Human Growth and Development Flashcards


Freud’s stages are psychosexual while Erik Erikson’s stages are:

a) psychometric
b) psychodiagnostic
c) psychopharmacological
d) psychosocial


(d) Erik Erikson’s eight stages focus on social relationships and thus are described as psychosocial. Psychometric refers to mental testing or measurement. Psychodiagnostic pertains to the study of personality through interpretation of behavior or nonverbal cues. In counseling it can also mean that the counselor uses the aforementioned factors or tests to label the client (using the DSM). Psychopharmacology studies the effects that medications or drugs have on psychological functions.

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In Freud’s psychodynamic theory instincts are emphasized. Erik Erikson is an ego psychologist. Ego psychologists:

a) emphasize id processes.
b) refuse the concept of the superego.
c) believe in man’s powers of reasoning to control behavior.
d) are sometimes known as radical behaviorists.


(c) Your first Rosenthal reminder: Psychodynamic theories focus on unconscious processes rather than cognitive factors when counseling clients. emphasized the importance of the id, while Erikson stressed ego functions. The ego is logical, rational, and utilizes the power of reasoning and control to keep impulses in check. Ego psychologists accent the ego and the power of control.

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The only psychoanalyst who created a developmental theory which encompasses the entire life span was:

a) Erik Erikson.
b) Milton H. Erickson.
c) A. A. Brill.
d) Jean Piaget, who created the four stage theory.


(a) **Many scholars do not feel that Freud;s theory truly covers the entire life span. **Erik Erikson created a theory with eight stages in which each stage represents a psychosocial crisis. Since the final stage does not even begin until age 60, most personality theorists believe that his theory actually covers the entire life of an individual.

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The statement “the ego is dependent on the id” would most likely reflect the work of:

a) Erik Erikson.
b) Sigmund Freud, who created psychodynamic theory.
c) Jay Haley.
d) Arnold Lazarus, William Perry, and Robert Kegan.


(b) In Freudian theory, the id is also called the pleasure principle and houses the animalistic instincts.The ego, which is known as the reality principles, is pressured by the id to succumb to pleasure or gratification regardless of consequences.

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Milton H. Erickson


Associated with brief psychotherapy and innovative techniques in hypnosis

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Jay Haley


Known for his work in strategic and problem-solving therapy, often utilizing the technique of paradox

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Arnold Lazarus


Considered a pioneer in the behavior therapy movement, especially in regard to the use of systematic desensitization, a technique which helps clients cope with phobias.

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Robert Perry


Known for his ideas related to adult cognitive development; especially regarding college students. Perry stresses a concept known as dualistic thinking common to teens in which things are conceptualized as good or bad or right and wrong. Dualism has also been referred to as black and white thinking with virtually no ambiguity. As they enter adulthood and move into relativistic thinking the individual now has the ability to perceive that not everything is right or wrong, but an answer can exist relative to a specific situation. In essence, there is more than one way to view the world.

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Robert Kegan


A well-known figure in the area of adult cognitive development. He stresses interpersonal development. His theory is billed as a “constructive model of development, meaning that individuals construct reality throughout the life span.”

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Jean Piaget’s idiographic approach created his theory with four stages. The correct order from stage 1 to stage 4 is:

a) formal operations, concrete operations, preoperations, sensorimotor.
b) formal operations, preoperations, concrete operations, sensorimotor.
c) sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, formal operations.
d) concrete operations, sensorimotor, preoperations, formal operations.


(c) Idiographic approaches to theories such as Freud and Piaget examine individuals (not groups of people) in depth. Idiographic theories can be contrasted with nomothetic approaches such as behaviorism or the DSM where large numbers of people are studied the create general principles that apply to the population. Onward! Piaget was adamant that the order of the stages remains the same for any culture, although the age of the individual could vary. It is time for your first memory device. It would make sense that Piaget’s first stage emphasizes the senses and the child’s motoric skills, hence the name sensorimotor stage. I can remember the last stage by reminding myself that people seem to be more formal as they get older. The final stage is of course formal operations. The stage with “pre” must come before the remaining stage which is concrete operations.

