Human Geography Resource Management Flashcards
How much toxic water was dumped into rivers following oil extraction, in the 1960’s, in Ecuador?
18 billion gallons
As of 2020, how much land has been deforested in Cameroon?
70,000 hectares, 600+ tree species
How did the weight of fish extracted from the North Sea change between 1970 and 2006?
300,000 to 20,000 tonnes
What % of the UK is currently used for farming?
Why does China consume so many resources?
Population is 1.3 billion
It is expected that global energy consumption will increase by what % in the next 35 years?
How many barrels of oil do Iran and Saudi Arabia have in reserve?
100 billion barrels of oil in reserve
What was the UK energy mix in 2014?
NATURAL GAS: 34.1%; OIL 34%; COAL 16%; NUCLEAR 7%; BIOENERGY 5%; WIND AND HYDRO 2% (does not =100 due to other small contributors)
What does the global energy mix look like?
Dominated by fossil fuels, more then 80%. Expected that this will drop to 76% by 2020.
How much coal did China use in 2012?
3,621 tonnes
As of 2016, how many countries still had a plentiful supply of coal?
70 countries
By what % did coal use increase by in 2014?
How many jobs were there in the Tar Sands oil industry in Alberta Canada in 2017?
When was the Gulf of Mexico oil spill?
How many barrels of water is needed to extract oil from tar sands?
6 barrels of water for 1 barrel of oil
What potential is there for shale gas in the NW of England?
200 trillion of shale gas could be extracted from rocks in NW England
How many jobs had been created in the fracking industry in the USA by 2016?
2 million jobs
How many deaths were there following the nuclear explosion in Chernobyl?
Deaths range from 4,000 to ½ million. 4,000 immediate impact. ½ million long term effects of radiation. Greenpeace suggest as many as 1 million.
How much will Hinkley Point C Cost?
Lifetime cost - £37 billion
How many years are global uranium reserves expected to last for?
Plentiful supply - expected to be enough for 200 years
Give an example of wind power production in the UK?
London Array with 170 wind turbines and peak rating power of 630 MW
How much noise (in decibels) do wind turbines produce?
Typically 40 to 50 decibels
The London Array produces how much power for how many homes?
470,000 homes
The London Array will save how many tonnes of CO2 emissions a year?
925,000 tonnes of CO2 per year.
How many villages were forced to relocate in construction of Sardar Sarovar Dam?
234 villages
How much energy is created by the Sardar Sarovar Dam?
1,450 megawatts of hydroelectric
In 2016, what’ % of an individual’s energy consumption in the UK came from heating?
In 2016 what % of an individual’s energy consumption came from powering their home in the UK?
In 2016 what % of an individual’s energy consumption came from their personal transport in the UK?
McDonalds has replaced its neon and filament bulb lighting with LED lighting. How much money has been saved in energy costs?
$11 million
1/2 a million energy efficient appliances have saved how much energy in McDonalds?
What is Marks and Spencer’s Plan A?
100 commitments to achieve within 5 years. These included, sourcing responsibly, reducing waste and helping communities
How many countries signed the Paris Agreement in 2015 pledging to reduce emissions?
195 nations
What’s the UK’s aim in terms of renewables?
UK aims to produce 80% less carbon than it did in 1990 by 2050
What has the UK put in place to reduce energy consumption in the home?
Encouraged smart meters and in 2008 introduced the energy performance certificate, so that all new houses have to meet certain energy requirements
What did the UK do in 2001 to reduce energy consumption from cars?
C02 emissions were linked to car tax
What’s India’s target for solar power by 2022?
They aim to be able to generate 100GW of solar energy by 2022
What % of India’s population had access to electricity in 2015?
55% of all rural households had access to electricity, (85% of rural households depended on solid fuel for cooking)
What is the International Solar Alliance?
An alliance of more than 120 countries. Primary objective is to promote solar energy to reduce dependence onfossil fuels.
How did India rank, in 2015, compared to other countries, in terms of Wind Power capacity?
India had thefourth largest installed wind power capacity in the world (8.6% of its energy mix)
What % of Germany’s energy came from solar power in 2016?
Example of solar power production in Germany?
Bavaria Solar Park covers 26HA ; expected to reduce emissions by 100,000 tonnes of CO2 in 30 years
What % of Germany’s energy came from wind power in 2016?
8% of electricity comes from wind turbines , all of which is onshore. Plans to extend wind power to around 6500MW by 2020