Human Development Flashcards
2 Classes of Behavior
- Respondent
-Involuntary behavior
-Stimulus triggers response
*EX - Anxiety - Getting turned on - Operant
-Voluntary behavior
-Controlled by consequences in environment
*EX - Walking - Talking
3 Stages of Addiction Treatment
- Stabilization - Establishing abstinence - accepting addiction problem - commit to making changes
- Rehabilitation - remaining substance free through coping skills - increased supports
- Maintenance - stabilize gains of treatment - relapse prevention and termination
4 Learning Theories
- Behaviorists
- Cognitive
- Humanistic
- Social/Situational
- Behaviorists
-Learning viewed through changes in behavior
SWs aim to change external environment to bring about desired outcome - Cognitive
-Learning viewed through internal mental processes
SWs help with skills to improve learning - Humanistic
-Learning is viewed through a person’s activities - aimed at reaching their full potential
SWs aim to develop “Whole Person” - Social/Situational
- People learn through interacting with their environment
- SWs create opportunities for conversation/participation
5 Basic Social Institutions
- Family
- Religion
- Government
- Education
- Economics
5 Stages of Group Development
- Preaffiliation
- Power and Control
- Intimacy
- Differentiation
- Seperation/Termination
- Preaffiliation - Development of trust (Forming)
- Power and Control - Individual Autonomy/Group Identification (Storming)
- Intimacy - Using self in service of group - (Norming)
- Differentiation - Acceptance of each other (Performing)
- Separation/Termination - Independence (Adjourning)
A client sees a woman get brutally beaten and killed during an incident of domestic violence. Shortly after the incident, the client reports the inability to see. This client is MOST likely experiencing the defense mechanism of:
- Conversion
- Acting out
- Compensation
- Reaction formation
Conversion is when mental conflict or disturbance is transferred into a physical symptom to relieve anxiety. The loss of eyesight after witnessing the incident may have resulted from this trauma.
An event will most likely lead to emotional/psychological trauma if:
*Happened in childhood
*Happens repeatedly
*Happened unexpectedly
*someone was intentionally cruel
*No preparation for it
*Feeling powerless to prevent it
Aversion Therapy
treatment aimed at reducing an undesirable behavior
by repeatedly pairing that behavior with something negative
EX - Person trying to quit smoking - gets shocked every time they see a picture of a cigarette
4 Best Applications of Behavior Modification
- Sexual dysfunctions
- Phobic disorders
- Compulsive behaviors *EX - overeating/smoking
- Intellectual disabilities/Autism
Behavior training program
teachers person how to control certain functions
-Blood Pressure
-Muscle tension
*Used for ADHD & Anxiety
Cognitive Development Theory
Concrete Operations
Formal Operations
- Sensorimotor 0-2 years
*Signal & Symbol Meaning
*Imitative Play - Preoperational 2-7 years
*Understands Past/Present/Future
*Magical Thinking
*Night Terrors
*Imaginary Friends
3.Concrete Operations 7-11 years
* Abstract Thought/Logic
* Games with rules - Formal Operations 11 - maturity
* Planning for future
* Adult Roles/Responsibilities
Communication Concept - Double Bind
Offering two contradictory messages
EX - mother telling her child that she loves them, while at the same time inflicting corporal punishment as discipline
the words are socially acceptable; the body language is in conflict with it.
Communication Concept - Echolalia
*Repeating noises/phrases
Communication Concept - Cognitive Dissonance
- *Person has to choose between two opposing views
EX - A client is very worried about her financial situation. She buys a new car and tells the social worker that she made the purchase “because the car is much less likely to break down and will save money in the long run.”
Communication Content - Manifest & Latent
*Manifest - Concrete words
*Latent - not visible - underlying meaning - theme
Community Development
*Long term commitment
*Addresses imbalance of power
*Getting community members working together
Conflict Theory
*Focus = Social Control
*Social control is maintained by those with the greatest resources
*Groups/Individuals defend their own interests
Couples Development Theory - Stages
- Romance
- Power Struggle
- Stability
- Commitment
- Co-Creation
Focus = Attachment
Power Struggle
*Focus on differences rather than similarities
*Differentiation - seeing oneself as distinct within a relationship
*time/activities away from partner - towards self
*Live independently while still identifying as a couple
*Mutual growth
*Generativity v. Stagnation
Crisis Intervention Theory - 7 Stages
- Conduct Bio-psycho-social - Assessing danger is always first
- Establish partnership wtih client
- Prioritize problems - SW determines what was the “last straw”
- SW Validates feelings
- SW/Client come up with plan - what has been helpful in the past
- Shifts from crisis to resolution - client will begin to make meaning of crisis
- Follow up
Defense Mechanism - Acting Out
Emotional conflict is dealt with through actions rather than feelings
EX - instead of talking about feeling neglected - person will get into trouble to get attention
Defense Mechanism - Compensation
*Allows one to make-up for (real or imagined) deficiencies
EX - Lord Farquaad in Shrek - little man with BIG castle
Person who stutters - expressive writer
Defense Mechanism - Conversion
Repressed urge - converted to disturbance in the body
EX - tics, pain, convulsions, paralysis
EX - THE OA - child sees school bus crash into river
Shortly after the incident, the child is blind
Defense Mechanism - Decompensation
Decline of defenses
EX - Prison Bae breaks up with Kim
Kim’s defenses (Dance, Art, Being Creative) don’t keep her a float like they used to
Defense Mechanism - Denial
*Unable to acknowledge thoughts, feelings, behaviors that are painful/unbearable
EX - Resident on Hospice - Family can’t accept their loved one is dying
Defense Mechanism - Devaluation
*Opposite of Idealization
*Exaggerated/negative qualities to another
“All Bad”
Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Trial - He’s so horrible - it was all his fault - he has no positive qualities
Defense Mechanism - Displacement
Directing an impulse/feeling
toward a person/situation that is unrelated
EX - A man who is having problems at work finds that he is yelling at his children more and has begun to have marital issues with his wife.
Defense Mechanism - Dissociation
*Split mental functions
*Not connected to self or reality
Defense Mechanism - Idealization
*Overly admiring a quality about a person
EX - Narcissistic dad - kids still idolize him like he’s the greatest person - nothing is wrong with him
Defense Mechanism - Identification
*Person Identifies with another individual
*Makes themself like that person
*Superego development
EX - relationship chameleon - all of a sudden likes football, cars, and steak because their boyfriend does. Now girlfriend identifies will all those interests
Defense Mechanism - Identification with the Aggressor
*Mastering anxiety by identifying with a powerful aggressor
*Usually involves behaving like aggressor
EX - Child who is abused - is a bully at school
Defense Mechanism - Incorporation
*Representation of a person is figuratively ingested
Defense Mechanism - Inhibition
*Unable to engage
*Activity avoided - it might cause conflict
something that holds you back from doing something you want to do
EX - You want to go to the beach - you don’t like your body and hate wearing a swimsuit - so you don’t go to the beach
Defense Mechanism - Intellectualization
*Avoids emotions by focusing on facts/logic
*Focus = words - not feelings
EX - client has recently learned that her child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. For an hour, she talks to the social worker in detail about the medical condition without showing any emotion.
