Human Evolution Flashcards
Great apes
Orangutan, gorilla, chimps and humans
Gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimps and humans
African great apes
Gorillas, chimps and humans
Human and chimp molecular divergence
Molecular clock estimate around 5.4 million years ago
Physical differences in humans and apes
Differ mainly in size/proportions of body parts rather than presence/absence of traits
Humans and chimps nucleotide difference
Differ in about 1-2% of nucleotides in most if the genes that have been examined
Chromosome comparison in human and chimps/gorillas
Human chromosome #2 is one long chromosome whereas in chimps and gorillas it is split into two
Differences in gene expression
Mainly in the brain
Very small brain cases, bipedal, about 3.9 feet talk, 1st known possible ancestor to apes/humans, 4.4 mya
Small brain cases, bipedal, females 3’7” and males between 4’7”-4’11”, more direct ancestor of humans, 2.4-3.9 mya
Slightly larger, bipedal, big molars/jaws, less direct ancestry to us, maybe separate lineages, 1-2.7 mya
Early homo
Larger brain cases, smaller faces (flatter and more vertical), bipedal, 1.5-2.4 mya
Homo erectus
Even larger brain cases, longer legs, closely related to humans (at least more so than previously), 1.2 mya to 0.4 mya
Homo sapiens
Same traits as homo erectus but 0.1 mya to present, humans
Homo erectus outside of Africa
Around 1.6-1.9 mya
Out of Africa hypothesis
One origin of Homo sapiens in Africa and then moved elsewhere, no interbreeding with homo erectus already in area, displace and outcompete them
Multiregional hypothesis
Multiple origins of Homo sapiens from homo erectus regionally, gene flow kept populations one species (slower transition into Homo sapiens, interbreeding)
Hybridization and assimilation hypothesis
Like out of Africa but could interbreed with homo erectus
Human traits among currently living primates
Bipedal locomotion, large brains, manufacture and use of complex tools, use of language
Use of arbitrary symbols, standardized within a culture, to represent objects and ideas
Evolution of language
Cave paintings 32,000 years old required language, hyoid bone in homo neanderthalensis (anchors throat muscles, important for speech), larger brain case especially in the brain case area ~2 mya in homo habilis