restricts blood flow, fibrous cap of smooth muscle and extracellular matrix forms to increase tensile strength
- Stable plaques can become unstable (larger lipid pool, thinner fibrous cap)
- This can rupture, exposes underlying collagen and lipid core that is highly thrombogenic, thrombus occurs, blood vessel occluded = hypoxia
- The plaque can also heal and leave a larger plaque = further narrowing
How does the fibrous plaque form?
Smooth muscle cells in intima proliferate and produce extracellular matrix molecules
3 factors that cause fibrous cap weakening/thinning?
- T cell mediators weakening smooth muscle cells’ ability to synthesise collagen
- Activated macrophages produce matrix metalloproteinases to break down collagen
- Smooth muscle cell apoptosis and macrophage death causes debris = lipid rich necrotic core that creates unstable plaque
What is coronary heart disease?
Blockage of coronary arteries that causes angina (chest pain) and sometimes myocaridal infarction if heart muscle becomes ischaemic
Symptoms of coronary heart disease?
Angina (low blood flow to heart), myocardial infarction (if blood flow is occluded), aching, tightness, pain in upper body, sweating
3 ways of diagnosing coronary heart disease?
- Angiography - catheter inserted in groin, threaded to coronary artery, dye injected, x-ray shows narrowing
- Blood tests - heart muscle damage during heart attack releases substances like troponin
- ECG changes - during a heart attack it can differentiate between complete occlusion and a milder form called non-STEMI (not occluded)
How is coronary heart disease treated? (4)
- Blood thinning meds like aspirin
- Surgery
- Coronary angioplasty and stent replacement (balloon opens artery, stent remains to hold it open, drug eluting stents can increase patency)
- Coronary artery bypass graft (blood vessel taken from elsewhere in the body and attached above and below artery where it is narrowed or blocked)
When does a stroke occur?
When carotid or cerebral arteries are occluded
Stroke symptoms?
Face drooping on one side, weakness in one arm, slurred speech, unable to speak, severe headache, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, dizziness, confusion
3 ways a stroke is diagnosed?
- Brain scan - dark areas = low O2 (must be done within the hour)
- Swallow test = observed swallowing as they may inhale food or drink which can cause pneumonia
- Carotid ultrasound = shows narrowing or blockages of carotid arteries (must occur within 48 hrs)
Treatment of a stroke?
Short term = thrombolytic drugs to break down blood clots, throbectomy to remove thrombus, carotid endartectomy (neck incision to remove fatty deposits)
Long term = medication combination (anti-platelets, anti-coagulants, anti-hypertensive meds and cholesterol reduction in diet)
What is peripheral artery disease?
Atherosclerosis in peripheral arteries that causes ischaemia in limbs
What is ischaemia?
Hardening and obstruction of blood vessels causing lack of blood flow to legs and feet
Symptoms of peripheral artery disease?
Critical limb ischaemia (hypoxic = ulcers, unhealing wounds and gangrene), intermittent leg cramp during exercise (claudication)
Diagnosis of peripheral artery disease?
Stethoscope identifies weak/absent pulse below narrowed artery, whooshing sounds suggest poor wound healing, ankle-brachial index compares blood pressure in ankle and arm, ultrasound or angiography shows blood flow and diagnoses affected arteries
Treatment of peripheral artery disease?
Lifestyle changes - exercise, smoking cessation, weight loss, better diet
Surgery e.g. angioplasty, bypass grafting, amputation (for limb ischaemia)
What is an aneurysm?
Localised, blood-filled dilation of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall that occur in specific locations in the vasculature (most are abdominal aorta or brain)
Vessel wall weakening eventually causes rupture that causes major internal bleeding
3 mains factors causing aortic aneurysms?
- Inflammation – many inflammatory cells are in aneurysmal tissue, cytokine production by immune cells and cells native to the vessel wall cause inflammatory responses
- Proteolysis = excessive reactive oxygen species from things like smoking activate matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that break down the extracellular matrix and elastin and collagen to weaken vessel wall
- Smooth muscle cell apoptosis = loss of structural integrity in vessels, thinning and weakening too
Symptoms of abdominal aortic aneurysms?
Sudden, severe abdominal pain, dizziness, sweaty, pale, clammy skin, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, fainting (all at the point of rupture)
How is an abdominal aortic aneurysm diagnosed?
Abdominal ultrasound
How is an abdominal aortic aneurysm treated?
- Small (<5.5cm) dilation = 3-6 monthly scans to see if it is growing, lifestyle changes
- Large (>5.5cm) dilation = surgical intervention, graft inserted by endovascular surgery (in groin, guided to aneruysm to strengthen vessel and prevent rupture) OR open surgery (graft placed directly)
What is haematocrit?
