Human Development Flashcards
Positive reinforcement
Increases probability that behaviour will occur. Praising, giving tokens, otherwise rewarding positive behaviour
negative reinforcement
behaviour increase because a negative (adverse) stimulus is removed (ie, removed shock)
positive punishment
presentation of undesirable stimulus following a behaviour for the purpose of decreasing or eliminating that behaviour (ie. hitting, shocking)
negative punishment
removal of a desirable stimulus following a behaviour for the purpose of decreasing or eliminating that behaviour (ie. removing something positive, such as a token or dessert; using a timeout)
treatment procedure in which a clients anxiety is extinguished by prolonged real or imagined exposure to high - intensity feared stimuli
in vivo desensitization
pairing + movement through a hierarchy of anxiety, from least to most anxiety - provoking situations; takes place in “real setting”
rational emotive therapy (RET)
cognitively oriented therapy in which a SWer seeks to change a clients irrational beliefs by argument, persuasion, and rational reevaluation and by teaching a client to counter self - defeating thinking with new, non distressing self - statements
systematic desensitization
anxiety - inhibiting response cannot occur at same time as anxiety response. Anxiety producing stimulus is paired w/relaxation producing response so that eventually an. anxiety producing stimulus produces a relaxation response
Steps of classical model of cultural, racial, and ethic identity development
-immersion - emersion
-internalization + commitment