Defense Mechanism - Introjection
*Opposite of Projection
*Internalizes ideas/beliefs of other people
EX - Dad saying “boys dont cry”
Defense Mechanism - Isolation of Affect
*Unacceptable impulse/idea - separated from original memory source
*don’t have to feel negative emotion that came with the impulse
Lisa gets ritalin again - shame/guilt about past - ignores those feelings and only focuses on the positive
Defense Mechanism - Projection
*Pushing one’s disowned thoughts/beliefs
to another person
EX - Deon accusing me of cheating - when in reality he was cheating
Defense Mechanism - Projective Identification
*experienced by the person being projected on to
*person identifies with the projection being pushed on them by another person
*Self fulfilling prophecy for projector
EX - Deon accusing me of cheating - Projective Identification would be if I then went around and cheated on him
Defense Mechanism - Rationalization
*Believable explanation for irrational behavior
EX - Amanda’s client sent text saying he fucked a dog
following day - said he said he was drunk and just wanted attention
Defense Mechanism - Reaction Formation
*Person adopts ideas, attitudes, behaviors
that are opposite of person’s actual feelings
EX - A woman has strong feelings of resentment toward her sister. These feelings are rooted in her childhood and she has always believed that her sister was a mean person. However, throughout her childhood, she reports being inseparable from her sister and “doing everything together.” She also reports buying a necklace for her recently that states “Best Sister Ever.”
Defense Mechanism - Regression
*Return to more childlike thinking/reacting
EX - being needy when sick
Defense Mechanism - Repression
*Banish unacceptable ideas, fantasies, impulses
EX - Bates Motel - Norman would murder by night - wake up the next day and have no idea what happened.
Defense Mechanism - Splitting
*perceives self/others as “all good” or “all bad”
Defense Mechanism - Sublimation
Negative feelings/behaviors
diverted to socially acceptable channels
EX - Gaby has anger issues - does Karate
Defense Mechanism - Substitution
Unattainable/unacceptable goal, emotion, object
replaced by something attainable/acceptable
EX - Lisa’s Dating Life
Lisa wants boyfriend who is outdoorsy & sexual
Unconiously changes goals once meeting man and dates sexless indoor boys
Defense Mechanism - Symbolization
*Turning internal conflict into symbols
EX - Soldier has been stationed overseas to fight in the war - instead of taking that fact in, soldier says i’m off to “Protect the Flag”
Defense Mechanism - Turning Against Self
*Taking ownership of another person’s negative behavior
EX - when the wife states loud and clear that her husband is not to blame for his infidelity, that it is her fault as she did not communicate enough with him.
Defense Mechanism - Undoing
*Person uses words/actions
to symbolically reverse unacceptable thoughts/feelings
EX - Compulsively washing hands to deal with obsessive thoughts
Ecological Perspective
*Issues of power/privilege
*Focus of intervention = relations between client and the client’s environment (people, organizations, resources)
Erikson’s Social Development
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Generativity Vs. Stagnation
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
*Trust vs. Mistrust
Trust = Child builds confidence
Mistrust = Fear/anxiety of world
*Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
Autonomy - supported independence = confident in ability to survive
Shame/Doubt - criticized/overly controlled = dependent on others/lack self esteem/shame about own abilities
Child asserts independence [ex- walking away from mom/choosing what toy to play with/what to wear)
*Initiative vs. Guilt
Initiative = secure in ability to lead others/make decisions
Guilt = guilt in being a follower
[ex - plan activities/make up games]
Industry vs. Inferiority
Industry = pride in accomplishments - ability to achieve goals
Inferiority = feel inferior/doubt abilities/failing to reach full potential
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Identity = Begin to form identity based on explorations
Role Confusion = Confusion about self/role in the world
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Intimacy = Sense of commitment/safety
Isolation = Avoiding intimacy/fearing commitment
explore relationships outside of family
Generativity Vs. Stagnation
Generativity = Give back to society by raising children/being productive at work/involved in activities
Stagnation = Individual feels stagnant/unproductive
Starting jobs/Families/Sense of being a part of the bigger picture
Ego Integrity vs. Despair
Ego Integrity - proud of life accomplishments
Despair - Unproductive/Failed to accomplish life goals
Reflect on life
One’s own culture/race is superior to others
- Withholding reinforcer that follows a behavior
- Behavior that fails to produce reinforcement will eventually stop
EX - 16 year old is being bullied. in the past, he would cry when teased causing his peers to laugh - SW instructs client to walk away when teasing starts
Withholding reinforcer (crying)
bullying will eventually stop
Family Systems Theory
*Focus on family as whole - not individual members
*All parts of family are interrelated
*Families strive for balance/homeostasis
Family Systems Theory - Subsystems
*Families organize themselves into smaller units
*Units have different tasks
- Treatment for Anxiety
- Exposure to prolonged/high intensity feared stimuli
EX - Sara in a tub of snakes
Gender Role Theory
*Boys/Girls learn behavior based on social environment
Conections of persons across the world
EX - human trafficking - environmental issues
Group Polarization
*Group decision making
*Discussion strengthens a point of view
*Results in shift to more extreme position than any members would have adopted on their own
EX - Proud Boys - Insurrection on January 6th
Group makes faulty decisions based on group pressures
EX - cops actions in school shooting
In Vivo Desensitization
-Pairing & movement through
least - to most anxiety provoking situations
*EX - someone afraid of dogs - take steps to slowly expose themselves to large groups of dogs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Bottom - Top
- Psychological - food, water, shelter
- Safety - safe from harm/danger/threat
- Social - friendship/intimacy/affection/love needed from family, romantic partners, colleagues
- Esteem - self respect & respect from others
-Self Actualization - clients full potential
Method of teaching
Individual demonstrates the behavior to be learned in front of the client
Moral Development Theory - Kohlberg
Post Conventional
*Preconventional - Before age 9
- Stage 1 - Obeys out of fear of punishment
- Stage 2 - Behaves well to receive rewards
*Conventional - Early Adolescents
- Stage 3 - Acts to gain approval “good girl”
- Stage 4 - Obeys Rules/Laws - Avoids Guilt
*Post Conventional - Adult (not reached by most)
-Stage 5 - Concerned with other’s welfare/rights
-Being morally right
Stage 6 - Guided by individual principles
-Concern for larger/universal issues of morality
Parenting Skills
*Authoritarian - EX - Albinas
- Strict rules resulting in punishment
- Children are obedient but have low self esteem and happiness
*Authoritative - Howards
- set rules followed by nurturing and forgiveness
- listen to children
- Children are happy/capable
*Permissive - Anna Marie Kraus
- Very few demands on kids
- Kids preform poorly in school - problems with self regulation
*Uninvolved - Dylan’s mom
- Few demands & little communication
- Rank lowest
Personality Theories
What is responsible for a client’s Personality?
