Human health and diet Flashcards
Which chemicals (in the right quantity) are needed for a balanced diet?
- Carbohydrates, which are made up of simple sugars.
- Proteins, which are made up of amino acids.
- Fats, which are made up of fatty acids and glyercol.
Which factors affect a balanced diet?
- Age
- Gender
- Level of activity
- Being vegan/vegetarian
- Medical conditions e.g. allergies
What happens when too many fat and carbohydrates are eaten?
They get stored in the body.
Where are carbohydrates and fats stored?
- Carbohydrates are stored in the liver or converted into fats.
- Fats are stored under the skin and around organs as adipose tissue
- Although proteins are important for growth and repair. They cannot be stored in the body.
Why is protein important?
It is needed for growth.
What does EAR stand for?
Estimated average daily requirement
Unit for EAR
EAR Forumula
EAR = 0.6 x body mass in kg
What factors affect the EAR for protein?
- Body mass
- Age
- Pregnancy or lactaction
What happens if there is not enough protein in the diet?
Too little protein in the diet causes the condition kwashiorkor. This is more common in developing countries due to overpopulation and lack of money to improve agriculture.
Proteins can’t be stored but …
Some amino acids can be converted by the body into other amino acids.
What are first and second class proteins?
- Proteins from meat and fish are call first class proteins. They contain all the essential amino acids that cannot be made in the body.
- Plant proteins are called second class proteins as they do not contain all the essential proteins.
BMI calculation

BMI Ranges
- >20 Underweight
- 20-25 Normal
- 25-30 Obese
Why would some people become ill by eating less than they need?
- Low self esteem
- Poor self image
- Desire for what they think is perfection.