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Some behavioral scientists have been critical of Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget’s developmental research inasumch as:

a) he utilized the t test too frequently.
b) he failed to check for Type 1 or alpha errors.
c) he worked primarily with minority children.
d) his findings were often derived from observing his own children.


(d) Piaget did not rely on statistical experiments that would be impacted by type 1 or alpha errors or utilize the t test. He observed his own children, Lucienne, Laurent, and Jacqueline by utilizing games and interviews.

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A tall skinny pitcher of water is emptied into a small squatty pitcher. A child indicates that she feels the small pitcher has less water. The child has not yet mastered:

a) symbolic schema
b) conservation
c) androgynous psychosocial issues
d) trust versus mistrust


(b) In Piaget’s theory, the term conservation refers to the notion that a substance’s weight, mass, and volume remain the same even if it changes shape. According to Piaget, the child masters conservation and the concept of reversibility during the concrete operations stage (ages 7-11 years). Here is a memory device. Both conservation and the ability to count mentally both occur in the concrete operational thought stage. Fortunately, conservation, counting, and concrete operations all start with a “c.”

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In Piagetian literature, conservation would most likely refer to

a) volume or mass
b) defenses of the ego
c) sensorimotor intelligence stage
d) a specific psychosexual stage life


(a) Example-A child is shown a pie cut into two pieces. The same pie is cut into 10 pieces. If the child has not mastered conservation he or she will say that the pie that is now cut into 10 pieces is bigger than when it was cut into just two pieces. David Elkind and Piaget report that mass is the first and most easily understood concept. The mastery of weight is next, and finally the notion of volume can be comprehended. A good memory device might by MV, such as in most valuable player. The “M,” or mass, will come first and the “V,” or volume, will be the final letter. The “W,” or weight, can be squeezed in-between.

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A child masters conservation in the Piagetian stage known as

a) formal operations–12 years and older
b) concrete operations–ages 7-11 years
c) preoperations–ages 2-7 years
d) sensorimotor intelligence–birth to 2 years


(b) Remember your memory device: conservation begins with a “c” and so does concrete operations.

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_______ expanded on Piaget’s conceptualization of moral development.

a) Erik Erikson
b) Lev Vygotsky
c) Lawrence Kohlberg
d) John B. Watson


(c) Vygotsky disagreed with Piaget’s notion that developmental stages take place naturally. Vygotsky insisted that the stages unfold due to educational intervention. Kohlberg (the correct answer) is perhaps the leading theorist in moral development. Kohlberg used stories to determine the level of moral development in children. Epigenetic is a biological term borrowed from embryology. This principle states that each stage emerges from the one before it. The process follows a given order and is systematic. Recently, the definition has focused on the fact that environmental factors can influence genetic expression. Kohlberg’s, Erikson’s, and Maslows’ theories are said to be epigenetic in nature. Watson, choice “d,” is the father of American behaviorism and coined the term behaviorism in 1912.

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According to Jean Piaget, a child masters the concept of reversibility in the third stage, known as concrete operations or concrete operational thought. This notion suggests

a) that heavier objects are more difficult for a child to lift.
b) the child is ambidextrous
c) the child is more cognizant of mass than weight
d) one can undo an action, hence an object (say a glass of water) can return to its initial shape


(d) Choice “d” is the definition of reversibility. The word ambidextrous, in choice “b,” refers to an individual’s ability to use both hands equally well to perform tasks.

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During a thunderstorm, a 6-year-old child in Piaget’s stage of preoperational thought (stage 2) says, “The rain is following me.” This is an example of:

a) egocentrism
b) conservation
c) centration
d) abstract thought


(a) Expect to see a question on the test like this one and you can’t go wrong. This is the typical or prototype question you will come across in order to ascertain whether you are familiar with the Piagetian concept of egocentrism. By egocentrism, Piaget was not really implying the child is self-centered. Instead, egocentrism conveys the fact that the child cannot view the world from the vantage point of someone else. Choice “d” mentions abstract thought, which does not occur until PIaget’s final or fourth stage known as formal operations.

