Human Flashcards
International Monetary Fund
Lends money for development purposes + aims for international financial stability
In return for loans- conditions- e.g. Force Deregulation and Privatisation
— Forced poorer countries to sell assets to wealthy TNCs
— Borrowing countries may be required to cut back on education, healthcare, sanitation and housing schemes
World Bank
Finance Economic Development
Bank deposits from wealthy countries- loans for developing countries
— strict conditions often imposed on loans- e.g. forced to reduce protectionism
World Trade Organisation
Aims for Trade Liberalisation- free trade
2016- 162 members
Regulates protectionist behaviour
Aims to reduce trade barriers
— Failed to prevent richest countries from subsidising food producers- unfair playing field
European Union- Trade Bloc
28 member states- 27 after Brexit 2019
2004- 10 new countries joined (Eastern European)
— Tesco’s gained access to 75 million new customers
Allows free movement of Capital, Goods and Services + Labour
-Schengen Agreement- removal of most national borders
Common External Tariff on goods from outside Customs Union
Association of South East Asian Nations
10 member states- 600 million people
Free Trade of G+S
Pledged Peace + Stability- no nuclear weapons
China- 1978 Open Door Policy
Deng Xiaoping replaced Chairman Mao Zedong
1978 Economic Reform- embraced Globalisation
Farmers allowed to make Small Profits
One Child Policy- reduce Population Growth
300 million- internal Rural-Urban Migration
SEZs- attract TNCs to the area (Shenzhen)- provide jobs- 2015 many earn $40+ a day Foxconn- iPhones
400 million alleviated from Poverty
HOWEVER- Great Firewall of China- media controlled by Government
KOF Index
Annual ‘Index of Globalisation’
Uses diverse range of data- UN peace-keeping missions + TV Ownership
But, How do you judge what is globalised?
AT Kearney Index
World Cities Index Business Activity Cultural Experience Political Engagement Determine Global Connectedness
North Korea- Switched Off
No access to Internet or Social Media
No Oceanic Data Cables connecting North Korea
All Media processed by State
South Korea Globalised- now Developed- home of Samsung
India- Service Outsourcing
Outsourcing of Services to India- Call Centres
Many Indians- Fluent English- British Empire
Bangalore- High Broadband Capacity- Technological Hub
E.g. Dell + Intel
China- Manufacturing Outsourcing
SEZs- Tax Havens and Large Pool of Low-Cost Labour for TNCs
— Poor Working Conditions
Honda employees- now earn $300 a month
Hi-Tech manufacturing Booming
-Many ‘Sweatshop’ jobs- outsourced to Bangladesh- far lower Labour Costs
Mumbai- Megacity
2015- 22 million people
Large brands such as Hilton + Starbucks- present in Mumbai
Bollywood Stars + TNCs Management (TATA + Reliance)- drive up house prices in affluent areas
Dharavi- slum- 5000 employed in plastic recycling industries
— Increasing House Prices—> Increased Pressure to redevelop Dharavi- Gentrification
India—> UAE- Low-wage International Migration
Over 2 million Indian Migrants in UAE- 30% of total population
~$15 billion- Remittances to India- Annually
Most work in- Transport, Construction + Manufacturing
~1/5 of migrants- professionals in Service sector
China- Changing Diets + Cultural Change + Environment
Traditionally- Low Meat + High Vegetables
1990s China Meat Consumption- 5—> 50kg per Capita
2015- Largest Processed food Market
Livestock + Cattle Farming- Increased Methane- Greenhouse Gas
- Crops imported from around world- Feed animals
Amazon Rainforest Cleared- Soya Cultivation- Feed Chinese Cattle
Increased Population + Affluence- continue to Increase Demand
Shark-fin Soup- popular due to increased incomes- More Sharks killed
Extremism in Europe
Nationalist Parties- gaining support
Oppose Immigration + Reject Multiculturalism- embrace Facism
UK- Brexit Vote
France- 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack- due to mocking of Islam
China + North Korea- Internet Censorship
China- regulate all Media- restrict foreign social media sites
2010- Google pulled out of China- censoring of Tiananmen Square
Great Firewall of China
North Korea- no access to Internet- state controls
Todmorden- Transition Town
Much o food produce- locally grown — Reduce Food Miles Consumers + Producers aim to work together- long-term good of planet 40 Public fruit + veg gardens Regular talks + events
Rana Plaza Collapse- Ethical Consumption