45% of the blood, composed of RBCs
What is buffy coat?
1% of blood, made up of platelets and WBCs
Why do RBCs contain no mitochondria?
Prevent use of oxygen so more O2 is delivered to tissues
What is haemaglobin?
A polypeptide with 2 alpha and beta chains, and a haem group attached to globins, it is red when it is carrying O2 and blue when it is not, combines with O2 to form oxyhaemaglobin reversibly
Why does haemaglobin bind to the following molecules:
- CO2?
- H+?
- CO?
- NO?
- Transport to lungs
- Buffers ionised carbonic acid in blood
- Causes carbon monoxide poisoning (occupies O2 binding sites)
- Acts as a vasodilator - binds to sulfur in haemaglobin to form SNO which is then released into tissues where it dilates arterioles to allow O2 rich blood to pass round and it stabilises blood pressure
How do different blood types arise?
Erythrocytes express agglutinogens which determine it, all the blood types express the H gene:
A = A antigen expressed
B = B antigen expressed
AB = Both antigens
O = Neither antigens so H antigen persists
What does the H gene in all blood types do?
It encodes fucose transferase and adds a terminal fucose which forms the H antigen if the transferases in A and B are not present
How do A and B antigens differ?
They differ in their terminal sugar added by the transferase enzymes
- A express second transferase that adds acetylgalactosamine
- B express transferase that add galactose
Are the conventional blood groups the only ones?
No. There are smaller groups such as the Rhesus factor
Difference between A/B+ and - blood?
+ means you have the antigen and are Rhesus protein positive, - means you only have the antigen
Are leukocytes nucleated?
Yes and they are bi- or multi- in most cases
2 mains types of leukocytes?
- Polymorphogranulocytes/ myeloid cells (multi-nucleated, nuclei segmented into lobes, have many granules in cytoplasm)
- Mononuclear agranulocytes (one large and non-segmented nucleus, no granules)
What are granules?
Secretory vesicles that contain cytotoxic molecules (enzymes and antimicrobial peptides) that destroy foreign cells
3 types of granulocytes?
Basophils, neutrophils, Eosinophils
- What do they have a strong affinity for?
- What is the nucleus hidden by?
- What is the nucleus like?
- Basic dyes such as methylene blue dye
- Granules
- Bi or tri-lobed
- Dye preference of granules?
- What is the nucleus like?
- No preference, neutral, remain pale-pink
- Multi-lobed
- Dye preference?
- Nuclei lobing?
- Granules take up eosin stain to be bright red/pink
- Bi
Difference between acidic and basic dyes?
- Acidic dyes like eosin stain basic components like cytoplasm
- Basic dyes like methylene blue stain acid components like nucleus
2 types of agranulocytes?
- Monocytes - large, oval/crescent shaped nucleus, circulate briefly then reside in tissue, mature into macrophages
- Lymphocytes - small, large spherical nucleus, are either T or B cells
2 things basophils synthesise and store?
- Histamine for hypersensitivity responses, causes vasodilation, increases blood flow to injured tissue and blood vessel permeability, allows neutrophils and clotting proteins to get to connective tissue
- Heparin = anticoagulant, removes fat particles in blood, inhibits blood clotting, attracts WBCs to area
- What do they act as?
- How do they work?
- Why do they degenerate and form pus?
- The first line of defence against bacterial infections
- Attracted towards bacteria by chemotactic factors released by damaged tissue/antibodies attached to antigens on surface of microorganism and then they engulf bacteria by endocytosis or phagocytosis and destroy them by releasing granule contents
- Have limited protein synthesis machinery so cannot replenish active enzymes
- Roles?
- Why must they be strictly regulated?
- Defend against parasitic infection, role in allergic responses, inflammation by amplifying it through activating synthesis of chemical mediators
- The cytotoxic molecules can destroy healthy cells
What do monocytes/macrophages do?
Spend 3 days in circulation and then mature in tissues into macrophages which do phagocytosis of bacteria and then act as antigen presenting cells that present components of bacteria to lymphocytes to amplify immune response
- Role?
- 2 types?
- Recognise self vs non-self antigens presented by APCs
- B-lymphocytes
- T-lymphocytes
What do B-lymphocytes do?
Produce many antibodies to neutralise a pathogen or they tag it for destruction by cells like macrophages
What do T-lymphocytes do?
Can respond as Helper T-cells to produce cytokines to direct immune system
OR Cytotoxic T-cells that release cytotoxic proteins that destroy pathogen or pathogen-infected cells
They also produce memory cells
Main function of platelets?