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Lawrence Kohlberg suggested

a) a single level or morality
b) two levels of morality
c) three levels of morality
d) preoperational thought as the basis for all morality


(c) Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development are preconventional, conventional, and postconventional (the latter is referred to in some texts as the personal integrity or morality of self-accepted principles level). Each level can be broken down further into two stages

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The Heinz dilemma is to Kohlberg’s theory as

a) a brick is to a house
b) Freud is to Jung
c) the Menninger Clinic is to biofeedback
d) a typing test is to the level of typing skill mastered


(d) The Heinz dilemma is one method used by Lawrence Kohlberg to assess the level and stage of moral development in an individual. The story goes like this: A woman in Europe was dying of cancer. Only one drug (a form of radium) could save her. It was discovered by a local druggist. The druggist was charging $2,00, which was ten times his cost to make the drug. The woman’s husband, Heinz, could not raise the money and even if he borrowed from his friends, he could only come up with approximately half the sum. He asked the druggist to reduce the price or let him pay the bill later since his wife was dying but the druggist said, “No.” The husband was thus desperate and broke into the store to steal the drug. Should the husband have done that? Why?

The individual’s reason for the decision (rather than the decision itself) allowed Kohlberg to evaluate the person’s stage of moral development. In short, the reasoning utilized to solve a moral dilemma such as the Heinz dilemma could be used to assess moral development. Kohlberg’s stages and levels are said to apply to all persons and not merely to those living in the U.S. Thus, it is evident that the Heinz dilemma is most like choice “d,” a typing test. C. G. Jung, mentioned in choice “b,” is the father of analytic psychology. Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. And lastly, the Menninger Psyhiatric Clinic is a traditional psychoanalytic foothold as well as the site of landmark work in the area of biofeedback, which is a technique utilized to help individuals learn to control bodily processes more effectively using electronic devices.

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The term identity crisis comes from the work of

a) counselors who stress RS involvement issues with clients
b) Erikson
c) Adler
d) Jung


(b) RS in our field means religious and spiritual. Addressing RS issues in counseling has increased in the last several years. In fact, the number of counselors who consider themselves spiritual (though not necessarily religious) is also climbing. RS factors are often examined by counselors who are attempting to integrate the practice of “positive psychology” into their work. Positive psychology is hot right now and I suspect you could see a question about it on your exam. The term, coined by Abraham Maslow and popularized by learned helplessness syndrome pioneer Martin Seligman, regers to the study of human strengths such as joy, wisdom, altruism, the ability to love, happiness, and wisdom. Keep in mind that I use the correct as well as correct answers to teach you key material. Erik Erikson (b) felt that, in an attempt to find out who they really are, adolescents will experiment with various roles. Choice “c” refers to another name you should know, Alfred Adler, the founder of individual psychology, which stresses the inferiority complex.

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Kohlberg’s three levels of morality are:

a) preconventional, conventional, postconventional
b) formal, preformal, self-accepted
c) self-accepted, other directed, authority directed
d) preconventional, formal, authority directed


(a) In the preconventional level the child responds to consequences. In this stage reward and punishment (i.e., selfish motives) greatly influence the behavior. In the conventional level the individual wants to meet the standards of the family, society, and even the nation. Kohlberg felt that many people never reach the final level of postconventional or self-accepted morality. A person who reaches this level is concerned with universal, ethical principles of justice, dignity, and equality of human rights. Kohlberg’s research indicated that under 40% of his middle-class urban males had reached the postconventional level. Ghandi, Socrates, and Martin Luther King, Jr. have been cited as examples of individuals who have reached this level, in which the common good of society is a key issue.