2013- Rana Plaza, Dhaka- Collapse
Textiles Sweatshop- Primark
1100 Deaths
Major cracks appeared overnight- workers still sent in to complete International Orders for delivery
Accord on Fire + Building Safety- implemented in Bangladesh
San Francisco- Successful Place
1990s- focus of California ‘gold rush’
Home of Silicon Valley- high paid Tech jobs
Growth in STEM, life sciences + Digital Media jobs
Technological + Transportation Infrastructure- Multiplier Effect
However- Gentrification- displaced less affluent locals
Rust Belt- Unsuccessful Place
Deindustrialisation- e.g. Detroit
Caused Poverty, declining Population + near Bankruptcy
Previously famous for Steel + Car Production- GM Motors + Ford
— Automation, Free Trade + Global Shift- caused decline
Powys, Wales- Remote area Deprivation
46.8% of most service deprived rural communities- in Powys
Low Broadband + Mobile Phone coverage
2015- average house price- £230,076
Greenwich Peninsula- Regeneration
SE London- by Thames
Regional Connections: Trains, Crossrail, Tubes + DLR, Buses + London City Airport
Regeneration: Redevelop Peninsula, Renovate Cutty Sark + New Transport Infrastructure
Canary Wharf- attracts many young professionals
12,678 homes + 150 new shops built
Cutty Sark + National Maritime Museum- Tourist attractions
Knight Dragon (Hong Kong developer)- £500 million investment- 60% share in 10,000 homes
Emirates Cable Car- £34 million Sponsorship Deal
O2 Arena- host acts from around the world
Need fro Regeneration- Deindustrialisation- 68% of jobs lost—> Dereliction
£500 million invested into Public Green Spaces
Success: 30 new businesses entered area- Multiplier Effect
-Costs 28% greater than original budget
Hull- Regeneration
Yorkshire, East England
2013-14- 2nd highest Unemployment rate- 13.5%
2nd Worst place to live
2017- UK City of Culture
Need for Regeneration- Loss of Aluminium Manufacturing + Cod Wars- Iceland won Atlantic fishing
-Declining Population + Dereliction
Regeneration strategy: - Energy City- Biofuel + Waste treating Energy Plant- 1/3 Hull homes
- Humber Street Market—> Contemporary Arts area- Cultural + Tourism infrastructure
Train Services- Leeds, Manchester, Doncaster + Sheffield
4 airports nearby- Humberside + Manchester
Rotterdam + Zeebrugge Overnight ferry services- gateway to Europe
KCOM £60 million investment- High Speed Broadband
HS2- Investment Infrastructure + Regeneration
Links London to Birmingham, Manchester + Leeds
Key to Northern Powerhouse scheme
Reduce Geographical Immobility
But- money spent in South- less expenditure in North
Heathrow Expansion- Investment Infrastructure + Regeneration
2015- 3rd Runway to be built at Heathrow Airport
~£18.6 Billion- mostly Privately funded
Heathrow currently operating at maximum capacity- increase output
Create over 70,000 new jobs
Generate £100 Billion more for economy- Multiplier effect
However- Increased Noise Pollution + People displaced from homes
Cambridge Science Park- Attract Investment
Buildings and Infrastructure attractive to specific Industries
Universities off Research sites
Life Sciences- 3rd largest growing sector- Economically
Golden Triangle of Life Sciences- Cambridge, Oxford + Central London by 2018
China- Rural-Urban Migration
2012- 51% Urbanised
- Urbanisation expected to continue
Hukou System- designed to restrict Rural-Urban Migration to most educated
- Must be registered to House + Buy a Permit- expensive
Restricting Urban integration + Greater Stress on transport during holidays
EU- Schengen Agreement
Abolished most International Borders within EU
Free movement of Labour
UK opted out
2016- 6 countries reintroduced internal border controls
Japan- strict Borders
Declining + Ageing Population- 27% over 65
1.7% of Population- Immigrants
Language is an Issue
Closed-door Policy to Immigration- unlikely to change
Australia- strict Borders
Tiered Immigration system- skills based
70% of Immigrants accepted based on skills- fill labour shortages
Immigrants contribute 10% more per Capita to GDP than non-immigrants
Migrants offset Ageing Population
UK- Migration
After WW2- Labour shortages due to War
1948 Windrush- brought 566,000 people from Caribbean- Jamaica + West Indies
Pakistani + Indian migrants from poorer areas
Black Africans from Former Colonies
2004- 10 new countries joined EU- Increased in-migration to UK
1993-2016- 2.5 Million EU nationals in UK
2016- opposition to migration—> EU referendum