Coagulation and haemostasis
What are platelets?
Fragments of megakaryocytes found in bone-marrow bound cells, they are detached anucleate vesicles with cytosolic enzyme systems that enables them to have a secretory function
Why are platelets contractile?
They have a high conc of actin and myosin so they can contract and be motile
5 steps of haemostasis (platelets)?
- Vessel injury exposes collagen and thromboplastin that activates platelets and recruits them for plug formation (primary haemostasis)
- Vasoconstrictors released by platelets = smooth muscle contracts
- Collagen and thromboplastin activate clotting cascade = thrombin activation
- Thrombin catalyses conversion of circulating soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin monomers
- Fibrin monomers polymerise, cross-link and accumulate with platelets into a dense and tight aggregate (clot) (secondary haemostasis)
What is plasma?
Acellular fluid component of blood containing ions, inorganic and organic molecules (5% of body weight)
4 types of plasma proteins synthesised in the liver?
- Albumin = contributes to osmotic pressure and it exerts osmotic force across capillary wall as they are impermeable to plasma proteins so water is pulled across blood – transports bilirubin, bile salts and penicillin
- Globulins - there are many types = 1. Gamma globulins (immunoglobulins) are antibodies 2. Alpha and beta globulins are transport proteins and have a role in blood clotting 3. Some inactive precursor proteins
- Fibrinogens
- Others that are less abundant
Where do blood cells come from?
From bone marrow where haematopoiesis occurs (haematopoietic stem cell –> committed stem cell or progenitor cell)
What stimulates erythrocyte differentiation?
Erythropoietin from the kidney
What stimulates platelet production?
Multiple cytokines depending on the action of granulocyte and macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and thrombopoietin
How does granulocyte production occur?
Cytokines in different development stages – most important = interleukin-3, granulocyte colony stimulating factor and GM-CSF
What stimulates monocyte/macrophage differentiation?
GM-CSF then macrophage colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)
What stimulates eosinophil differentiation?
GM-CSF and interleukin-5
What stimulates basophil differentiation?
Interleukin-3 and 4
Difference between T and B lymphocyte development?
B complete most of it in bone marrow
T are generated in thymus from precursor cells that migrate from bone marrow
What do erythrocytic diseases cause?
Anaemia (no. of erythrocytes and o2-carrying capacity is not sufficient for body’s physiological needs)
What causes anaemia?
Iron deficiency, nutritional deficiencies, acute and chronic inflammation, parasitic infection, inherited/acquired disorders affecting haemoglobin synthesis/RBC production and survival
How does anaemia affect erythrocytes?
Affects number, size and colour
What are macrocytic anaemias?
Enlarges erythrocytes (defective maturation) to become reticulocytes — causes vitamin deficiencies
What is microcytic anaemia?
Shrinks erythrocytes due to abnormal haemoglobin production
What is an example of a microcytic anaemia?
What is normocytic anaemia?
Reduced erythrocytes due to normal factors like cancer, viruses, chronic kidney disease, RBC destruction
Examples of normocytic anaemia?
Sickle cell anaemia, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
What is autoimmune haemolytic anaemia?
When the body produces auto-antibodies against erythrocyte antigens so immune system targets them — these antibody-opsonised erythrocytes are phagocytosed by macrophages in the spleen which damages the membrane and cases haemolysis = spherical erythrocytes and then the complement system is activated and lysis occurs
Why can autoimmune haemolytic anaemia not be treated with a blood transfusion?
The auto-antibodies are directed against high incidence antigens on all erythrocytes
Symptoms of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia?
Fatigue, dizziness, dysponea on exertion (due to low O2), jaundice, tea-coloured urine (increased bilirubin in plasma = increased urobilin in urine)
How is autoimmune haemolytic anaemia diagnosed?
Direct Coombs test
- Uses anti-human antibodies that bind to human antibodies
- If disease is present there will be an agglutination in the bottom of the tube as the auto-antibodies on the erythrocytes’ surface are tagged
2 treatment options of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia?
- Immunosuppressive therapy using corticosteroids that suppress immune system (prevents RBC destruction)
- Plasmapheresis – filters blood, removes harmful antibodies
What is sickle cell anaemia?
RBCs become sickle shaped and do not flow well due to sticky and inflexible nature and they get stuck at branch points and in small blood vessels which can block blood flow, stopping oxygen-rich blood movement = sickle cell crisis and organ damage
What causes sickle cell anaemia?
Point mutation in gene encoding beta haemoglobin – changes glutamic acid to valine = haemoglobin changes shape and clumps and causes rigid, non-liquid protein strands to form in RBCs in hypoxic conditions = sickle shape
How does sickle cell cause anaemia?