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Trust versus mistrust is

a) an Adlerian notion of morality
b) Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development
c) essentially equivalent to Piaget’s concept of egocentrism
d) the basis of morality according to Kohlberg


(b) Erik Erikson proposed eight stages in the formation of the ego identity and this is the first. This stage corresponds to Freud’s initial oral-sensory stage (birth to approximately 1 year). Each of Erikson’s stages is described using bipolar or opposing tendencies. Although Jean Piaget and Erikson are the most prominent stage theorists, you should also become familiar with the work of Harry Stack Sullivan, who postulated the stages of infancy, childhood, the juvenile era, preadolescence, early adolescence, and late adolescence. Sullivan’s theory, known as the psychiatry of interpersonal relations, is similar to Erikson’s theory in that biological determination is seen as less important than interpersonal issues and the sociocultural demands of society. Again, Sullivan focuses on social influences.

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A person who has successfully mastered Erikson’s first seven stages would be ready to enter Erikson’s final or eighth stage,

a) generativity versus stagnation
b) initiative versus guilt
c) identity crisis of the later years
d) integrity versus despair


(d) Each stage is seen as a psychosocial crisis or a turning point. Erik Erikson did not imply that the person either totally succeeds or fails. Instead, he says that the individual leans toward a given alternative (e.g., integrity vs. despair). The final stage begins at about age 60. An individual who has successfully mastered all the stages feels a sense of integrity in the sense that his or her life has been worthwhile.


In Kohlberg’s first or preconvetional level, the individual’s moral behavior is guided by

a) psychosexual urges
b) consequences
c) periodic fugue states
d) counterconditioning


(b) In the consequences stage (called premoral), an M&M, treat, or removal of a favorite toy is more important than societal expectations and the law. In choice “c” the term fugue stage refers to an individual who experiences memory loss (amnesia) and leaves home, often with the intention of changing his or her job and identity. What does this have to do with answering the question regarding Lawrence Kohlberg, you ask? Nothing, that’s decidedly why it’s the wrong answer! In choice “d” you are confronted with the word counterconditioning. This is a behavioristic technique in which the goal is to weaken or eliminate a learned response by pairing it with a stronger or desirable response. Systematic desensitization is a good example, but more on that later.


Kohlberg’s second level of morality is known as conventional morality. This level is characterized by:

a) psychosexual urges
b) a desire to live up to society’s expectations
c) a desire to confirm
d) b and c


(d) At the conventional level the individual wishes to conform to the roles in society so that authority and social order can prevail. Kohlberg felt that attempts to upgrade the morals of our youth have failed and he has referred to some character-building educational programs as “Mickey Mouse stuff!”


Kohlberg’s highest level of morality is termed postconventional morality. Here the individual

a) must truly contend with psychosexual urges
b) has the so-called “good boy/good girl” orientation
c) has self-imposed morals and ethics
d) a and b


(c) Postconventional morality is the highest level where the individual creates his or her own moral principles rather than those set by society or family. It has been called a prior to society perspective. Choice “a” reflects the Freudian theory, which choice “b” is stage 3 of Kohlberg’s theory, which occurs at the conventional level. In the “good boy/good girl orientation” the person is concerned with approbation and the ability to please others in order to achieve recognition.


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, level 3, which is postconventional or self-accepted moral principles,

a) refers to the naive hedonism stage
b) operates on the premise that rewards guide morals
c) a and b
d) is the highest level of morality. However, some people never reach this live.


(d) Hedonism mentioned in choice “a” occurs in stage 2 of the preconventional level. Here the child says to himself, “If I’m nice others will be nice to me and I’ll get what I want.” Choice “b” actually refers to the first stage of the preconventional level, which is the punishment versus obedience orientation.


The zone of proximal development

a) was pioneered by Lev Vygotsky
b) was pioneers by Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg
c) emphasized organ inferiority
d) a, b, and c


(a) The zone of proximal development describes the difference between a child’s performance without a teacher versus that which he or she is capable of with an instructor and was pioneered by Vygotsky. In choice “c” the concept of organ inferiority is mentioned. This term is primarily associated with the work of Alfred Alder, who created individual psychology.