*Biological - Genetics
*Behavioral - Interacting w. the environment
*Psychodynamic - Unconscious mind
*Humanist - Free will
*Trait - Born with broad/stable characteristics
*Society of diverse members working together
*Value differences
Positive & Negative Punishment
PP - Presentation of undesirable stimulus
following a behavior
-Purpose = decrease/eliminate that behavior
EX - Spanking
NP - Removal of desirable stimulus
following a behavior
-Purpose = decrease/eliminate that behavior
EX - Taking away ice cream after dinner
Positive & Negative Reinforcement
PR = Behavior increases by rewarding positive behavior
*EX - Sylvan Tokens
NR = Behavior increases because something negative is removed
*EX - husband hates his wife nagging him about doing yard work
wife stops nagging
husband starts doing yard work more
Psychodrama Treatment Approach
*Role play in a group setting
*Members recreate their problems
A client has dialated pupils, appears jittery, and complains that “he just needs to get some sleep”. The client is MOST likely using which of the following substances?
A. Cocaine
B. Heroin
C. Marijuanna
D. Pain killers
A. Cocaine
A client has recently learned that her child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition that will substantially affect her abilities in the future. For an hour, she talks to the social worker in detail about the medical condition without showing any emotion. The defense mechanism that BEST describes the client’s response is:
- Devaluation
- Substitution
- Intellectualization
- Rationalization
is when a person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. In this instance, the client is not dealing with the emotions associated with this recent diagnosis, but instead focused on the rational medical details of the condition.
A client is extremely upset because her 14 year old son is not helping around the house, independently doing his homework, or arriving to school on time. The son states that his mom watches over him too closely and does not give him needed privacy. This problem is best understood as:
A. A communication problem
B. Role Discomplementarity
C. Progressive Discipline
D. Developmental Processes
B. Role Discomplementarity
A client is very distressed because she is physically attracted to individuals of the same gender. She has become increasingly upset by these desires and wants to find ways to eliminate them. The feelings that the client is experiencing are:
- Latent
- Ego alien
- Ego-syntonic
- Rooted in the pleasure principle
“Ego alien”
means these feelings are experienced as being alien to the ego and not consistent with the client’s interests, conflicting with the rest of her view of herself.
A client is very worried about her financial situation. She buys a new car and tells the social worker that she made the purchase “because the car is much less likely to break down and will save money in the long run.” This statement MOST likely results from:
- Ego-syntonic beliefs
- Isolation of affect
- A double bind
- Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance is a state of conflict in the mind, whereby two opposing views are present at the same time. It suggests that the mind naturally wants to eliminate dissonance whenever possible and does so by justifying or changing attitudes and beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is extremely powerful, so justification is used to reduce it
A client learns that she may have a genetic condition and would like to be tested as she and her husband are thinking about having children. All of the following are true EXCEPT:
- The social worker should make sure that the client is fully informed of all risks/benefits of testing before it is done.
- The insurance provider must authorize these tests in order for them to be completed.
- Self-determination of the client should be respected in this situation.
- The social worker should be aware of the process of genetic inheritance and develop a genogram to assist in decision making.
he insurance provider must authorize these tests in order for them to be completed.
Although there may be some procedures for ensuring preauthorization by the client’s insurance in order for the tests to be covered, they can be performed without the insurance company’s consent.
A client reports to a social worker that she is thinking of ending her marriage and would like to get guidance from her priest about her desire. In response to the client’s request, the social worker should FIRST:
A. determine why the client thinks that speaking to her priest will help
B. assess, in conjunction with the client, whether going to her priest will be helpful
C. Inform the client that is a good idea s the priest should handle religious/spiritual concerns
D. determine what support is needed to prepare the client for this meeting with her priest
D. determine what support is needed to prepare the client for this meeting with her priest
A client shows a social worker a larger tattoo on his arm dedicated to his mother who recently died. He begins to cry and states that it always makes him very emotional when he sees it because it reminds him of her bravery in fighting her illness. The tattoo is a from of:
A. Symbolization
B. Substitution
C. Sublimation
D. Splitting
A. Symbolization
A client tells a social worker that he has been screamed at by his boss on a daily basis for the last month. He is very angry, but has not said anything for fear of being fired. He also reports that he is having problems with his wife and children because he has not been able to control his temper in the last few weeks at home. The client’s behavior is MOST likely represented by which of the following defense mechanisms?
A. Displacement
B. Incorporation
C. Denial
D. Compensation
A. Displacement
A client who is meeting with a social worker reports that her child unexpectedly died in an accident several years ago. When questioned about the loss, the client shows little emotion. To understand the impact of the death on the client’s current functioning, the social worker should FIRST:
- Assess changes in her life circumstances before and after the death
- Determine if she has had other losses in her life
- Ask her about the circumstances which caused the death
- Reassure her that discussing the death will help with healing
Assess changes in her life circumstances before and after the death
Grief can be manifested in many ways. For some, the mourning process is protracted and for others, it is not. The lack of emotion by the client in the vignette may or may not be a problem. The client may have acknowledged the reality of the loss and been able to find meaning in her life despite the death. The question is focused on understanding the impact of the death on the client’s current functioning. To assess or evaluate the effects, it is necessary to determine her level of functioning before and after the death. Without information about the client’s well-being before the death, it is impossible to determine whether there have been issues due to unresolved grief.
A client who is suffering from depression asks a social worker to read her journal. After reading it, the social worker identifies major themes of her writings including feeling isolated, not understood, and rejected by her family. The social worker speaks with the client about these issues and they decide to include them as treatment goals. These goals are based on which of the following in the journal?
- Latent content
- Manifest content
- Explicit communication
- Overt writings
Latent content
Latent content is that which is not visible, such as the underlying meaning or themes of the words or terms used.
A client who struggles with alcoholism is prescribed a medication that makes him feel sick every time he drinks while taking it. The use of this medication is what type of operant technique?
