Human person Flashcards
Who is a human being
- Man is a soul encased in a body
- Man is a rational animal
- Man is by nature a political animal”
- Man is a hylomorphic being, i.e. he has a body and a soul. The body is matter and the soul is its substantial form.
- The human person is a psychosomatic unit, i.e. is a unity of body and soul. The body is corporeal in nature while the soul is spiritual in nature
How is the human person made up or constituted
In philosophical terms the faculty we use for thinking is known as the mind or the intellect; the intellect is the capacity to think, to know, to acquire knowledge. Ultimately that which we seek to know through the intellect is the truth.
- The capacity to read into the nature of things.
- Man is a creature that searches for meaning and his/her expressions have meaning.
- As he is free, he can invent new ways of behaving, or he can act against what he thinks he ought to do or he can do it because he wants to, that is, freely
Cultural and ethical application of the term human nature
- It offers a basis which allows us to say that all men are essentially equal.
- Allows us to affirm that a universal ethics exists, which is valid for every man, due to the simple fact that if we have a common nature, then we also have common ethical principles or requirements
- Offers a basis for affirming that absolute moral norms exist that hold for all men.
- Gives a transcendent basis to the human person in that, although man is free, he does not create or invent his own nature, but rather he receives it as given.
Who is a person
An individual substance of a rational nature
: the person subsists, continues to exist, in spite of changes around him; the person is a being that persists, in time
the person is a unique and specific type of being ; each person is different in himself, and is distinct from other persons
Rational nature
a person is a particular type of substance because he has intelligence and is capable of understanding the world; he is a spiritual being
What makes the individual substance be a person?
According to Boethius, it is the fact that the substance is of a rational nature; that is, the human person has the capacity for self-conscious, reflective and abstract thought
Characteristics of a person
- A spiritual being who has an immaterial form (spirituality)
- Can think (rationality)
- The thought process and other aspects of the soul are affected by the body and vice versa (somaticity)
- The person performs actions which are not tied to corporeality but can transcend the person’s existence for example thinking, loving and worshiping (transcendence).
- They are externalized through rational language to other people (Emergence).
Human body
- The body depends on the soul which is the first act of the body. The soul enables the body to function.
- The human body with its functions and faculties constitutes human nature. We receive our body from our parents.
- It is true that the brain and human body comes from my parents, but how I think and choose is something proper to me as an individual
- When we are born, we are born naked. Man discovers that his body is without clothing. I am aware that I exist and that I am naked. Furthermore, I am aware that I should not be naked.
- The act of clothing is a human action and not an animal act.
Duality and dualism
- Man has a dual constitution: body and soul. Pairs are also present in man’s life: life and death, love and hatred, good and evil, pain and pleasure, right and left,…
- A vision of things that exaggerates this feature of human life is dualism. It gives emphasis to one end of the pole to end up making the two extremes oppose and exclude each other. Thus, dualism will regard there to be irreconcilable opposition between body and soul, matter and spirit
The materialists will consider the emotions and thoughts as simply biochemical reactions and the interplay of neurons. They are just material states. This conception views what is properly spiritual in man as belonging to the realm of matter. And so, there is no spirit: just matter.
The dignity and value of the Human Body
- The human body is precisely dignified because it is animated by a spiritual soul.
- The body, cannot be separated from the person because of the profound unity (soul +body)
- The body is not a mere ‘thing’, ‘object’ or ‘instrument’. It belongs to a subject: the human person. Man therefore has a natural duty to respect the human body.
Caring for one’s life implies among others
- Caring for one’s rest and relaxation: this demands order, time and resources. To rest is not to “do nothing”, but to engage in a change of activity for a time.
- Managing stress, following well known techniques: order, timetables, self-forgetfulness, etc.
- Looking after one’s health: personal hygiene, medical check-up, avoiding unnecessary dangers (e.g. dangerous sports).
- Avoiding addictions and substance abuse (alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling), and excesses (in food, entertainment, work, music, sports, etc.)
Basic principles on human life
- Every human life is sacred, i.e. it has a connection with God, because it involves the creative activity of God
- All people are equal in dignity, a dignity that is intrinsic to every person.
- Because of its dignity, human life should be respected from conception to natural death. This is an inalienable right.
- No one can claim for himself the right to directly destroy an innocent human being
- The right to life is the basis of all subsequent rights; the right to life is also an obligation, a duty to respect life.