Freud and Erikson

a) could be classified as behaviorists
b) could be classified as maturationists
c) agreed that developmental stages are psychosexual
d) were prime movers in the dialectical behavior therapy or DBT movement


(b) In the behavioral sciences, the concept of the maturation hypothesis (also known as the maturation theory) suggests that behavior is guided exclusively via hereditary factors, but that certain behaviors will not manifest themselves until the necessary stimuli are present in the environment. In addition, the theory suggests that the individual’s neural development must be at a certain level of maturity for the behavior to unfold. A counselor who believes in this concept strives to unleash unborn abilities, instincts, and drives. The client’s childhood and the past are seen as important therapeutic topics. In reference to choice “d” DBT focuses heavily on mindfulness (being aware of your own state of mind and the environment) and was created by Marsha M. Linehan and is useful for clients harboring feelings of self-harm and suicide. It is also useful with substance abuse issues.


John Bowlby, the British psychiatrist, is most closely associated with

a) the work of psychologist and pediatrician, Arnold Gesell, a maturationist
b) developmental stage theories
c) bonding and attachment
d) the unconscious mind


(c) Arnold Gesell was a pioneer in terms of using a one-way mirror for observing children. Maturationists such as Gessell feel that development is primarily determined via genetics/heredity. Hence, a child must be ready before he or she can accept a certain level of education (e.g., kindergarten). Bowlby’s name starts with a “B” as does the word bonding. John Bowlby saw bonding and attachment as having survival value, or what is often called adaptive significance. Bowlby insisted that in order to lead a normal social life the child must bond with an adult before the age of 3. If the bond is severed at an early age, it is known as “object loss,” and this is said to be the breeding ground for abnormal behavior, or what is often called psychopathology. Margaret Mahler calls the child’s absolute dependence on the female caretaker “symbiosis.” Difficulties in the symbiotic relationship can result in adult psychosis. Mahler’s theory is known as separation-individual theory of child development.


In which Eriksonian stage does the midlife crisis occur?

a) Generativity versus stagnation
b) Integrity versus despair
c) a and b
d) Erikson’s stages do not address midlife issues


(a) Most theorists believe that the midlife crisis occurs between ages 35 and 45 for men and about five years earlier for women, when the individual realizes his or her life is half over. Persons often need to face the fact that they have not achieved their goals or aspirations. Incidentally, the word generativity refers to the ability to be productive and happy by looking outside one’s self and being concerned with other people. Some exams may refer to this stage as “generativity versus self-absorption.” Daniel Levinson, who wrote Seasons of a Man’s Life and Seasons of a Woman’s Life, viewed the midlife crisis as somewhat positive, pointing out that individuals who do not face it may indeed stagnate or become stale during their fifties. In other words, avoiding or bypassing the crisis can lead to lack of vitality in later years.


The researcher who is well known for his work with maternal deprivation and isolation in rhesus monkeys is

a) Harry Harlow
b) John Bowlby
c) Lawrence Kohlberg
d) all of the above


(a) Harlow’s work is now well-known in the social sciences. Harlow believed that attachment was an innate tendency and not one which is learned. Monkeys placed in isolation developed autistic abnormal behavior. When these monkeys were placed in cages with normally reared monkeys some remission of the dysfunctional behavior was noted. Evidence that this is true in man comes from the work of Rene Spitz, who noted that children reared in impersonal institutions (and hence experienced maternal deprivation between the sixth and eighth months of life) cried more, experienced difficulty sleeping, and had more health-related difficulties. Spitz called this “anaclitic depression.” These infants would ultimately experience great difficulty forming close relationships.


The statement: “Males are better than females when performing mathematical calculations” is

a) false
b) true due to genetics
c) true only in middle-aged men
d) true according to research by Eleanor Maccoby and Carol Jacklin


(d) Maccoby and Jacklin reviewed the literature and found very few differences that could be attributed to genetics and biological factors. The literature suggests that, where males outperformed females in mathematics, they did not do so until high school or perhaps college. Thus, the major impetus for sex-role differences may come from child-rearing patterns rather than bodily chemistry.


