Human communication midterm 1 Flashcards
Why do human communicate?
To meet needs. (Physical, safety, belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization)
T or F- The likelihood of meeting our needs depends on our ability to participate effectively in a very diverse social world
Interpersonal communications
building personal knowledge of one another and creating shared meanings
Content meaning
What you say
Inside jokes, shared memories
Relationship meaning
How you say it(subtext)
Message behind the statement
(Ticket taker, airline pilot)
Engaging with others without a personal connection (salesperson,advisor)
Engaging others with intimate personal connection
3 major communication models
Linear, Interactive, transactional
Linear model
One-way communication from one person to another
Anything that distorts communication and makes it harder for people to understand one another
Interactive model
Communication is a process that includes feedback from the listener (response to the message)
Context for information based on the situation
Transactional model
Communication is a dynamic process where participants assume multiple roles (changes over time)
T or F- Its possible to not communicate
False- everything we do or don’t do expresses/communicates something
T or F- communication is reversable
False- It is impossible to completely delete a message from memory
T or F- communication involves ethical choices
True-what we say affects other people
T or F- People construct symbols
True- Words and symbols only have meanings because we attach it to them
Communication about communication
T or F- communication develops and sustains relationships
True- spending time and expressing self to another person is how we shift from strangers to community
T or F- you must be born with communication skills to have them
False- like any skill, you can improve with practice
A multidimensional process of internalizing and acting from social perspectives (how we see ourselves depends on the culture in which we live
Particular others
Specific people who are significant to us(family, friends)
Direct definition
Communication that explicitly tells us how others see us by labeling us and our behaviors ( you are funny)
Reflected appraisal
Our reflection of how others view us (using other people as a mirror)
Social comparison
judgements of our own talents, abilities, and qualities based on what other people can do
Self-fulfilling prophecies
Internalizing others expectations or judgements about us and then behaving in ways that are consistent to those beliefs
Identity scripts
Social expectations regarding how members of a particular group behave and communicate
4 attachment styles
Secure: loving attentive caregiver
Dismissive: disinterested/ unavailable caregiver
Anxious/ambivalent: inconsistent unpredictable caregiver
Fearful: negative and rejecting caregiver
Generalized other
An individuals impression of societal norms and expectations(culture, race, ethnicity, sex, socioeconomic status)
The self is…
Multidimensional, a process, arises in communication via socially constructed views
The impression of self we want others to have of us
Impression management
How we persuade others to see us as we want to be seen
Creating meaning by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information
Ehat information you choose to pay attention to
How you choose to arrange information
Can be based on experience, culture, education, etc..
Organizaion- prototype
The most representative example of a category
Organization- stereotype
An over-generalized belief about a particular category of people or situation
Organization- script
A guide for actions in particular situations
Organization- personal construct
Developing individualized views about how the world works
Subjective process of explaining out perceptions in ways that make sense to us
Self serving bias
Framing findings around your own interests “that dog bit me because it hates handsome people”
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency to under-emphasize situational factors while over-emphasizing personality based factors for a person’s behavior
Creating meaning by selecting, organizing, and interpreting information
Refusing to allow individual bias to influence what is reported and how it is reported
Truth is filtered through an individuals perceptions
Implicit personality theory
Collection of unspoken and unconscious assumptions an individual uses when forming impressions on new information
Language is symbolic. Symbols:
Verbal or visual representations of objects
Symbols: Arbitrary
Words are merely symbols that have no real representation with what they represent
Symbols: Ambiguous
The meaning of words can change or evolve
Symbols: abstract
Words can range in specificity (thing-> dog)
4 principles of verbal communication
- Language and culture reflect each other
- Meanings of language are subjective
3.language is rule guided - punctuation shapes meaning
How do symbols affect everyday life? (5)
1-Language defines phenomena
2-language evaluates
3-language organizes perceptions
4-language allows hypothetical thought
5- language allows self-reflection
Negative evaluations (3)
1- Loaded language
2- Totalizing
3- Hate speech
Speech community
Group of people who share norms about how to use language and what purposes it serves. Shared communal membership and shared linguistic communication
Improving as a communicator(4)
1.Engage in dual perspective
2.Own your feelings and thoughts
3.Respect what others say about their feelings and thoughts
4.Strive for accuracy and clarity
Non verbal communication
All aspects of communication other than words (gestures, body language, appearance, facial expressions)
T or F- Nonverbal communication is symbolic
True- meaning is created and can carry various interpretations
T or F- Nonverbal communication is not rule guided
False- social groups have understood, agreed upon standards
T or F- Nonverbal communication can be intentional and unintentional
True- unconscious communication
T or F- Nonverbal communication had nothing to do with culture
False- it reflects culture
T or F- Nonverbal communication engages multiple sense
True- it is multichanneled
How Nonverbal helps us communicat(4)
1- Replace
2- Regulate
3- Relate
4- Reflect
Body position and body motions(includes facial actions)
Use of touch (handshake, hug)
Physical appearence
How we look
Personal objects we use to announce our identity and heritage ( avatar, profile pics, work clothes)
Environmental factors
Elements of setting that affect how we feel and act(colors, room design, temperature, sounds, smells, lighting)
Proximity and personal space
Social space and how we use it
How we perceive and use time
Communication that is vocal but doesn’t use words (sighs, gasps)
Can be used for a variety of reasons and meanings
What is the difference between hearing and listening?
Hearing= physiological ability to perceive sound
Listening= absorb sound with active, thoughtful attention
Listening process (6)
- Mindfulness
2.physially receiving message - Selecting and organizing material
- Interpreting communication
5.Responding - Remembering
Limitations to hearing(3)
Message overload, message complexity, noise,
Internal Obstacles to mindful listening
Preoccupation, prejudgement, reacting to emotionally loaded languages,
Lack of effort, failure to adapt listening styles
Forms of non listening
Pseudo-listening, monopolizing, selective listening, defensive listening, ambushing, literal listening
Why do we listen?
Pleasure, information, support others,