- Extinction
- Flooding
- Aversion therapy
- In vivo desensitization
Aversion therapy
aimed at reducing the attractiveness of a stimulus or a behavior by pairing it with an aversive stimulus. An example of this technique is treating alcoholism with Antabuse.
Which of the following is TRUE about a client who is transgender?
A. the client is likely to undergo sexual reassignment surgery in the future
B. the client is likely to be gay or lesbian
C. client is likely to be a cross dresser
D. client is likely to experience stigma, bias, and/or discrimination as a result of his/her gender identity
D. client is likely to experience stigma, bias, and/or discrimination as a result of his/her gender identity
A couple comes in to see a social worker because of their destructive pattern of fighting. the husband complains that his wife is always nagging him to do things around the house and suggests that he will get them done if she just stops complaining. the husband stating that his behavior will improve if which of the following behavioral techniques is used?\
A. positive reinforcement
B. positive punishment
C. negative reinforcement
D. negative punishment
C. negative reinforcement
A family seeks treatment with the social worker. During the assessment process, the social worker learns that the parents expect their children to follow strict rules and the children are severely punished if they do not. When the social worker asks the children why they have to follow several of the rules, the children are not sure why and respond “just because we do”. The parents in this family are MOST likely using which of the following parenting styles?
A. Authoritative
B. Punitive
C. Authoritarian
D. Corporal
C. Authoritarian
A husband complains that his wife nags him too much about working around the house. Once she stops this behavior, he begins to spend more time on house maintenance. This is an example of:
- Shaping
- Negative reinforcement
- Aversion treatment
- Positive reinforcement
negative reinforcement
behavior increases because negative (aversive) stimulus (i.e., nagging) is removed. The word “negative” does not mean bad, but rather “removal.” In positive reinforcement, a behavior increases because of the introduction (positive) of something desirable to reward it.
A man comes in to see a social worker and tells her that, after years of substance use, “he has had enough” and gave up using heroin two days ago. He appears anxious and agitated and reports vomiting, as well as being unable to sleep. In order to meet his immediate needs, the social worker should:
A. Assist him to develop a relapse prevention plan
B. Arrange for him to see a physician to address physical concerns
C. Complete biopsychosocial assessment focusing on the reasons for the substance use
D. Work with him to identify long term treatment programs
B. Arrange for him to see a physician to address physical concerns
A man is seeing a social worker because he is struggling to “find himself” as his children have become adults and left the family home. He feels that his job has become mundane and he is feeling “bored with life”. This client is MOST likely in which stage of Psychosocial Development
A. Generativity v. Stagnation
B. Industry v. Inferiority
C. Initiative v. Guilt
D. Intimacy v. Isolation
A. Generativity v. Stagnation
A married couple reports that they feel disconnected from one another and rarely speak or provide each other with any kind of support. This is known as:
- Negative entropy
- Entropy
- Differentiation
- Equifinality
Entropy is a closed system, whereas negative entropy is the opposite (an exchange of energy and resources to promote growth). In this example, the married couple is not using personal resources to ensure the health of their relationship.
A mother states that her 12-year-old son is now able to stay home alone because he is aware of dangers, meets his basic needs, and problem-solves when needed. This child has reached which stage of cognitive development?
- Sensorimotor
- Formal operations
- Concrete operations
- Preoperational
Formal operations
The formal operations stage begins at about age 11 and is characterized by a higher level of abstraction, assuming adult roles, and thinking hypothetically.
A school social worker asks the parents of a boy who is Asian to come in for a conference because he has been experiencing problems at school. These problems include not obeying rules and deliberately annoying others. The grandparents of the boy come o the meeting with the parents. Their presence MOST likely can be viewed by the social works as an indication that:
A. The boy is having problems at home and the grandparents are needed by the parents to assist with the behaviors
B. the grandparents are an important part of the boy’s support system and should be incorporated in the treatment plan
C. The parents lack the sills needed to make changes in the boy’s behavior and they have shifted responsibility for change to the grandparents
D. the boy will only listen to the grandparents and they will be needed in the treatment process in order for him to stop the behaviors in school
B. the grandparents are an important part of the boy’s support system and should be incorporated in the treatment plan
A social work administrator is part of a management team who decides to close an agency program due to financial pressures. The management team receives many letters from program supporters asserting that this program is essential for other agency operations. The team does not consider other alternatives and closes the program anyway, only to encounter major problems in agency operations weeks later. The actions by the management team are an example of:
- Groupthink
- Homogeneity
- Interdependence
- Group polarization
Is when a group makes faulty decisions because of group pressures. Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.
A social worker is a facilitator of a group for clients diagnosed as having Anorexia Nervosa. Over several weeks, clients talk about their diverse backgrounds, including their varied early childhood experiences. The social worker comments that this disorder is caused by many different factors. The concept mentioned by the social worker is:
A. Homeostasis
B. Equfinality
C. Subsystems
D. Diagnostic-Related Groups
B. Equfinality
A social worker is working with a family who has become homeless after a fire destroyed their home. The 10 year old daughter begins to use “baby talk” and suck her thumb, behaviors that were not present before the fire. The mother reports that the daughter now always wants to sit on her lap and clings to her side when they go out in public. The daughter is MOST likely using the defense mechanism of:
A. Undoing
B. Reaction formation
C. Regression
D. Splitting
C. Regression
A woman has strong feelings of resentment toward her sister. These feelings are rooted in her childhood and she has always believed that her sister was a mean person. However, throughout her childhood, she reports being inseparable from her sister and “doing everything together.” She also reports buying a necklace for her recently that states “Best Sister Ever.” This behavior by the woman is an example of:
- Substitution
- Splitting
- Projective identification
- Reaction formation
Reaction formation
is when a client adopts attitudes or engages in behaviors that are the opposite of his or her unconscious belief. The behavior of the woman growing up and recently is in contrast to the way in which she feels about her sister.
According to Erikson, psychosocial development follows which sequence of relationship formation?
A. Attachment - Autonomy - Intimacy
B. Intimacy - Attachment - Autonomy
C. Autonomy - attachment - intimacy
D. Intimacy - autonomy - attachment
A. Attachment - Autonomy - Intimacy
According to Freud, an adolescent in puberty is in which stage of psychosexual development?
- Genital
- Phallic
- Latency
- Anal
The genital stage begins in puberty and the source of pleasure is the genitals. Sexual urges return after being dormant during the latency stage, which begins at about age 5.
According to self psychology, children need all of the following to develop a strong sense of self EXCEPT:
D.Methods to control aggressive drives
As a result of receiving empathic responses from early caretakers, a child’s needs are met and the child develops a strong sense of self. The needs of a child are mirroring (C), idealization (B), and twinship (A).