The cells block the spleen filter (also causes spleen damage)
Diagnosis of sickle cell anaemia?
Blood test for haemoglobin S (defective)
Symptoms of sickle cell anaemia?
Anaemia, fatigue, frequent infection, sickle cell crisis
Treatment of sickle cell anaemia?
Blood transfusion, bone marrow transplant
Why is having sickle cell anaemia a benefit in malaria regions?
Cells rupture prematurely and cannot host parasite
What is thalassemia?
Mutations cause unpaired globin polypeptide chains = aggregates and precipitate = RBC damage and lysis
What causes thalassemia?
Mutations or deletions in haemoglobin gene (either alpha or beta) = insufficient haemoglobin production = anaemia
Symptoms of thalassemia?
Anaemia, fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, bone distortion, hepatosplenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen)
What causes hepatosplenomegaly?
Extramedullary heamatopoiesis to produce more erythrocytes
Diagnosis of thalassemia?
Blood or genetic testing
Treatment of thalassemia?
Blood transfusion, folic acid supplements (promotes erythropoiesis), bone marrow in severe child cases
What must occur alongside blood transfusion in thalassemia?
Iron chelation to remove excess iron build up
What is cyclic neutropenia?
A leukocytic disease that is an autosomal blood disorder caused by mutations in the ELANE gene (encodes neutrophil elastase) which causes neutrophil maturation failure
How does cyclic neutropenia work?
Normally neutrophil elastase inhibits neutrophil differentiation but when mutated it is excessively inhibitory so there are longer trough periods of decrease to 0 every 3 weeks and then for up to 5 days it rebounds
Symptoms of cyclic neutropenia?
Frequent infections, fever, ulcers of mucous membranes in mouth
Diagnosis of cyclic neutropenia?
Blood cell count, bone marrow biopsy
Treatment of cyclic neutropenia?
Stimulation of neutrophil production e.g. granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment or haematopoietic stem cell transplant
What is leukocytosis?
Increased number of leukocytes
What are the 5 types of leukocytosis?
- Neutrophilia = infections and inflammation
- Lymphocytosis = viral infections and leukaemia
- Monocytosis = certain infections and cancer
- Eosinophilia = allaergies and parasites
- Basophilia = leukaemia
Diagnosis of leukocytosis?
Blood cell counting
6 treatments for leukocytosis?
- Antibiotics for infection
- Anti-inflammatories for inflammation
- Antihistamine/inhaler for allergic reaction
- Chemotherapy/radiation/stem cell transplant for leukaemia
- Medication changes if a drug is causing it
- Treatment for causes of stress and anxiety
What is leukaemia?
Cancer of WBCs due to DNA damage/mutation during haematopoiesis - starts in blood-forming tissue to over-produce abnormal, immature WBCs
2 types of leukaemia?
- Acute myeloid leukaemia
- Chronic myeloid leukaemia
Characteristics of acute myeloid leukaemia?
Abnormal differentiation of myeloid cells, accumulation of immature myeloid precursor cells in bone marrow and peripheral blood which causes differentiated RBCs, platelets and WBC shortage
What does chronic myeloid leukaemia cause?
Splenomegaly due to more differentiated myeloid cells in blood
Symptoms of leukaemia?
Anaemia, weakness, tiredness, shortness of breath, light-headed, palpitations, frequent infection, fever, malaise, sweating, bleeding and bruising, heavy periods, nosebleeds, bleeding gums
Diagnosis of leukaemia?
Full blood count, genetic testing, X-rays, scans, lumbar puncture, bone marrow biopsy
7 steps of HIV?
- Glycoprotein spikes on HIV virions recognise and bind CD4 reeptors and CCR5 coreceptor on surface
- HIV endocytosed
- HIV injects viral enzymes (including transcriptase and integrase) and RNA
- Reverse transcriptase transcribes single stranded RNA genome of HIV into cDNA
- Reverse transcriptase uses host cell’s DNA polymerase to create double stranded viral DNA
- Viral integrase integrates viral DNA into host cell genome so it produces viral mRNA and protein
- Protein forms viral particles that bud off of T cell and infect other CD4+ T cells
Why does HIV cause loss of immunity?
Infects and destroys CD4+ helper T cells that normally produce cytokines to activate immune cells
What does HIV also cause?
Chronic inflammation that inhibits haematopoiesis which slows CD4+ cell production
Thymus can become infected which inhibits T-cell maturation
What can HIV lead to?
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) as cell mediated immunity can be fully lost eventually
Symptoms of HIV?
