Human Body System Flashcards
What is a negative feedback loop?
Reverses changes back towards a normal, stable condition
What is positive feedback loop?
The uncommon feedback loop that is also involved in normal function. They are to “stimulate” the change until it stops. Such as contractions during labor and in blood clotting.
What is the purpose of positive feedback loops?
To amplify the starting signal
Examples of negative feedback
Body temperature, blood pressure, glucose regulation
Examples of positive feedback
enhancement of labor contractions by oxytocin, platelet plug formation and blood clotting
What are the organ systems of the body?
Integumentary, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, & excretory
What is the main function of the nervous system?
Monitor, integrate, and respond
What is the main function of the cardiovascular system?
circulate blood
What is the main function of the respiratory system?
supply the body with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide
What is the main function of the digestive system?
To breakdown food to be used as fuel for energy by the body
What is the main function of the excretory system?
to collect and remove wastes from the body
What are the levels of organization of living things from simple to most complex?
Atom, macromolecule, organelles, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
How do the Integumentary and Excretory systems work together?
Pores on the skin open up and allow water, salts, and minerals to seep out of the body.
How do the Integumentary and Respiratory systems work together?
Both of these systems work together to get rid of carbon dioxide in the body
How do the integumentary and digestive system work together?
The integumentary system works with the digestive to encourage the uptake of calcium for your diet
How do the integumentary system and circulatory system work together?
The circulatory system works with the integumentary to allow certain substances to enter the bloodstream through capillaries in your skin
How did the integumentary system and nervous system work together?
The nervous system depends on the integumentary system since your skin controls your sense of touch
How does the excretory and respiratory systems work together?
They both work together to get rid of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the lungs
How does the excretory and digestive system work together?
They both work together to Process nutrients and get rid of waste
How do you the excretory and circulatory system work together?
The excretory removes the waste from the blood
How do the excretory and nervous systems work together?
The excretory system helps the nervous system by getting rid of the waste from the nervous system send signals
How do the respiratory and digestive systems work together?
The respiratory delivers adequate oxygen to the blood to allow the digestive system to break down food and use muscular contractions to move the food through the digestive tract
How do the respiratory and circulatory systems work together?
The respiratory system brings oxygen int the body, which the circulatory system then delivers to various parts of the body. The circulatory system collects carbon dioxide and other wastes, bringing it back to the lungs which then rid the body of the wastes.
How do the respiratory and nervous systems work together?
The respiratory system supplies oxygen to the blood and removes carbon dioxide in the brain
How do the digestive and nervous system’s work together?
Autonomic nervous system controls the tone of the digestive track the brain controls drinking and feeding behavior and also controls muscles for eating in elimination
How do the circulatory and nervous system’s Work together?
The circulatory system provides your brain with a constant supply of oxygen rich blood while your brain regulates your heart rate and blood pressure