According to the Family Life Cycle, which of the following is NOT generally a task in families with young children?
A. Adjusting to children taking a more central role in family maintenance
B.Adopting/Developing Parenting roles
C.Assisting children to develop peer relationships
D. Realigning relationships with families of origin to include parenting and grand-parenting roles
A. Adjusting to children taking a more central role in family maintenance
Acculturation is BEST defined as which of the following?
A. One culture seeking ways to establish its own identity from other that exist
B. One culture incorporating elements, such as attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, of another culture into its own ways
C. One culture wanting to dominate another as a way of obtaining social rewards
D. One culture trying to work with others despite differences
B. One culture incorporating elements, such as attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, of another culture into its own ways
Delirium tremens are defined as:
A. genetic conditions that can cause intellectual disabilities
B. Physical symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal
C. Psychotic features linked with certain mental health diagnosis
D. Neurological deterioration that can occur in older adults
B. Physical symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal
During a session, a client is reporting on her daily activities during the last week. She looks down at the ground, not making eye contact. She also pauses repeatedly with periods of silence. The social worker should:
- Ask the client if there is something that is bothering her
- Listen attentively to show acceptance of her feelings
- Accept this behavior as part of her communication style
- Document this behavior in the client’s record
Ask the client if there is something that is bothering her
There is no indication that this behavior is typical. Nonverbal communication can be very powerful. Her behavior may be the result of something that she is reluctant to discuss. Asking her if something is bothering her will give the client an opening to disclose it to the social worker.
Genetic counseling is most appropriate for all of the following groups EXCEPT:
A. Couples who have a child with an inherited disorder as identified by a newborn screening
B. women who have had babies die in infancy and/or multiple miscarriages
C. New mother who have suffered postpartum depression
D. Men who are sexually active with a family history of birth defects
C. New mother who have suffered postpartum depression
Imaginary Friends most often emerge in which stage of development?
A. Formal Operations
B. Preoperational
B. Preoperational
In a dysfunctional family, the role of the “mascot” is to:
A. Complete the responsibilities of other who are not able
B. Avoid adding extra burden to the family by withdrawing
C. Help the family’s image with others by doing well
D. Get others to laugh as a way of drawing attention away from family problems
D. Get others to laugh as a way of drawing attention away from family problems
Social work intervention wit offenders is MOST effective when focused on:
A. Dynamic risk factors
B. Genetic predispositions to violence
C. static risk factors
D. arrest records and past legal involvement
A. Dynamic risk factors
The person in environment classification uses all of the following factors to evaluate a client EXCEPT:
A. Social role functioning
B. Mental and physical health
C. Environmental problems
D. Psychiatric pathology
D. Psychiatric pathology
Theories in human development in social work have stressed all of the following EXCEPT:
A. a systems approach
B. An Ecological orientation
C. Focus on preventing mental deficiency
D. A lifespan perspective
C. Focus on preventing mental deficiency
A child in an after-school program comes into a social worker’s office and shows the social worker a burn that appears to have been caused by an iron. The child reports that her mother did it as punishment because she was “being bad.” The social worker’s colleague overhears the child and tells the social worker that the child has lied many times in the past. The social worker should:
- Make a note in the file of the incident, including the observation and the colleague’s comment
- Ask the colleague to discuss the incident with the social worker and the agency director
- Report the incident to the child protection agency
- Investigate the incident to see if the child is telling the truth
Report the incident to the child protection agency
A social worker is a mandatory reporter and must contact the child protection agency that is trained to conduct the investigation and determine the child’s credibility. The social worker must report even when a colleague or supervisor does not have the same reasonable suspicion.
A client reports to a social worker that she was often criticized by her parents when she was in elementary & middle school and now has poor self esteem and doubts her abilities. According to Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the client experienced a crisis in which of the following stages?
A. Identity v. Role Confusion
B. Generativity v. Stagnation
C. Industry v. Inferiority
D.Integrity v. Despair
C. Industry v. Inferiority
A social worker advises a 16 year old client who has often been bullied in public by a group of peers to walk away each time such an incident occurs in the future. In the past, the boy would cry when teased, causing the peers to laugh at his reaction. The social worker is hoping to reduce the teasing through?
A. Systematic desensitization
B. Aversion Therapy
C. Extinction
D. Time Out
C. Extinction
A social worker employed in a youth recreation program is concerned as a child who developed a severe rash on her arm has not returned to the program after the agency director stated that she needed medical clearance. When contacting the mother, the social worker learns that she has not brought her young child to a doctor “for years” and does not plan to do so. The BEST response for the social worker is to:
- Determine what occurred to cause the mother’s resistance
- Ask the mother about the child’s developmental history
- Speak to the agency director about reconsidering the child’s participation
- Report the incident to the authorities
Report the incident to the authorities
Failing to provide appropriate health care, including dental care and refusal of care or ignoring medical recommendations, is considered neglect and should be reported to the authorities immediately for further investigation. It is not the role of the social worker to investigate the allegations. As there are many names for child protection organizations, generic terms such as “the authorities” may be used in examination questions. The child is no longer in the program and it is not the social worker’s role to determine the factors which have caused the neglect.
A woman complains that her 7-year-old son “makes things up and exaggerates.” He often adds information when recalling experiences and talks about knights and dragons being part of his everyday world. The woman is angry about this behavior and worried that it is an indication of some mental health problem. In order to best assist, the social worker should:
- Explain that the behaviors are associated with the preoperational thought stage of cognitive development
- B.Conduct a mental status examination on the child
- C.Refer the child for a mental health evaluation based upon the mother’s concerns
- D.Determine whether this behavior is a concern to others, including his teachers
- Explain that the behaviors are associated with the preoperational thought stage of cognitive development
Magical thinking is a hallmark of Piaget’s preoperational thought stage. Understanding that children learn through this process, and that it is typical, may assist the mother in better coping with this behavior. There is no indication that there are any mental health issues, so the social worker should not see the child or take other action based on this report alone.
An 11-year-old child would like to start helping around the house with chores. She approaches her mother many times, but is told she cannot assist because “she won’t do it right.” During several attempts to do things on her own, she is scolded. According to psychosocial development theory, she may experience doubts in her abilities due to a crisis in which of the following stages?
Industry versus inferiority—From age 6 to puberty, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. If children are encouraged and reinforced for their initiative, they begin to feel industrious and feel confident in their ability to achieve goals. If this initiative is not encouraged and is restricted, children begin to feel inferior, doubting their abilities.
