human capital Flashcards
dwhy should capital move from rich to poor countries in basic solow model?
large difference in y come from large differences in k and diminishing marginal product of capital
it means that returns to capital in poor countries must be much higher than that in rich so capital should move from rich to poor countries
what is human capital?
human capital shows the stock of skills
what is the average stock of human capital in the labour force?
it is equal to human capital per worker
what are the three components of empiracle definition of human capital according to the world bank?
survival from birth to school age measured using under 5 mortality rates
expected years of learning adjusted school, combining information on the quantity and quality of education
health -2 metrics : 1 adult survival rates ( the fraction of 15 year olds who survive until 60) +2 the rate of stunting for children under age 5
what is the general view of production function with human capital?
Y = F( K, H, EL) where K is physical capital, H is human capital, EL is effective labour force
what is the cobb douglas function for the production function with human capital?
Y = K^a * H^b *(EL)^(1-a-b)
if a+b=1 for the cobb douglas function with human capital what does this mean?
there is constant returns to all capital and raw labour does not matter
if a+ b is less than 0 for the cobb douglas function with human capital, what does this mean?
decreasing returns to all capotal
how is human capital accumulated
human capital is accumulated in the same manner as physical capital by suspending some part of aggregate income
what is the assumption for savings rate for both physical and human capital?
assume exogenous and constant savings rate for both physical and human capital which are both valued at between 0 and 1. they both have an identical depreciation rate
what is the equation for production function per worker including human capital?
y= k^ah^bE^(1-a-b)
what is the growth rate of output per worker?
g_y = ag_k+bg_h +(1-a-b)g_E
what is the production function per efficient worker?
y^~ = (k^~)^a * (h^~)^b
what are both types of capital change a result off?
it is a result of an interplay between gross investment and depreciation
what is the law of motion of physical capital per effective worker?
(k^~^.)= s_K*y^~ - ( δ + n + g_E) *k^~