The Erikson stage that focuses heavily on sharing your life with another person is

a) actually the major theme in all of Erikson’s eight stages
b) generativity versus stagnation–ages 35-60 years
c) intimacy versus isolation–ages 23-34 years
d) a critical factor which Erikson fails to mention


(c) Counselors need to be aware that an individual who fails to do well in this stage may conclude that he or she can depend on no one but the self.


We often refer to individuals as conformists. Which of these individuals would most likely conform to his or her peers?

a) A 19-year-old male college student
b) A 23-year-old male drummer in a rock band
c) A 57-year-old female stockbroker
d) A 13-year-old male middle school student


(d) Conformity seems to peak in the early teens


In Harry Harlow’s experiments with baby monkeys

a) a wire surrogate mother was favored by most young monkeys over a terry-cloth version
b) the baby monkey was more likely to cling to a terry-cloth surrogate mother than a wire surrogate mother
c) female monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol
d) male monkeys had a tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol


(b) Infant monkeys preferred the terry-cloth mothers to wire mothers even though the wire mothers were equipped to dispense milk. Harlow concluded that “contact comfort” is important in the development of the infant’s attachment to his or her mother. A 165-day experiment revealed that the monkeys were spending an average of 1.5 hours per day with the wire mother and 16 hours with the terry-cloth mother. John Bowlby would say that in humans the parents act as a “releaser stimulus” to elicit relief from hunger and tension through holding


Freud postulated the psychosexual stages:

a) id, ego, and superego
b) oral, anal, phallic, and genital
c) eros, thanatos, regression, and superego
d) manifest, latent, oral, and phallic


(b) Choice “a” depicts Freud’s structural theory of the mind as being composed of the id, ego, and the superego. In choice “c” the word eros refers to the Freudian concept of the life instinct while thanatos refers to the self-destructive death instinct. Analysis is just brimming with verbiage borrowed from Greek mythology. The term regression is used to describe clients who return to an earlier stage of development. In choice “d” you should familiarize yourself with the terms manifest and latent, which in psychoanalysis refer to the nature of a dream. Manifest content describes the dream material as it is presented to the dreamer. Latent content (which is seen as far more important by the Freudians) refers to the hidden meaning of the dream.


In adolescence

a) females commit suicide more than males
b) suicide is a concern but statistically very rare
c) the teens who talk about suicide are not serious
d) males commit suicide more often than females, but females attempt suicide more often


(d) Males commit suicide more often than females. This answer would apply not only to adolescence but to nearly all age brackets. One theory is that males are more successful in killing themselves because they use firearms whereas females rely on less lethal methods. Choice “b” is false inasmuch as suicide is generally the tenth or eleventh leading cause of death in the U.S. as well as the second or third leading killer of teens each year. As far as choice “c” is concerned, a counselor should always take it seriously when a client of any age threatens suicide. The truth is that the vast majority of those who have killed themselves have communicated the intent to do so in some manner.


In the general U.S. population

a) the suicide rate is 2/100,000
b) suicide occurs at the beginning of a depressive episode, but rarely after the depression lifts
c) suicide rates tend to increase with age
d) suicide occurs at the beginning of a depressive episode, but rarely after the depression lifts, and suicide rates tend to increase with age


(c) Choice “b” is way off the mark. Suicidal clients often make attempts after the depression mark begins to lift! Official statistics indicate about 41,000 suicides each year in the United States. Suicidologists believe that the actual number may be closer to 75,00 due to complications in accurately coding the cases. Choice “a” reflects the approximate suicide rate in African American females, which checks in as the lowest of any racial gender. The overall suicide rate in the United States in any given year is about 12/100,000. Interestingly enough, personality measures such as the MMPI-2 and the Rorschach are not good predictors of suicide or for that matter of suicide attempts. In essence, test profiles of suicidal individuals generally are not distinguishable from those of persons who are not suicidal.