Echolalia is BEST defined as:
- Mimicking another’s speech
- Spontaneous movement
- Repetitive movements
- Odd mannerisms or actions
Mimicking another’s speech
Echolalia is repeating noises and phrases. It is sometimes associated with Catatonia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and other disorders.
Entropy is BEST described as:
A. Randomness or disorder in a system, leading to decline
B. Forward motion, leading toward goal achievement
C. Specialization is system function and purpose
D. Openness in a system with good information exchange
A. Randomness or disorder in a system, leading to decline
Most models of spiritual development move from an individual being egocentric to eventually becoming a(n):
- Conformist
- Integrated being
- Dichotomous thinker
- Follower of blind faith
Integrated being
Individuals usually begin unwilling to accept a will greater than their own and are extremely egotistical. They then move to conforming and having blind faith. In this second stage, things are seen dichotomously—as right or wrong. Individuals then come to develop a deeper understanding of good and evil and do not accept blind faith, but integrate their beliefs into their larger worldview and behaviors.
reporting suspected abuse of a client which of the following factors is MOST important?
- The client must give assent to the reporting of the abuse when feasible.
- The identity of the perpetrators must be provided so a proper investigation can be conducted.
- Supervision or consultation is needed for corroboration of observed indicators.
- Report must be made as soon as possible to the abuse hotline.
Report must be made as soon as possible to the abuse hotline.
Suspected child abuse must be reported to the authorities (e.g., the child protection agency) immediately. Many jurisdictions have hotline systems to make such reports easier. While the 2018 NASW Code of Ethics states that best practice is to disclose the need to make such reports to clients when feasible, assent (the willingness to have these reports made) and consent (a legal term authorizing their report) are not needed. Supervision is also not required to corroborate signs of abuse. If a social worker suspects abuse, he or she has a duty to report it as soon as possible.
A social worker notices what appears to be burns on a child’s arm and asks the child about these markings. The child responds that “grandma burned me, but mommy isn’t going to let me go over there anymore so it’s OK.” The social worker should:
- Document the conversation in the file and make sure to check the child regularly in the future for burns or bruises
- Report the conversation immediately to child protective services
- Discuss the conversation with a supervisor at the next supervision session
- Contact the grandmother to validate this report by the child
Report the conversation immediately to child protective services
Social workers are mandatory reporters and must not delay in reporting or investigating such an incident themselves. All suspected abuse situations should be reported to the child protection agency immediately.
What immediate action must be taken when a parent is diagnosed with Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
- Child(ren) must be removed from his or her care to ensure protection from harm.
- An evaluation must be completed to assess his or her ability to fulfill parenting responsibilities.
- Counseling must be provided to the child(ren) to help with building ongoing coping strategies.
- Support services must be provided to meet the basic needs of all family members.
Child(ren) must be removed from his or her care to ensure protection from harm.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. Because vulnerable people are the victims, it is a form of abuse. Most instances are between mothers and children. Caregivers may lie about symptoms, change test results to make victims appear ill, or physically harm to produce symptoms.Victims need to be protected. They need to be immediately removed from direct care and may require medical care to treat complications from injuries, infections, medicines, surgeries, or tests. Because this is a form of abuse, the syndrome must be reported to the authorities.
Which of the following BEST describes most older adults with regard to their typical mental functioning?
A. The continue to learn, but may experience declines in memory skills
B. They are at their peak with regard to problem-solving and mental processes
C. They do not learn and may experience declines in memory skills
D. They are not able to acquire new skills or solve problems
A. The continue to learn, but may experience declines in memory skills
Which of the following is an example of role discomplementarity?
- A husband complains that his wife does not take responsibility for keeping the house clean and a wife is upset that her husband does not financially provide for the family.
- A woman states that she does not like working and wants to quit her job.
- A young child wants to play in the neighborhood unsupervised.
- A man struggles to fit in time at home with his family due to his hectic work schedule.
A husband complains that his wife does not take responsibility for keeping the house clean and a wife is upset that her husband does not financially provide for the family.
Role discomplementarity results when roles conflict or when the role expectations of others differ from one’s own. In this situation, the husband and wife do not have the same expectations with regard to the tasks for which each other should be responsible.
Which of the following is an example of role reversal?
A. mother who shares her 11-year-old daughter’s clothes and collects stuffed animals
B. mother expecting her 11-year-old daughter to stay at home unsupervised
C. mother with relationship problems who is repeatedly emotionally comforted by her 11-year-old daughter
D. mother who arranges a date for her 11-year-old daughter
C. mother with relationship problems who is repeatedly emotionally comforted by her 11-year-old daughter
A role reversal is when two people switch or reverse roles. In this answer, the mother is emotionally dependent and the child is the comforter. These behaviors are usually reversed in a parent–child relationship. The other response choices may relate to roles, but are not reversals.
Which of the following is an example of social stratification?
- A child is not included in group activities in school because of his or her poor social skills.
- Children who are violent need to be segregated from their peers.
- A child with social deficits is assumed to be delayed in cognition without additional assessment.
- Children from affluent households receive a better public education than those from low-income households.
Children from affluent households receive a better public education than those from low-income households.
Stratification refers to structured inequality of entire categories of people in society who have unequal access to social rewards. Stratification applies to individuals based on ethnic and racial background, social status, and/or other factors.
Which of the following is NOT a form of institutional discrimination?
- Not providing translation services or agency paperwork in any language other than English
- Only offering therapy and other services on Saturdays
- Referring a client to another social worker based on his or her cultural background
- Not hiring individuals if they were not born in the United States
Referring a client to another social worker based on his or her cultural background
Which of the following is NOT a practice that promotes cultural diversity within social work organizations?
- Recruiting multiethnic staff
- Including cultural competence requirements in job descriptions and performance/promotion measures
- Advocating for clients as major stakeholders in the development and monitoring of the service delivery system
- Ensuring employees get a copy of the professional code of ethics to review upon hiring and as needed thereafter
Ensuring employees get a copy of the professional code of ethics to review upon hiring and as needed thereafter
Which of the following is NOT a respondent behavior by a client
A. crying when sad
B. sexual arousal when seeing someone attractive
C. walking away from someone when angry
D. sweating when becoming anxious
C. walking away from someone when angry
Which of the following is NOT considered as part of culturally informed intervention planning?
- Involvement of family members in treatment
- Use of individual versus group treatment modalities
- Incorporation of alternative treatment approaches
- Need for informed consent procedures
Need for informed consent procedures
Which of the following is NOT one of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development?
- Genital
- Latency
- Castration
- Oral
Freud’s psychosexual stages were oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. They began in infancy and went through puberty into adulthood. Castration anxiety is a child’s fear that his penis will be cut off for desiring his mother. It is not one of the five stages.