Short flu-like symptoms in early weeks, then asymptomatic for years but immune damage is occurring
Diagnosis of HIV?
Blood, saliva or blood spot tests
Treatment of HIV?
Post-exposure prophylaxis if patient was at risk, antiretroviral meds to prevent viral replication
What is haemophilia?
An X-linked recessive platelet disorder caused by mutation and deficiency in clotting factors = clotting is defective
Why are clotting factors important?
Convert prothrombin to thrombin and fibrinogen to fibrin
What is the difference between haemophilia A and B? (cause)
A is factor VIII deficiency, B is factor IX deficiency
Symptoms of haemophilia?
Internal/external bleeding after injury, spontaneous bleeding into joints (chronic pain and disability)
Diagnosis of haemophilia?
Blood test, amniocentesis prenatally if family history
Treatment of haemophilia?
No long term cure but replacement therapy for clotting factors or gene therapy works
What is gene therapy in haemophilia?
Functional copy of clotting factor is packaged in a recombinant adeno-associated viral vector that is then taken up into liver cells and expressed
2 layers of glisson’s capsule?
- Serosa outer (mesothelium, single squamous epithelium)
- Fibrous inner (fibroplasts like collagen)
What is the liver blood supply?
- 25% of cardiac output from hepatic artery
- Portal vein – from intestine, left gastric vein (stomach and oesophagus) and superior mesenteric (rectum)
2 types of liver cells?
- Parenchymal (hepatocytes)
- Non-parenchymal
What are types of parenchymal cells?
Periportal, intermediate and perivenous
What are types of non-parenchymal?
Endothelial, kupffer, lipocytes, biliary epithelial (cholangiocytes)
What is the liver made up of?
Liver lobules that have a portal triad on each point of the hexagon shaped lobule
What is a portal triad?
Branch of hepatic artery, branch of portal vein and a bile duct
Where does the central vein drain in the liver and how does it differ to the portal triad?
Drains at sinusoid
Has lower O2 but more waste products
Where does the blood in the central vein come from?
Mixing of blood from hepatic artery and portal vein
What does the central vein link?
Porto-venous axix
What is the order of hepatocytes in the direction of portal triad into the central vein/porto-venous axis?
Periportal –> intermediate –> perivenous
Which hepatocytes have the highest glucose?
Why are periportal more oxidative than perivenous?
More o2 in periportal means there are more enzymes for oxidative reactions
What is metabolic zonation in the liver?
Different reactions occur in each hepatocyte type
How are hepatocytes polarised?
Apical (upper) and basolateral (bottom near endothelial cells of sinusoid)
How do bile acids leave hepatocytes?
Via apical membrane
What is enterohepatic circulation?
Bile produced by liver –> enters gall bladder via bile duct –> when gall bladder is full the bile empties into small intestine and emulsifies fats –> reabsorbed into portal vein into liver
4 functions of the liver?
- Metabolic (glucose production, gluconeogenesis, store glucose in form of glycogen, makes cholesterol)
- Protein synthesis (plasma proteins, clotting factors)
- Solubilsation and transport (bile synthesis, transferrin)
- Protection (detoxification phases i and iii, urea cycle, clearance of bacteria by kupffer cells)
What is gluconeogenesis?
Partial glycolysis reversal with non-equilibrium reactions that must be separate and distinct
3 non-reversible gluconeogenesis reactions? (and their forward and reverse enzymes)
- Glucose –> G6P (f = glucokinase, r = glucose-6-phosphatase)
- Fructose-6-phosphate –> fructose-1,6-diphosphate (f = PFK, r = phosphatase)
- PEP –> pyruvate (forward), pyruvate –> oxaloacetate –> PEP (reverse)
Enzymes = pyruvate carboxylase, PEPCK
What is albumin used for?
Binding/carrier for hormones and fatty acids AND osmoregulation
What carries:
- Copper?
- Iron?
- Thyroid hormone and vitamin A?
- Ceruloplasmin (up to 6)
- Transferrin (2 at a time)
- Transthyretin
How does transferrin (TFN) transport iron?
Fe binds to form TFN-Fe which changes conformation which makes it a higher affinity for TFN receptors on cells so TFN-Fe enters internalised endocytic pathway which makes cell more acidic so complex disassociates and Fe is in the cell and TFN via blood and TFN receptor goes back to cell surface
What are endobiotics?
Naturally produced substances that require metabolism to regulate their levels or facilitate their excretion (such as bilirubin)
2 phases of bilirubin biotransformation?
Phase I = oxidative and reductive reactions by addin o2 to functional groups
Phase II = covalent attachment of endobiotic drugs that are water soluble