What is “The element of Huamn Factor Reliabilility”?
Is the study of human reliability within a system in which human involvement is critical for the operation.
The ability to remain calm in a startling situation is a sign of?
A system dependability is improved during its design phase by adding…
elements that recognize and mitigate human performance errors.
Explain how the Nuclear Industries examine an existing system to quantify the reliability levels and human errors caused by design weaknesses?
What is THERP?
Techniques for Human Error Rate Prediction.
Which is a tool to assign the probability of an error to each step of a process.
What is the PRA method?
Probabilistic Risk Assesment
PRA uses classic….
RISK ASSESMENT methods to examine both the machine and human component of a system.
What is ASEP and what is it for?
Accident Sequence Evaluation Program, and it is similar to THERP used to examine human performance issues in accidents.
What is CREAM?
Cognitive Reliability and Error Analisis Method
Is a tool to analise and predict human errors.
What is HEART?
Human Error Assesment and Reduction Technique.
What are Human Factors?
What are the four most common types of ERRORS?
What is the SHEL model?
Who invented the Shell Model?
Elwyn Edwards and
Frank Hawkins