Which of the following is NOT one of six levels of cognition?
- Synthesis
- Knowledge
- Affective
- Evaluation
The six levels of cognition are, in sequential order—knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Teaching techniques should match the cognitive objective, such as knowing specific facts, theories, or information (knowledge) or creating something new/integrating it into a solution (synthesis). Learning aimed at judging the quality of something is known as evaluation.
Which of the following is NOT true of attachment and bonding?
A. Attachment and bonding are best viewed separately from a client’s culture because the theoretical approaches are universal
B. some theories of connectedness are understood within n evolutionary context
C. Attachment can be viewed as a set of learned behaviors involving both classical and operant conditioning
D. Insecure attachment systems have been linked to psychiatric disorders and aberrant behaviors
A. Attachment and bonding are best viewed separately from a client’s culture because the theoretical approaches are universal
Which of the following perspectives on human behavior is based on the belief that clients have the capacity to change themselves and actions are driven by a desire for growth, personal meaning, and competence?
A. Humanistic
B. Developmental
C. Psychodynamic
D. Rational Choice
A. Humanistic
Which of the following statements about gender identity and/or sexual orientation is TRUE?
- Pansexual refers to being attracted to individuals outside or independent of gender.
- Individuals who cross-dress usually identify as homosexual.
- Sexual orientation and gender identity are related.
- Gender expression and gender identity must be congruent.
Pansexual refers to being attracted to individuals outside or independent of gender.
A man who is having problems at work finds that he is yelling at his children more and has begun to have marital issues with his wife. The husband is MOST likely using the defense mechanism of:
- Reaction formation
- Projection
- Conversion
- Displacement
Displacement is directing an impulse, wish, or feeling toward another person or situation that is less threatening. The man unconsciously realizes that he cannot express his anger on the job or it may have negative consequences, so he goes home and yells at his wife and children.
A client has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Using a systems approach, the social worker should:
- Develop a plan for long-term care aimed at meeting the client’s medical needs
- Work with the client on addressing the impacts of this prognosis on his or her psychological and spiritual well-being
- Consider whether continuing to treat the client is in the client’s best interest given this prognosis
- Reexamine the treatment goals to see if they are still relevant or need to be revised given this health information
Work with the client on addressing the impacts of this prognosis on his or her psychological and spiritual well-being
A systems approach states that all parts of well-being are interrelated or interconnected. Thus, a change in physical health will impact on psychological and spiritual functioning. The treatment should not focus on just the health issues, but ensure that these other areas are considered.
Which of the following are stages of group development in sequential order?
A. Preaffiliation, differentiation, intimacy, power and control, separation/termination
B. differentiation, power and control, Preaffiliation, intimacy, separation/termination
C. Preaffiliation, power and control, intimacy, differentiation, separation/termination
D. differentiation, Preaffiliation, power and control, intimacy, separation/termination
C. Preaffiliation, power and control, intimacy, differentiation, separation/termination
Which of the following is an example of role reversal?
A. a 14 year old boy told by his mom that has to work to financially contribute to household expenses
B. 13 year old girl physically and emotionally taking care of her father who was permanently injured in an accident
C. 10 year old boy yelling at his mom that she is not doing enough work around the house
D. 12 year old girl staying out later than allowed by her parents
B. 13 year old girl physically and emotionally taking care of her father who was permanently injured in an accident
Which of the following is associated with negative body image?
- Self-worth not tied to appearance
- Time not spent on worrying about food or weight
- Confidence with one’s body
- Physical appearance tied to personal value
Physical appearance tied to personal value
If a client believes that his or her physical appearance is linked to his or her value, negative body image is likely to emerge. A client’s self-worth should not be defined by appearance.
Which of the following is NOT a physical symptom of trauma?
- Insomnia
- Feeling disconnected
- Muscle tension
- Aches and pains
Feeling disconnected
All of the options are signs of trauma, but B is an emotional and psychological symptom. It is not physical.
Which of the following is NOT a symptom of Wernicke’s encephalopathy or Korsakoff’s syndrome?
A. Memory loss
B. Confusion
C. Vision and/or coordination problems
D. Diabetes
D. Diabetes
Which of the following is NOT always true when using a token economy?
- Points or rewards must be consistently given when the targeted behavior is exhibited.
- For the system to be effective, a substantial number of points or rewards must be taken away for undesirable behavior.
- Rewards must be of value to the client.
- It works best when a client can see the points earned toward a reward
For the system to be effective, a substantial number of points or rewards must be taken away for undesirable behavior.
Some token economies do not include the removal of points for undesirable behavior. They only provide points or rewards when the targeted behavior is exhibited. Even when points are deducted for undesired behavior, it is usually done in a manner in which the client does not lose a substantial number because this may make the client feel hopeless or that the lost points cannot be regained by exhibiting positive behavior in the future.
Which of the following is NOT true about co-occurring disorders and conditions?
A. Co-occurring usually refers to the presence of a mental health and Substance use disorder
B. the co-occurrence of mental health and substance use disorders that do not meet the diagnostic threshold should not be treated in the same manner as those that do
C. Both disorders be be a mild or severe and/or one may be more severe than the other
D. Co-occurring disorders may vary across clients and in the same client over time
B. the co-occurrence of mental health and substance use disorders that do not meet the diagnostic threshold should not be treated in the same manner as those that do
Which of the following is the basic premise of groupthink?
- Groups make faulty decisions because they ignore alternatives due to group pressures.
- Groups with similar membership tend to be more cohesive and effective.
- Decision making by groups takes longer than individual decision making.
- Groups come up with creative solutions to problems using their diverse perspectives.
Groups make faulty decisions because they ignore alternatives due to group pressures.
Groupthink is when a group makes faulty decisions based on group pressures. Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.
Which of the following is the BEST definition of rapprochement?
- A technique used to confront a client in a nonthreatening way
- A time in the problem-solving process that indicates the beginning of termination
- A feeling experienced by clients who have not formed emotional attachments to others
- A stage in childhood development where a small child needs reassurance from a caregiver
A stage in childhood development where a small child needs reassurance from a caregiver
This stage in object relations theory generally occurs prior to the second birthday when a small child wants to once again become closer to the caregiver, realizing that mobility causes separateness. The child realizes that the caregiver is a separate entity and needs reassurance.
Which of the following is TRUE about sexual development of individuals?
- Children are not sexual before birth.
- Humans are sexual beings throughout life.
- Same-gender sexual behavior during childhood is directly related to sexual orientation later in life.
- Adults lose their desire for sexual expression later in life.
