Hubbard: Fatigue Flashcards
What is fatigue?
Difficulty initiating or maintaining voluntary mental/physical activity.
- Its important to distinguish fatigue from what?
- How is this done?
Perform a ROS to distinguish fatigue from;
- True muscle weakness
- Excessive sleepiness
- Exercise intolerance
What are common benign disorders that cause fatigue?
- Psych diseases (depression and anxiety)
- Neuro disease (patients may “feel weak” ; MC = MS)
- Sleep disorders
- Liver and kidney dissease
- like everythinggg fuck
What type of fatigue can occur before a migraine?
Episodic fatigue before the migraine
- Describe the fatigue in Obstructive sleep apnea
- How do we evaluate to diagnose?
- Excessive daytime sleepiness + fatigue
- Overnight polysomnography, esp in those snoring, obesity, other RF
Fatigue + true muscle weakness + hair loss + dry skin + cold intolerance
= Dx?
Fatigue + sweating + palpitations + heat intolerance
= Dx?
MC drugs to cause fatigue
- 1. Antidepressants
- 2. Antipsychotics
- 3. Anxiolytics
- 4. Opiates
- 5. Antispasticity
- 6. Antiseizure meds
- 7. Beta blockers
Cardiopulm causes of Fatigue
1. CHF
Common malginant causes of fatigue
- 1. Leukemia/lymphoma
- 2. Plasma cell disorders
- 3. Metastatic solid tumors
- 4. Paraneoplastic disorders
- 5. Secondary hematologic causes (anemia)
1st step in diagnosing fatigue
History and context of onset: OOOLDCAAARTS
- Demographics/ethnicity
- Menstrual status
- Diet
- Social status/living conditons
- PE
If fatigue + bleeding (GI/GU/mucocutaneous), what are DDx?
- GI/GU = Defective clotting factors
- Mucocutaneous = platelet disorders
Fatigue + dyspnea.
What is the DDx?
- 1. Pleural effusion
- 2. Pericaridal effusion
- 3. Anemia
- 4. LAD
- 5. Constrictive pericardial disease
Fatigue + petachiae and purpura on PE.
Thrombocytopenia: TTP, HUS, DIC
Fatigue + hemarthrosis
= Dx?
Severe hemophilia
Fatigue + telangiectasias
= DDx
CT disease or Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasias
Disorders that cause
↓ reticulocyte count
Non-hemolytic processes
- Iron-deficiency anemia
- Anemia of Chronic Disease
- Aplastic Anemia
- Chronic Kidney Disease (renal failure)
- Chronic diseases and marrow infiltration
- Megaloblastic Anemia (Vit B12/folate deficiency)
Disorders that cause
↑ reticulocyte count
Hemolysis (↑ destruction)
- PK
- Hereditary Spherocytosis
- G6PD
- Spherocytosis
- Sickle Cell Anemia/HbC
- Infection: Malaria, Babesia, Bartonella
- March Hemoglobinuria/Sports & Cardiac Anemia
- Lead/copper poisoning
- Portal HTN
If a patient presents with anemia, what is the most important work-up you should perfom?
If you were on a deserted island and could perform 1 test, what test would you perform?
Reticulocyte count:
- Benefit = tells you how well BM is working/responding
- Drawback = only a snapshot of what the BM is doing at that time; have to make sure if patient is on any medications to tx anemia
What are reticulocyte counts in the following disorders?
- Iron deficiency anemia
- low
Patient has
- ↓ reticulocyte count
- Problems with proliferation/distribution of stem cells
Aplastic anemia
Patient has
- ↓ reticulocyte count
- Problems with the proliferation/distribution of erythroid progenitor cells
Chronic kidney disease (decreased EPO production)
Patient has
- ↓ reticulocyte count
- Problem with DNA synthesis
Megaloblastic anemia (B12/folate deficiency)
Patient has
- ↓ reticulocyte count
- Problem with Hb synthesis
____ reticulocyte count in chronic disease and diseases with marrow infiltration
- decreased
Iron-deficiency Anemia
- Clinical Presentation
- Labs
- Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
- Labs
- ↓ iron
- ↓ ferritan
- ↑ TIBC (transferrin is less saturated with iron & ↑ capacity for transporting iron exists)
- ↓ percent saturation
Anemia of Chronic Disease
- Therapy?
