Hueh. Akkad. Ls. 4 Flashcards
balāṭum (G Pret; Inf usage; VAdj, base)
(Pret ibluṭ) to live, be alive, be healthy; to get well, recover; (the Infinitive is used as a noun) life; Verbal Adj. balṭum (base baliṭ-) alive, healthy, safe
gamārum (G Pret; VAdj, base)
(Pret igmur) to bring to an end; to annihilate; to use up; to settle; to encompass, control; to finish (doing: ina + INF); to come to an end; Verbal Adj. gamrum (gamir-) finished, settled; complete, entire, full (may follow another adj.: šamnum ṭābum gamrum, the entire (amount of) fine oil
kanākum (G Pret; VAdj, base)
(Pret iknuk) to seal; to place under seal; Verbal Adj. kankum (kanik-) sealed, under seal
maḫārum (G Pret; VAdj, base)
(Pret imḫur) to accept, receive (from someone: itti or ina qātim ša); to approach, meet, confront; īnam ša X maḫārum, to please X (e.g., īnam ša šarrim tamḫur, you pleased the king); Verbal Adj. maḫrum (maḫir-) received
šalāmum (G Pret; VAdj, base)
(Pret išlim) to become whole, sound, well, uninjured, safe; to recover; to arrive safely; to succeed, prosper; to be completed; Verbal Adj. šalmum (šalim-) whole, sound, well, safe, in good condition, intact, complete, favorable
ox, bull
eṭlum (Pl)
(pl. like an adjective: eṭlūtum) young man, youth
napištum (Pl)
(pl. napšātum) life, vigor, good health; person; personnel; self; throat
oil, fat
beer, intoxicating liquid
damqum (base, verb)
(base damiq-; Verbal Adj. of damāqum) good, of good quality; beautiful; favorable; expert; fem. damiqtum, good(ness), favor, luck; fame
dannum (base, verb)
(base dann-; Verbal Adj. of danānum) strong, solid; mighty, powerful; fortified; fierce, savage, severe, difficult; urgent; (substantivized fem.) dannatum, famine, hard times; fortress
ḫalqum (base, verb)
(base ḫaliq-; Verbal Adj. of ḫalāqum) escaped; missing, lost