Humans are sexual beings throughout life.
Humans are sexual throughout the life course. Children are sexual even before birth, with males sometimes having erections in the uterus. Same-gender sexual behavior during childhood can occur as boys and girls tend to play with friends of the same gender. It is not related to sexual orientation or to whom individuals are attracted. It usually results out of exploration and access. Although there may be physiological changes that occur in older adults, they do not lose their desire to be sexual.
Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship between race and ethnicity?
A. individuals who are the same race are always part of the same ethnic group
B. individuals who are the same race may or may not be part of the same ethnic group
C. individuals whoa re the same race are never part of the same ethnic group
d. race and ethnicity are synonymous
B. individuals who are the same race may or may not be part of the same ethnic group
Which of the following is TRUE of youth who are not heterosexual and/ or gender conforming?
A. They go through different developmental stages than their peers
B. They are challenged to develop identities with few role models
C. They are not more at risk for social isolation and poor self image than their peers
D. They are not at greater risk for mental and physical health complications compared with their peers
B. They are challenged to develop identities with few role models
Which of the following medications is used to treat alcoholism by making clients feel ill if they consume alcohol while taking it?
A. Clozaril
B. Effexor
C. Antabuse
D. Topamax
C. Antabuse
Which of the following parenting styles is generally associated with the MOST negative outcomes in children?
A. Uninvolved
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Permissive
A. Uninvolved
Which of the following stages is often described as “a midlife crisis” where individuals struggle between guiding the next generation and becoming self-absorbed?
- Generativity versus stagnation
- Ego integrity versus despair
- Intimacy versus isolation
- Identity versus role confusion
Generativity versus stagnation
During middle adulthood, individuals should develop a sense of being a part of the bigger picture, as well as giving back to society. By failing to achieve these objectives, individuals become stagnant and self-absorbed.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about cultural, racial, and ethnic identity development?
- Individuals can share the same race, but have different ethnicities.
- The ways in which races have been defined have been fixed over time.
- Some ethnic and racial identities confer privilege.
- Cultural, racial, and ethnic identity is passed from one generation to the next.
The ways in which races have been defined have been fixed over time.
Racial definitions have changed over time—they were once based on ethnicity or nationality, religion, and so on, but are now primarily defined by skin color. Cultural, racial, and ethnic identities are passed on through customs, traditions, language, religious practice, and values. Individuals can be the same race, but different ethnicities (i.e., White and Irish or Polish).
Which of the following is TRUE about psychodynamic treatment modalities or approaches?
- They are good for use in a managed care environment where change has to occur in a limited time period.
- They are focused only on the information that a person is paying attention to at a given time.
- They use dynamic intervention methods that are hands on, such as play therapy.
- They emphasize unconscious motives and desires, as well as the importance of childhood experiences, in shaping personality.
They emphasize unconscious motives and desires, as well as the importance of childhood experiences, in shaping personality.
Psychodynamic theories explain the origin of the personality. Although many different psychodynamic theories exist, they all emphasize unconscious motives and desires, as well as the importance of childhood experiences in shaping personality.
A client who reports that she repeatedly feels the urge to physically strike her child when angry tells the social worker that she is having trouble moving her arm. The client is MOST likely exhibiting the defense mechanism of:
A. Introjection
B. Reaction formation
C. Conversion
D. Projective Identification
C. Conversion
Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
Change a client’s irrational beliefs by
- Argument
- Persuasion
- Rational Evaluation
Teaches client to:
Counter negative thinking with positive self statements
Reaction Formation
When a client ‘s attitudes/behaviors are the opposite of their actual belief
EX - little sister has resentment towards older sister for bullying her growing up
little sister gave big sister a necklace that says “best sister ever”
Role Theory - Role Conflict
Conflicting Expectations
EX - Boss who is a supervisor and friend to an employee
(Holly Henderson & Elizabeth Dunwoody)
needs to be professional - but thats also their friend
Role Theory - Role Ambiguity
Lack of clarity of role
EX - person starts new job and is unsure of her duties
Role Theory - Role Complimentary
Role carried out in expected way
EX - parent-child or Social worker-client
Role Theory - Role Discomplementarity
Role expectations of others differ from one’s own
EX - A husband complains that his wife does not take responsibility for keeping the house clean and a wife is upset that her husband does not financially provide for the family.
Role Theory - Role Reversal
When individuals switch roles
EX = mother with relationship problems who is repeatedly emotionally comforted by her 11-year-old daughter
Teaches new behavior
by prompting/reinforcing any response
that comes close to the desired outcome
Six Levels of Cognition
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
Social exchange theory
totaling potential benefits and losses to determine behavior
EX - Clients in battering relationships will not leave until the benefits exceed the risks
Social Role Theory
*Boys/Girls learn behavior based on socially constructed gender roles
*division of labor - creates gender roles - which leads to gendered behavior
Static & Dynamic Risk Factors
Static Risk Factors - Factors that CANNOT be changed by interventions
EX - past history of violent behavior/demographics
Dynamic Risk Factors - Factors that CAN be changed by interventions
EX - Treatment of psychiatric symptoms/abstaining from Substance use/access to weapons
*Structured inequality of entire groups of people
EX of social stratification - Children from affluent households receive a better public education than those from low-income households.
Systematic Desensitization
Something that causes anxiety is paired with something relaxing - Eventually that anxious situation is now relaxing
EX - fear of crowds - deep breathing when even thinking about crowds
Systems Theory
-Views human behavior through larger context
Applications to Social Work
Need to understand interactions between micro/mezzo/macro
Problems at one part of system - may have come from another
Ecomaps/Genograms useful tool to understand systems
PIE (Person in environment)
Systems Theory - Closed & Open System
*Closed - Uses up its energy and dies
*Open - Cross-boundary exchange
Systems Theory - Differentiation
Systems Theory - Entropy & Negative Entropy
- Closed/Disorganized/Stagnant
- Using up available energy
EX - A married couple reports that they feel disconnected from one another and rarely speak or provide each other with any kind of support
*Negative Entropy
- Exchange of energy/resources between systems
- Promotes growth/transformation
Systems Theory - Equifinality
Arriving at same end - From different beginnings
Systems Theory - Homeostasis
-Steady state
Systems Theory -
Input, Output, & Throughput
-Obtaining resources from environment
-Part of system that exports to the environment
-Energy integrated into other systems
Time Out
*Negative punishment technique
*Removing something desirable
Token Economy
*Client receives tokens as positive reinforcement for specific behaviors
*Tokens function as currency in that environment
What disorder is associated with
Wernicke’s Encephalopath & Korsakoff’s Syndrome
*Alcohol abuse