The fear of death

a) is greatest during middle age
b) is an almost exclusively male phenomenon
c) is the number one psychiatric problem in the geriatric years
d) surprisingly enough occurs in the teen years


(a) In Erikson’s stages the individual would accept the finality of life better during the final ego identity versus despair stage rather than in the middle-age years.


In Freudian theory, attachment is a major factor

a) in the preconscious mind
b) in the mind of the child in latency
c) which evolves primarily during the oral age
d) a and b


(c) Choice “c” would make sense from a logical, because the oral stage is the first Freudian psychosexual stage and occurs while the child is still an infant (i.e., the stage goes from birth to 1 year). Attachments in human as well as animal studies indicate that the bonding process takes place early in life.


When comparing girls to boys, it could be noted that, in general

a) girls grow up to smile more
b) girls are using more feelings words by age 2
c) girls are better able to read people without verbal cues at any age
d) all of the above


(d) Boys, on the other hand, are sometimes more physically active and aggressive


The Freudian developmental stage which “least” emphasizes sexuality is

a) oral
b) anal
c) phallic
d) latency


(d)The word latent refers to the hidden meaning of a dream. In the developmental stages the sexual drives seems hidden (or at least not very prominent) during latency. Sexual interests are replaced by social interests like sports, learning, and hobbies. Latency is the only Freudian developmental stage which is not primarily psychosexual in nature. It occurs roughly between ages 6 and 12.


In terms of parenting young children

a) boys are punished more than girls
b) girls are punished more than boys
c) boys and girls are treated in a similar fashion
d) boys show more empathy toward others


(a) Stanley Coopersmith found that child-rearing methods seem to have a tremendous impact on self-esteem. A study he conducted indicated that, surprisingly enough, children with high self-esteem were punished just as often as kids with low self-esteem. The children with high self-esteem actually had more rules than the kids with low self-esteem. When the child with high self-esteem was punished the emphasis was on the behavior being bad and not the child. Parents of children with high self-esteem were more democratic in the sense that they would listen to the child’s arguments and then explain the purpose of the rules. The Coopersmith study utilized middle-class boys, aged 10-12.


When developmental theorists speak of nature or nurture they really mean

a) how much heredity or environment interact to influence development
b) that the focus is skewed in favor of biological attributes
c) a and b
d) a theory proposed by B. F. Skinner’s colleagues


(a) In this question, the word nature refers to heredity and genetic makeup, while nurture refers to the environment. The age-old argument is whether heredity or environment has the greatest impact on the person’s development. This is the old nature versus nurture or heredity versus environment controversy. Today theorists shy away from an extremist position and admit that both factors play a major role. Just for the record, choice “d” mentioned B. F. Skinner, who was the prime mover in the behavioristic psychology movement. Behaviorists, like Skinner, tend to emphasize the power of environment. Today, clinical applications of Skinnerism principles (and those set forth by other prominent behaviorists) are called ABA or applied behavior analysis).


Stage theorists assume

a) qualitative changes between stages occur
b) differences surely exist but usually can’t be measured
c) that humanistic psychology is the only model which truly supports the stage viewpoint
d) b and c


(a) Choice “b” is incorrect inasmuch as differences can often be measured. Just ask any behaviorist! Choice “c” makes no sense because analysts (who are not considered humanistic) such as Freud and Erikson have supported the stage theory viewpoint



a) begins at birth
b) begins during the first trimester of pregnancy
c) is a continuous process which begins at conception
d) a and c


(c) Developmental psychologists are fond of looking at prenatal influences (i.e. smoking or alcohol consumption) that affect the fetus before birth


Development is cephalocaudal, which means

a) foot to head
b) head to foot
c) limbs receive the highest level of nourishment
d) b and c


(b) The head of the fetus develops earlier than the legs. Cephalocaudal simply refers to bodily proportions between the head and tail.


Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to their offspring and

a) assumes the normal person has 23 pairs of chromosomes
b) assumes that heredity characteristics are transmitted by chromosomes
c) assumes that genes composed of DNA hold a genetic cold
d) all of the above


(d) Here is a vest-pocket definition of heredity (choices “a,” “b,” and “c”). You should also be familiar with the term heritability, which is the portion of a trait that can be explained via genetic factors.