- Iron suppliments = NOT effective
- Mild anemia (Hb 10-12) = supportive care only
- Severe anemia = transfusions to keep Hb >9gm
Patient has
- ↑ reticulocyte count (↑ production of RBC)
- Membrane defects or
- Enzyme deficiency
- Membrane defects = heriditary spherocytosis
- Enzyme deficiency = G6PD deficiency
Patient has
- ↑ reticulocyte count (↑ production of RBC)
- Mechanical
- Chemical/physical
- Mechanical = March hemoglobinuria/ sports & cardiac anemia
- Chemical/physical = lead/copper poisoning
Patient has
- ↑ reticulocyte count (↑ production of RBC)
- Infection
- Ab-acquired
- Malaria
- Babesia
- Bartonella
Patient has
- ↑ reticulocyte count (↑ production of RBC)
- Hypersplenism
Portal HTN
What is March hemoglobinuria?
- Damage/lysis to RBCs in capillaries on plantar feet due to striking ur feet (marathon runners)
- AKA: Sports anemia/foostrike hemolysis
- Treat: well-padded footwear and reassurance
What is Cardiac Anemia?
Ongoing lysis of RBC in patients with severe aortic stenosis (valve gradient > 50mmHg) and prosthetic valves
Refer to SBL Test 1 Brainscape/SG for:
- G6PD deficiency
- Polycythemia vera
- Paraxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Lead poisoning causes what?
Interferes with cation pump, causing shortened RBC survival time and slows production of RBC in marrow.
MCC of hemolytic anemia in the world?
What does it cause?
- Causes
- Severe hemolysis
- Blackwater fever = dark urine d/t alot of Hb.
- Treatment
- Antimalarial agents
Treatment of Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia (warm AB hemolysis)
- Most patients not in sudden danger
- Treatment = high dose steroids (mainstay tx); remissions last long
- Cyclophosphamide and Azathioprine
- If chronic steroid use is required = splenectomy
Symptoms/signs of Polycythemia Vera
- Facial rubor
- Hyperviscosity signs (HA, dizziness, blurred vision, heavy arms/legs)
- Itchy after hot shower
- Splenomegaly
- Budd-Chiari syndrome
No treatment in PV causes what?
MCC of death?
- 50% mortality at 18months
- Cause of death = pancytopenia due to progressive marrow fibrosis (“spent phase”).
What are other causes of elevated RBC counts that can be a DDx in PV?
- EPO producing tumors = RCC, Neuroendocrine tumors
- Hemoglobinopathy with high affinity Hb (holds O2 more tightly => ischemia to tissues => increased RBC mass)
- Living at high altitude => hypoxia d/t decrease FiO2.
W/U for Polycythemia Vera
- CBC/biochemical profile
- Exclude other caues of hemoconcentration: is pt dehydrated/ BUN/Cr = NL?
- Exclude ABNL EPO levels
- Excluse ABNL lung function (Pulse ox with ABG if ABNL; high carboxyhemoglpbin); PFT with DLCO (tests lung function and performance)
When both found, what is indicative of Polycythemia Vera?
JAK2 kinase muation (V617F) + NL EPO level
Treatment of Polycythemia Vera
Lower RBC mass to avoid hyperviscoity
- Phlebotomy of 250-500cc whole blood q 1-2 weeks as long as Hct >50%. Do this q 6-12 weeks.
- 500-1500 mg/d of Hydroxyurea
- Do not use alkylating agents (busulfan/chlorambucil) d/t risk of therapy related leukemia)
- NL reticulocyte count
- NL Hb for women
- 1%
- 11-13
- 180-250
What weird feature do you see in iron-deficiency anemia?
Craving for crunchy shit/ice cravings = pagophagia
What is erythromalagia?
Pain in digits, MC due to essential thrombocytopenia
What causes fatigue in hematology malignancies?
Anemia + cytokine release
What test is done to estrablish semiquantitavely the degree of debility in someone with a malignancy?
Why is it done?
Performance status (PS) = determine the tolerance to cytotoxic therapy and evaluating the effects of therapy.
Performance status Grades 0-5
- 0 = Full active, can carry on all pre-disease performance without restriction
- 1 = restricted in physically strenous activity, but can walk and do light work (office work/light housework)
- 2 = ambulatory and capable of self, but cant to any work activities; up and about >50% of waking hours
- 3 = Only self-limited care; confined to bed or chair more than 50% of waking hours
- 4= completely disabled; cannto carry on any self-care; totally confined to bed/chair
- 5 = dead
If patient has “fever of unknown origin”, think _____