Hughes & Jefferson Ch9. Markers of Cardiac and Muscle Injury and Disease Flashcards
Cytosolic enzyme that facilitates the mitochondrial transfer of high-energy phosphates from the cytoplasm.
Creatine kinase (CK)
Creatine kinase (CK) is a _______ that _______ the ________________ from the cytoplasm.
cytosolic enzyme, facilitates, mitochondrial transfer of high energy phosphates
Three potential isoenzymes of CK
True or False: CK is widely distributed but found predominantly in brain tissue.
False. CK is found predominantly in muscle.
Skeletal muscle contains approximately 99% _______ and 1% _______.
The amount of CK-MB in skeletal muscle increases during injury due to __________.
muscle fiber regeneration
Cardiac monocytes contain 20-30% _______, with the remainder being _______.
The CK-BB isoform is found in other organs such as the ________, and is not routinely measured.
Normally, ________ accounts for more than 95% of circulating CK.
The normal level of total CK is _______ in males, and _______ in females.
~55-170 U/L, ~30-135 U/L
Individuals with larger muscles typically have (higher/lower) levels of total CK.
True or False: Relative specificity of CK-MB for myocardial tissue is useful in the investigation of suspected cardiac disease.
In order to confirm a diagnosis of acute MI, a ________ increase is required with an increase in CK-MB fraction.
So, if normal CK-MB level is roughly 0-5 ng/mL, CK-MB level in acute MI is ________.
2-fold, >9 ng/mL
The ratio of CK-MB to total CK can also be measured to determine cardiac disease.
What ratio of CK-MB to total CK suggests a cardiac source?
> 2.5
CK levels usually increase by _______ following MI, peak at ________, and fall to normal by ________.
4-6 hrs, 18-24 hrs, 36-48 hrs
Common markers of MI (4)
Creatine Kinase (total and CK-MB)
Troponins (cTnI, cTnT)
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
True or False: CK alone is enough to diagnose a small MI or a microinfarct. Moreover, CK levels increase during an episode of angina or pericarditis.
False. CK is not as sensitive as troponins and may not detect a small MI with limited myocardial injury or microinfarct.
CK levels also do not increase during episodes of angina or pericarditis.