Human Anatomy Final Exam Flashcards
HHP- Juday's Human Anatomy
How to find Max HR?
How many gallons of blood in the body?
6 gallons of blood
What is the average Heart Rate?
70 b/min
Where is the heart positioned?
Slightly to the left, behind the sternum
How big is a human heart?
Little larger than a fist, weighs less than a pound
What are the four chamber of the heart?
Right Atria
Left Atria
Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle
Pulmonary vs Systemic
Right side= Pulmonary
Left side= Systemic
What do the valves do?
Prevents backflow (one way only), maintains pressure
Sinoatrial (SA) nodes- Pacemaker
An action that goes throughout the atria in the intercalated disc
Atrioventricular (AV) node
Empty the blood from the ventricles
Purkinje Fibers
Ventricle to contract
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Records electrical changes
PQRST waves
P- Atrial Depolarization (SA nodes)
QRS= Onset of ventricular depolarization
T= Ventricular repolarization
What is the regular blood pressure?
120/80 (men) 110/70 (women)
What is the Cardiac Cycle
-Systole- contraction (top number)
-Ventricle filling the time between
-Diastole- relaxation (bottom number)
What is the first heart sound ?
1st Sound (lubb)- closing of the atrioventricular valve
What is the second heart sound?
2nd sound (dupp)- closing of the semilunar valves
What is Cardiac Output
Q= SV (stroke volume) X HR (heart rate)
-The amount of blood that is pumped during a period of time
What are the functions of the muscle tissue?
-Storing and moving substances
Electrical excitability
a voltage stimulation trigger a contraction response
ability to stretch or lengthen
ability to return to normal shape after being stretched
Cardiac Muscle
Heart muscle cells
Cardiac Muscle Properties
Straited, Rhythmic, Involuntary, Interlocked, and Highly vascularized
Smooth Muscle
internal organ cell (digestive)
Smooth Muscle Properties
Visceral, non-straited, most involuntary, and contractions
Skeletal Muscle
functions to move an organism’s body.
Skeletal Muscle Properties
Straited, Multi-nucleated, Nuclei, Myofibrils, Sarcolemma, Fascia
A contraction with joint movement
A contraction with no joint movement