hum semi final Flashcards
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is an alternative venue for knowing others and looking what they are doing in everyday life
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is form of crafting stories or transforming brief moments into images and symbols.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is connecting with people, understanding culture, and embodying tolerance and peace
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is not to develop the artist in us.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is it opens the door for multiple intelligences of expression
One of the major points in Soulmaking, is not an exploration and not an application of the imagination in an active way.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, an artist or artisan or even the ordinary person utilizes imagination to survive and live
One of the major points in Soulmaking, imagination is an important tool not to develop an artwork.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it takes a special skill to hold an image in thought and turn that imagination into art.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, imagination is not always dependent on the action and plays a major in art production
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it can be innate gift or a learned skill, or a combination of both.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it requires a professional artist or artisan to be involved.
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it has no time reference, it occurs anytime
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it occurs where there is engagement among the person, time, and space
One of the major points in Soulmaking, it does not varies from each individual with diverse experiences based on what are obtained but the senses
The first phase of Soul Making, “We are looking for a discipline or method that can help us live in and make sense of the world and heal the wounds of self.”
Soulmaking is about communicating as profoundly as possible with the soul, with other person, and non-human beings and with the world.
It takes us ups and throws us down, calls for the wounds we bear to be accepted, forces us to spend time livin in the darkness.
We are beginning to become an expert, an injured healer.
When we begin our journey, what we most wish is to soar.
It includes the production, by various forms and methods, of visual representation of images.
Crafting images
He or she writes down his or her own personal feedbacks like life values, deep feelings, ideas, ideals, and even high and low emotions
Crafting stories
A bridge to the unknown because it creates sounds that exceed our thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
Crafting instruments
Life is full of different rhythms.
Crafting movements
It is the artist’s reflection of his life experiences in any piece of art.
Crafting techniques
It is the activity of making or doing something not planned beforehand, using whatever can be found and in the performing arts is a very spontaneous performance without specific or scripted preparation.
He was the ultimate Renaissance man: an accomplished scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, musician, and writer.
Leonardo Da Vinci
- He introduces his book entitled, How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: 7 Steps to Genius Every Day.”
Michael Belb