Mediterranean- Refugees
2015- over 1 Million migrants- North Africa + Middle-East—> Europe
2016- 340,000
Boats- run by smugglers- charging fees per person- interest to cram as many people
-Overloaded boats- sank at sea due to lack of safety
Mexico-USA- International Migration
Mexicans migrate Legally + Illegally- Californian farms + US cities
2015- over 11.7 Million Mexicans in USA- 28% of US Migrants
2016- Presidential Election- Trump focused on Mexican Immigration- Nationalism
Rwanda- National Borders
Berlin Conference- Germany gained control over Rwanda- Belgium gained control after WW1
Belgians favoured Tutsi over Hutu people- despite Hutus being 85% of population
1962- Hutu rebelled against Belgian + Tutsis- Gained Independence + many Tutsis fled
April 1994- Rwandan President (Hutu)- plane shot down—> Rwandan Genocide- 800,000 deaths- mostly Tutsi
July 1994- Hutu Government + 2 million refugees- fled to Zaire (DRC)
UN Security Council- stepped in to prosecute Suspects in Genocide
Ukraine + Crimea- Contested Borders
1954- Crimea transferred to Ukraine- part of USSR
Sevastopol- Russian Military base- 2010- leased to Russia until 2042 for cheaper Russian Gas
2014- Ukraine president replaced with Western Government- favoured EU + NATO membership
- Russia seized Control of Crimea- 850,000 Ukrainians fled Crimea following snap referendum
2018- Russia open Bridge connecting Crimea + Russia
Taiwan- Contested Border
Independent since 1950
China still claim Sovereignty over Taiwan- regarded as a Rebel State- do not recognise Taiwan as a Country
Successful economy- top producer of Computer Technology
India-Pakistan Partition- Independence
1700-1800- 30,000 British controlled ~500 Million Indians
1947- British Empire left India quickly- due to economic state after WW2
15 Million then moved following partition- 1 million died moving
Before Partition- Hindus majority in Mainland- Muslims split- NE + W India
Lahore- was most developed city- now in Pakistan
Nehru- Muslim Leader
Ghandi- Hindu Leader
Muslims + Hindus used to drink from different taps
Muslims split into Pakistan + Bangladesh
Vietnam- North or South
By 1850- much of SE Asia colonised by European powers- except Thailand
Vietnam, Cambodia + Laos- French Colonies = French Indochina
- Much of Agricultural land—> Plantations for: Rubber, coffee, tea, rice + tobacco
— Exported to European Colonial Power
South Sudan- new African Country
1885- Berlin Conference- European Powers- decided African Borders
Sudan- divided into North + South
-Britain + Egypt- attempted to modernise mainly Arab North
-Predominantly Black African South- left to Tribal Communities
— Britain- Divide + Rule policy—> Sudanese to go against each other than against Colonial Power
North more prosperous than South
Iran- UN Influence
Economic Sanctions- for attempting to build Nuclear Weapons
OPEC country- Iran influenced Oil prices
UN Trade Embargo- Decreased Iran GDP- 5%
Bosnia- UN Influence
1993- Bosnia- Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims
-UN designated Safe Zone- NE Bosnia- Protect Muslims by Dutch UN Peacekeepers
Bosnian-Serb forces Sieged Safe Zone- food supplies ran low—> Death
1995- Safe Zone Captured—> 8000 Males massacred
Crimea + Russia- UN Influence
Russia- seized control of Crimea
USA- sanctions on specific sectors of Russian economy
EU- dependence on Russian Oil + Gas- afraid to go too far
Russian investors moved money to secure overseas banks- $70-90 billion left Economy
- Russian currency devalued + Decreased International Credit Rating
Russia banned imported food from EU + USA- retaliation
Russia- vetoed against UN ‘territorial integrity of Ukraine’
Uganda Debt- Debt Relief
1992- Debt $1.9 Billion- unable to repay
2000- IMF + World Bank HIPC initiative- Debts written off
- Government Spending- Increased 20%- 40% more on Education + 70% more on Healthcare
-Free Primary Education introduced- 5 million more children attended school
— School Enrolment- 62%—> 93%- 2015
-20% more boys than girls in Education—> 2%- 2015
GDP- increased ~$20 Billion
Catalonia- Nationalism + Disunity within Nations
90% voted for Independence in illegal referendum- but turnout only 42.3%
Spain divided into 17 separate regions- each with its own identity
- Catalonia also has its own language
Catalonia strengthened as Spain’s democracy strengthened
Catalonia- 1/5 of Spain’s Economic output
- ~21% of Spain’s Tax Revenue- but only 6% of Land