Piaget’s final stage is known as the formal operational stage. In this stage

a) abstract thinking emerges
b) problems can be solved using deduction
c) a and b
d) the child has mastered abstract thinking but still feels helpless


(c) Piaget felt a large number of individuals never really reach this stage; hence, the difficulty with subjects like algebra, physics, and geometry. Another characteristic of the formal operations stage is that the child can think in terms of multiple hypotheses. If you ask a child to answer a question as, “Why did someone shoot the president?” a child who has mastered formal operations (approximately age 11 and beyond) will give several hypotheses while a child in the previous stages would most likely be satisfied with one explanation. For exam purposes, remember that abstract concepts of time (e.g. what was life like 500 years ago?) or distance (e.g. how far is 600 miles?) can only be comprehended via abstract thinking, which occurs in this stage. Answer “d” is incorrect inasmuch as Piaget felt that when the child eventually reached the final stage he or she would be ready for adulthood and would not experience child-like feelings of helplessness


Kohlberg lists _____ stages of moral development which fall into _____ levels.

a) 6; 3
b) 6; 6
c) 3; 6
d) 3; 3


(a) Precoventional level with stage 1: punishment obedience orientation and stage 2: naive hedonism (also called instrumental or egotistic) orientation. The entire first level is sometimes called the “premoral level.” Conventional level with stage 3: good boy/good girl orientation and stage 4: authority, law, and order orientation. This entire level is often known as “morality of conventional rules and conformity.” Postconventional level with stage 5: democratically accepted law or “social contract” and stage 6: principles of self-conscience and universal ethics. The last level is sometimes termed the “morality of self-accepted principles level.”


A person who lives by his or her individual conscience and universal ethics principles

a) has, according to Kohlberg, reached the highest stage of moral development
b) is in the preconvetional level
c) is in the postconvetional level of self-accepted moral principles
d) a and c




Freud’s Oedipus complex (or Oedipus stage)

a) is the stage in which fantasies of sexual relations with the opposite-sex parent occur
b) occurs during the phallic stage
c) a and b
d) is a concept Freud ultimately eliminated from his theory


(c) The Oedipus complex or phase is the most controversial part of Freud’s theory and choices “a” and “b” roughly describe it. The Oedipus complex–the boy’s secret wish to marry his mother, paired with rage toward his father–is said to occur between ages 3 and 5. Looking for a good memory device? The Oedipus complex occurs during the phallic stage and both words conveniently begin with the letter “p.” Some tests may actually refer to this stage as the phallic-oedipal stage. Freud chose the name based on the Greek myth in which Oedipus, the mythical king of Thebes, unknowingly killed his father and married his mother


In girls the Oedipus complex may be referred to as

a) systematic desensitization
b) covert desensitization
c) in vivo desensitization
d) the Electra complex


(d) In the Oedipus complex in boys and the Electra complex in girls (grounded in the Greek myth of Electra), the female child fantasizes about sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex. This creates tension since this is generally not possible. Hence the child is said to have a fantasy in which he or she wishes to kill the parent of the opposite sex. Freud went on to hypothesize that eventually the child identifies with the parent of the same sex. This leads to internalization of parental values, and thus the conscience or superego is born. As for choices “a,” “b,” and “c,” they are all behavioral terms and hence incorrect. The term covert in choice “b” refers to any psychological process which cannot be directly observed, which in choice “c” I introduce you to “in vivo,” which means the client is exposed to an actual situation which might prove frightful or difficult. The word desensitization refers to behavior therapy techniques that help to ameliorate anxiety reactions.


The correct order of the Freudian psychosexual or libidinal stages is

a) oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
b) oral, anal, genital, phallic, and latency
c) oral, phallic, latency, genital, and anal
d) phallic, genital, latency, oral, and anal


(a) Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, which is the most comprehensive theory of personality and therapy ever devised. Libidinal merely means related to libido which is the sexual impulse or desire.